For better insight of present times,read my Book "Escape to the Fifth Dimension" - a fast paced action advnture where Truth is weaved with Fiction. Order from -
Monday, 24 December 2012
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I now come out of my Hermitage to wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Many of us had waited for 26,925 years for this date in History. Well everyone knows about the Mayan Calendar, and ceremonies will take place in many present day Mayan communities. Doomsday Preppers may go to their underground hideouts but many Taoists will celebrate their Winter Solstice, like every 21st December for hundreds of years with the making of small rice flour balls in sweet soup.
As for me, after eating the traditional delicacy, I shall retire to my hermitage in contemplation, especially between 10.10 am to 11.11am. Then I shall greet the New World!!
Many who know me asked for some special advice or prayers. So, I am giving my readers two prayers, take your pick!
1) OR NI TOR FOR – x 3
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Indeed it was a great tragedy to befall in Newtown, USA. Could it have been avoided? I don’t think so. It was a day destined to be bad and this is a Fengshui point of view. Let me explain. For this Year, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke) is Water- Dragon and those born in the year 2006, Year of Fire- Dog is at total Clash with the Water-Dragon and 16 of the victims were born in that year. The day of the tragedy was on Friday 14th and if it occurred on Saturday 15th, it would have been even a bigger tragedy because it is a Year Breaker Day in the Tong Shu book, meaning another clash with the Tai Sui. Anyway, on Saturday the rest of the world were told the bad news. On the same day, in China, a man knifed 22 primary school children, luckily, with no casualties . Talking about bad fengshui energies!
However, more forces were at work, as many survivors were also at the same age as the victims. Those that survived the ordeal were simply not meant to die. On a higher level of thinking, Souls had already agreed to a ‘contract” how their lives will be before reincarnating- who their parents will be and where they are to be born. In this line of thinking, then the victims’ Souls must have planned for such in order to effect a lesson for America. It seems that these brave Souls will achieve their goal and we hope the US Government will make the right decision.
There is no death in reality as Souls live on and are immortal. Taoists, Hindus and Buddhists knew this for a long time, that death is an Illusion. What amazes me and which I can’t explain is the fact that 2 tragedies had the same name- Sandy, the super-storm and now Sandy Hook Elementary School. I know that Sandy Hurricane was the work of forces beyond nature with some motive to hurt America and what happened in Sandy Hook will again have a great impact on USA. The truth about the shooting must be told, as there are just too many questions about news reports that are conflicting.
I know that what I write will not comfort any of the relatives of those who were victims, yet I hope they will be able to see a silver of ray in this time of changing energies, especially prior to 21st Dec, 2012. OR NI TOR FOR – is my prayer for those innocent lives lost.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
My heart pains on knowing what happened in Sandy Hook school, Connecticut, USA. I shall write something later, but first a prayer to all those in pain and deep hurt. Please, my readers from USA, try to let the survivors and parents of those affected hear the Bells! With Love and Metta
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
WELCOME 12/12/2012 AND 21/12/2012 !
I had just finished my circuit of Talks and I must say that they were all very successful. I am happy to share the information I have to as many people as possible in most trying conditions. Now I shall mention some points here for my loyal readers.
So many experts, so much talk on the subject and so many confused people. Indeed I do have information overload myself. Let me brief you with my point of view on the matter.
The Whole Cosmos are keeping a watch on our Blue Planet because what will happen has never happened anywhere before in the entire Universe, ie the mass expansion of Human Conscousness, or as Lightworkers call it Ascension. Everything must evolve, nothing is static, and our Earth (Gaia) has decided to shift to the 5th Dimension. We, her inhabitants, have no choice but to follow suite or be left behind in the 3D world. The whales and dolphins had already crossed over as are the plant and other animal, insect Kingdoms. Preparations had actually begun many years ago and the energy grids of Earth were activated, with each eclipse of the Sun and Moon, as well as the energy points situated in places like Stonehenge, Mt Shasta, Pyramids of Giza, Lake Titicaca, Easter Island, etc. The Earth Kundalini had been activated, signified by the shadow play of the Pyramid in Kukulkan and its twisting and winding journey will lead it to Peru from Tibet and China. It was the Mayas (and many other Native Tribes the world over) who actually understood the significance of the Kundalini’s Journey because it was nearly stuck at Panama and would have caused great disasters if it had not reached it’s new resting place in Peru, where new spiritual leaders will be born. These Elders conducted various ceremonies and prayers for the safe journey of Mother Earth’s Kundalini.
