
Saturday 28 February 2015


DRATZO, I am back. Out family trip to Sydney for a reunion went very smoothly but exhausting. For many days before the journey, I had been doing intense creative- meditation to ensure a safe, smooth and incident-free trip and it turned out to be exactly as I created, with some adventure thrown in. However, little did I know I was put to a test. I wish to relate how I “passed” this test with flying colours. We were at the airport prior to a connecting flight to Sydney and I noticed a young man carrying his son of about 3 years old and both the husband and wife looked so worried and frantic. When the man found an empty sofa, he put his son there but still looked so worried. The little boy didn’t even moved while lying on the sofa. I thought the boy was fast asleep but the worried parents tell me something is wrong with the boy. The body language of the parents tell me that something serious is happening and I decided to find out and try help them if possible. I am usually never a busy body by the way. So I passed the first part of the “test”. I approached them to ask if anything was wrong with the boy and the man said his son is having pneumonia perhaps with difficulty in breathing as well. I told them to let me examine the boy and see if I can help. The couple looked at each other, unsure if it was a good idea to allow a complete stranger to examine their son but soon after telling them who I am, plus that there will be no charge at all, they allowed me. (I will have to reveal that I am a medical physician). They were from China and were making a connecting flight to another place. I examined the little boy and he made no resistance at all, just opening his eyes to look at me. Indeed he needed some medical attention but since I have some medications with me whenever I travel, I could treat him but limited to what I just have, which I knew is rather inadequate. Then I asked for permission to give him some energy healing. This time the parents were more hesitant but after explaining that it is like giving “Qi” as in Qigong, they understood better and gave me permission. Actually I will be giving some Reiki and energy healing Codes from Archangel Raphael which I had only recently obtained. I proceeded with the healing and then gave the man some antibiotics. Before we could finish another sentence, the boy opened his eyes, gave a good stretch of his body, and jumped up from the sofa! The parents were very surprised and I actually nearly fainted! Never had I seen such quick recovery in those I gave only Reiki healing. However in my 3 other cases where I combined with Healing Codes, the healing came fast but this case was exceptional in the speed of recovery and that the boy was in actual need of a hospital treatment. The kid then started to run around and asked for food and drinks. So I passed my second part of ‘The Test”. The parents thanked me profusely. We then continued to go catch our Flight. OR NI TOR FOR. (My next posting, later, will be about the “Sydney Spirit”).

Monday 16 February 2015


I shall be leaving for Australia soon for a Family Reunion and will be back posting again much later. In the interim, why not go back to Archives and catch up with my older postings? Happy Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CAI to all. OR NI TOR FOR.

Thursday 12 February 2015


Yes, I have the information but rather you read it yourself when Putin releases sensitive Russian satellite information ON THE REAL TRUTH BEHIND 9/11 (CIA, Mossad and Saudi). Release is imminent. The downfall of USA will begin, and sooner than I expected. Nothing can remain hidden when the Light, in increasing intensity, showers down from The Great Central Sun, Alcyone. OR NI TOR FOR.