Our Sun had been very active with the Solar Flares, which in fact are bursts of Divine energy radiating out to all Planets. Along with these Flares, energy codes were released to structure and prepare the Human DNA for the 5th Dimension, basically changing the double strands to be 12 stranded, to represent the 12 Dimensions available.
Those of the Dark Forces, with Service to Self attitudes were doing all they can to stop this change to 5th Dimension, a place that will no longer support dark and negative energies, but they have failed. At the moment, there are no more hostile Grays, Annunaki or Reptilians around but benevolent Star Brothers and Sisters from Pleides, Arcturus, Sirius and so on. However human representatives and clones of the negative Aliens do exist. These still believe that they can overcome the Light as they viewed non- existent Timelines of the future, thus misleading their beliefs. The experiment with duality is to be stopped and there will be no repeat of Atlantis. All Time Lines will be One.
Many of the Souls of Atlantis had reincarnated into today’s Timeline but they had repeated their mistakes and they will be removed for “Souls that behave like cancer cells will be dealt as such” as the Arcturian Ra said.
That there will be a great alignment of planets (Earth aligns with the Galactic Core of Milky Way) come this 21st Dec, 2012 is an astronomical fact and the appearance of Nibiru will confirm of huge events to come. Magnetic and Pole shifts will occur with enormous effects. The last shift was 41,000 years ago. The next Phase will be on 13.10.4772, ie 2,760 years from now. These had been planned since the day our planet was created. So we should welcome and look forward for the huge surge in Divine Energy that will bombard our Blue Planet. On 12/12/12 and for 9 days onwards, we should meditate, meditate and meditate whenever time permits. All of us alive today had been waiting for the great energy to shine and for the first time, 7 Nodes or Gates of Heaven are opened at the same time for this surge of energy. It marks the end of Darkness.
Fear has absolutely no role to play and so Fear not. Observe, stay centred and grounded and let your Hearts rule your Head. Be like Jet Lee in the Kung Fu movie ‘Fearless”! If you can, go to the Sacred Place and Tiny Space in your Heart. Now take a look at the video below for more detailed explanations. And oh, MERRY CHRISTMAS /OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
{This is an excellent example of cooperation between diverse cultures- video with English sub-titles}
Begitu gembira hati saya apabila saya di beri tahu kumpulan Tzu Chi cawangan Indonesia dapat menolong ramai pendudok di sana melalui project yang kebesar- besaran. Ini ada lah satu contoh yang amat baik berkenaan dengan dua agama yang berlainan. Malang nya, saya tiada dapat memberi contoh bagini di negeri saya sendiri.
Dunia sekarang ada lah di bahagikan kepada banyak kaum dan jika kaum- kaum tersebut tidak menolong antara satu dengan lain, timbul lah masa’alah. Kumpulan Tzu Chi sudah lama mempunyai nama yang harum dan baik di merata rata tempat cawangan nya di bena. Tetapi apa yang saya menengok di Indonesia, saya betul- betul berdoa semangat ini akan lagi terus di besar-besarkan. Syabas Indonesia
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
I know many folks do not read any Newspapers and this News is especially for them. But it is very important that I have to let my readers know the implications. It was reported in an interview on Channel Two Television with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he is ready to order a strike on Iran’s Nuclear facilities ‘if necessary”. And as early as 2010 Defence Minister Ehud Barak had given orders to prepare an attack against Iranian nuclear sites.
Actually I had known many months ago of developments to this effect and now it is becoming very closely true. I had known massive Israeli troop movements months ago and the timing of this announcement after the Elections in the USA where Obama wins a Second Term was part of the design. Any Country that is drawn in this dispute will suffer badly and many souls will be harvested. Looks like we should all meditate for Peace and Harmony and if 144,000 of us participate, it will have enough Energy to dissipate the looming war. Meditate I must!
(I shall lead my Singaporean group to such a Meditation this Saturday)
There was no way I could escape this assignment to Singapore – a group of Singaporeans had engaged me to give my Talk on things Esoteric. Although there were obstacles after obstacles, this group of determined Singaporeans made it possible at the last moment. As this is a very private group, I am not able to extend the invitation.
I think they are the luckiest because of the information I will give in my Talk. Heaven had allowed me to speak and there will be another round in early December in my own country. I am having very little time to rest from this month on.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
My words can’t express my sympathies for the people of Eastern USA who were hit by Hurricane Sandy. Such devastation, mayhem and disorder. This had also affected Haiti and the Caribbean. And the loss of precious lives too. But elsewhere, it is also not a rosy picture because there was a minor earthquake in Philippines, and a Cyclone is heading to Chennai, India and few days ago, Vietnam was hit by a ferocious storm. Where the weather is fine, communal riots had occurred in Myanmar and Indonesia today (31/10/2012). My sources had said there will be something big occurring in October but I did not take it seriously when nothing much happened until a few days ago.
Over here in my Island, Buddhist and Taoist Temples had their own sessions of intense prayers for world peace and stability. The respective Chief Monks did not say much, just asked the devotees to ‘come let us pray”. The Monk from the local Hills came down to the town to buy provisions from a friend of mine and his parting words was “just be prepared”.
Just a few days back, I had connected with Mother Earth, Gaia, in a prayer and had several spiritual experiences. The best was, I found my long lost Crystal back! Although I don’t have a Crystal Skull, I know my Crystal will play an important role from now on. I lost it for about 5 years. Crystals come from deep in the Earth, and are conscious entities. They are known to disappear and reappear by themselves. I await more experiences.
So today I just want to remind all my friends that events will now be speeded up and has to occur before 21st Dec, 2012. “Just be prepared”. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!
Monday, 29 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
It all seems so quiet and normal now, but really, do enjoy what is left of our 3D world as things may change so much soon. There are tremendous energies being beamed to Earth (and all the Planets) and those who are sensitive will feel it. Like I do. Some of these symptoms are being very tired, insomnia, skin allergies, dizziness, body aches and pains and so on. I have been prompted too give more information as main stream newspapers will never publish it. What the media don’t say does not mean everything is status quo, far from it. In fact Earthquakes had been downgraded in intensity so as not to alarm people.
I had noticed quite a number of my readers come from a neighbouring country all of a sudden since I posted my latest blog “Survival Tips for December 2012”. This had given me encouragement to reveal more. So here goes –
Actually a very important date not well known outside the circle of Truth Seekers is 12/12/2012. Between 12th Dec, 2012 and 21st Dec 2012 is the crucial point in Time. Remember the Mayan end date of 21st Dec, 2012 is the completion of a Cycle. Everything would be decided by then. All Time Lines will converge on 12/12/12 and what this means is that all permutations and combinations of events will converge at that one date in Time. In other words all possibilities will be energized and be played out for all, according to their choice in this Planet of Free Will.
In the mean time, I strongly suggest that we engage in high vibrational activities like meditation, prayers and to radiate Love and Light. The key is to ask for help and guidance from the Enlightened Ones, and ask you must! Ever since I had asked Thoth to show me the Truth, I had been given access to many Sources.