Friday 6 February 2015


Many folks are still unaware of things to come. Some are in denial mode. Still others are so blind and oblivious to the truth. Our world of 3D is coming to a conclusion. This world is the most dense in our part of Creation. We are indeed brave souls to be incarnated here. Many live a life of deceit and lies, accompanied by hate, greed, lust, murders and other heinous crimes. It is a world of discord, demonic and darkness. This is accompanied by climatic changes, an esoteric consequence of human thoughts and action like greed, corruption and care less attitude with regards to the environment, fauna and flora. Mother Earth has had enough and needs to cleanse itself of all the negativities, transmuting the negativity by way of a backlash of Nature – floods, rising sea levels from Arctic meltdown thus destroying many coastal cities and towns. Rains fall where it is not expected and drought in areas that used to have heavy rainfall. Strong winds, hurricanes and tornadoes increased in ferocity never seen before, earthquakes, seaquakes, tsunamis, avalanches, mud slides will add to human miseries and lives lost. Heavy snowstorms, blizzards and hailstorms becoming more common while fires too make their appearance. Human behaviour too are becoming bizarre- suicides, mass murders, sexual assaults, depression, psychotic and paranoid moods abound. Politicians continue to plunder the country’s resources unabated and in full glare. Yet the brainwashed and down trodden citizens still think their leaders will save them and keep voting them to be in power. But things will change when the citizens are awaken from their slumber. Then will they realize how much power they actually have. Many are like the circus lions, at the crack of the trainer’s whip, the lions will obey. Once the lions know how powerful they are, where with one bite they can break the skull of the trainer’s, then the circus lions will realize they had been taken for a ride all the while and obeying a really weak human. Yes many citizens in almost all countries are being lied, tricked, cheated and instilled with fear to control them. Actually the technology for free energy for the masses is available but the invention was suppressed.(The inventors finally died under mysterious circumstances. One famous scientist was the great Nicola Tesla). Imagine there being no need for petrol or diesel and you can run your vehicles on free energy and no electricity bills either. Who will lose and who will gain? Then the other big lie is from the pharmaceutical companies. Cancer actually can be cured but again the cure is being kept from the many so that they need to spend on the “treatment’. Religion is also a big lie, or being twisted to control the masses. I tell you, when Truth comes forth, many “religious” people will not be able to take it. I foresee many committing suicide when they come to know the lies they were told. Anyway, many have already been suicidal, even with the lies! Now I take you to the next level- have you ever wondered how evil some humans are? It really defies logic. Now I tell you that some humans are not of this world. I need to correct this – some humans are from the Draco alien hybrids. This explains why they are so evil and cruel. They do not have the human’s welfare at heart. Actually Humans are a mixed lot as far as their origins are concerned. Our DNA has at least permutations and combinations of minimum 7 alien races, excluding that of the Draco Reptilians. These true blood Draconians are the ones that are most recalcitrant. They were given a lot of chances to change (God loves all his children, you see) but they refused. Many of their minions, their foot soldiers, have turned to a new leaf, some becoming whistle blowers. So the Divine has a Plan- when the Time comes, these recalcitrant ones will either just self- combust/destruct or they just disappear into thin air, their souls being quarantined in a harsh world just for them and they have to wait for another 26,000 years for a new chance to come their way. There is yet another Divine Plan. To accelerate the upgrading of Earth to 5th Dimension and the defeat of the Cabal, soul walk-ins will occur. The dark soul will be replaced by highly evolved souls that are of the Light. This Plan cuts down time greatly to effect the changes, as these souls need not have to reincarnate. In fact, reincarnation is being phased out, as it has already served its purpose in our 3D world. And it is not a full proof plan either because many who had missions to fulfil had been led astray or forgot their missions. Soul walk – ins circumvent all these. So we may see a family member who is so stubborn and against everyone, suddenly becoming more friendlier, with a great change in attitude for the better. Or one of the most stupid and racist politician suddenly become the opposite. I was told there had been a great influx of soul walk-ins. Some may say that it seems nothing is happening but in actual fact, the amount of activities unseen by us had been tremendous. Like recently the Resistance Movement had managed to dismantle the strangelet bombs planted by the Cabal. These tiny devices are much more powerful than any nuclear bomb of today. This being done, the Light Forces are now free to put their next act into action and the BRICS nation will forge ahead with their plans. Previously I had mentioned that a World War is being held back by Russia although the Nato Nations were piling pressure upon pressure to create one. However, with the latest information that I received, I think we maybe in the brink of an all out war. Things are happening so fast that any intel that I could get maybe out- dated 24 hrs later. As far as the Red Dragon Family is concerned I had a break through recently. For some time I knew of their existence but had no reliable confirmation but just last week, I had a near direct confirmation about their existence and activities. Some latest info about them really surprised even me. OR NI TOR FOR. ………………..