I am the Tao Hermit and I have spoken my piece.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
I had refrained from writing about the Mayan 21st Dec, 2012 prophecy here because after all no one really knows what is in store for Humanity although I had done serious research on the topic and even had been invited to give 2 such Talks from the knowledge I had gained. I am thus the local expert on the topic. Today I can no longer withhold what I know and am doing my small part to explain what is in store for Humanity.
I was quite disappointed in that I was not able to reach out more people (although both talks were full houses) and thus I am putting forth some news here to my readers, which is world wide. I shall not bore you with information over load but to inform what I discovered myself.
The Mayans never said it is the end of the World. However, it is the end of a Cycle but the New Cycle will be one hell of a new one. Nothing remains static, that is for sure. The new Cycle however will involve the entire Universe. Many changes had even occurred in Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and our Sun itself, so Earth will be no exception. There is just going to be a huge jump in dimension, consciousness and reality as we know it. More Truths will be released that will make many dizzy with what will be revealed. When Truth arrives, Lies retreat. One of the latest salvo is that it had just been discovered that Jesus was mention as ‘married” in a piece of papyrus written in Coptic that mention ‘…Jesus said to them, My wife…” as released by Havard Divinity School. From the sources that I have, I can even add on to say that his wife was the Mary Magdalene.
As usual, the “experts” came to discredit the discovery and the best they can say was the document is a fake. I tell you, Science can sometimes be bullshit. Anyway the coming shift in December has a lot of talk on Mother Earth going into 5th Dimension, some say she will be in the 4th Dimension first and so on. My own interpretation is that the shift is inevitable but logic will say that it will be in the 4th Dimension first and then graduate to 5th later. On this account I agree with Drunvalo Melchizedek. When Mother Earth shifts in Dimension (because She too has to evolve) her inhabitants have no choice but to do so. However it is a problem only for us Humans. The Animal and Plant Kingdom have no issues. Many ‘extinct” animal/plant species had actually shifted to the other Dimension already. The beaching of whales and dolphins of recent years are due to their decision to shift, by leaving their physical forms behind.
For humans, we have a choice of either to follow Mother Earth or to remain in the 3rd Dimension (which is now). Those who choose to remain and continue to experience duality will be given a new 3D world (somewhere) while those who want to evolve in their Consciousness, will follow Mother Earth to the 4th Dimension, which is of a higher frequency. And for the first time in the History of the entire Cosmos, the shift allows these humans to retain their physical bodies, ie they need not “die”. This method and the mass shift, had never happened before and so we are being keenly watched very carefully by all other Beings of higher Consciousness.
To shift, all Karma has to be dissolved, as no such baggage can be allowed in the 4th Dimension. This conforms with the Law of One, which governs the new Golden Age. Therefore all debris, karma needs to be cleared, and this means either one survives the process or succumb to it. Many changes have and will continue to take place in our bodies in anticipation of the shift, like our DNA will be 12 stranded in conformity with all the 12 Dimensions.
Very recently, the descendants of the Mayans and their Shamans, together with the 7 Root Races of the World, had conducted ceremonies to help ease the Transition at their sacred sites. They prayed for all of us! And MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of Pleidian and Arcturian origin will be releasing the Codes in appropriate time, for the Transition, activating all the 144,000 Energy grids that cover our Planet. Shamans from the Native American people had advised us to wear clear Quartz crystals for being in sync with the new Energies. The only other extraterrestrial origin Crystal Skull is called Sha-Na-Ra and it shall also play its role.
Planet Nebiru, now obscured by our Sun, will fly by at or around 21st Dec, 2012 and our 5th Dimensional allies are working as best as they can, not to allow it to fly by too near us so as to minimise the destructive effects.
The old low energy vibration will no longer be supported after 21st Dec, and thus people who still cling on to these negative, low energy behaviours will not be around. These are the last days of Kali Yuga, so enjoy every second!
So, my friends what do you think? I know there are plenty of sceptics who have a lot of things to say and I have no interest to argue with them nor try to change their minds. I was as troubled as any of you with the knowledge of impending planetary changes, and quite a sceptic myself until my direct discovery of what will happen. Thus from my research, meditation and esoteric sources, I have this to say –
a) I have a long relationship with the I Ching and I do divination by this method. However I was shaken to my bones when I came to know that computer analysis of the I Ching revealed the same end- point as the Mayan Calendar, 21, Dec 2012! The difference only a few days from each other. The I Ching never lies.
b) My meditation master, a Ch’an Buddhist, revealed information that is too frightening to mention here. This was only told to her closets disciples. It shook me to my core. Ch’an Buddhism is the Father of Zen Buddhism.
c) Tsunami can be caused by volcanic activity in the seabed but this time around there can be another unheard of cause- that Atlantis will rise again. And when this huge land mass rise up, water will be displaced and rush as tsunami of great proportions to nearby areas. So, America- beware! [ If you have issues about the reality of Atlantis, then you are in kindergarten class as far as esoteric science is concerned]
d) Don’t be too happy if nothing happens by Dec, 2012. The ‘excitement’ can extend to 2014 and 2016! According to Native American Shamans, there will be 3 waves of great events that will harvest many souls.
e) As I mentioned earlier, it is the end of a Cycle, meaning a new one will begin. So it has to happen. When I tell my friends about this, almost 90% say it is nonsense. But like clockwork, this Cycle lasts 5,125 years and so far only 5 Generations in the last 26,000 years had experienced it. This is the 6th Cycle. It all began in 3114 BC, the start of the Mayan Calendar.
I am the Tao Hermit and in the not too distant future, I will go back into my Hermitage to Welcome the New Cycle.
If I were you, wherever you are on Earth or Gaia as she is known among us esoteric students, I will take some precautions to store up supplies and to help you, this List below can be used as a guide. Modify and adapt it to your own needs. It is for a 2 week supply but best to work out for a 3-4 months emergency supply. Replenish before their expiry dates. Anyway, if nothing occurs and Life goes on as usual, you may still consume it yourself or donate to the poor!
1. Food – canned sardines, tuna, pork – 7 tins per pax
Biscuits – 2 kg/pax
Instant noodles – 14/pax
Dried nuts, fruits
Grains, oats – non-GMO only
Honey (it keeps for very long periods beyond expiry dates)
2. Water - Drinking - 14 litres/pax
3. Toilet paper - 4 rolls/pax
4. Stove with gas canisters/ gas cylinders
5. Torchlight – with plenty of batteries/ mechanical type
6. Radio
7. Tents
8. Sleeping bag – 0ne/pax
9. Ropes
10. Towel – 1/pax
11. First Aid Kit
12. Whistle
13. Medicine supply
14. Cling wrap/ plastic bags
15. Candles
16. Matches/ Lighters
17. Swiss Knife, Rambo dagger
18. Back pack – 1 each
19. Water purifying tabs/ system
20. Pet food, if applicable
I hope the video below will explain further
Saturday, 13 October 2012
My Friends,
In a few days' time, I shall post a long commentary on Dec 21st, 2012 and I hope as many of you will read it because I have important messages to convey. This commentary is a nutshell of the plethora of information available which can be very confusing to the novice and so I hope my article will help and so save your time surfing the Net.
Selamat Jai!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Dratzo! I am back.
I had always wanted some solid evidence about the safety of GM foods but it was only recently that evidence was finally available and so I take the opportunity to warn my readers of the dangers of these GM foods. In a nutshell, we have all been conned by the GM scientists and businessmen. They can be called “the Cabal” in today’s nomenclature.
Initially, the scientists promised that GM foods are food of the future and the advantages being-
a) Growing more food in limited land, thus avoiding famine
b) No need to use pesticides as these GM plants are resistant to many plant diseases and pests
c) Just as good as the usual food, if not even better
d) Saves production costs for farmers, maximising their profits
However all the above was just a lie, a con job. Their objective was to finally replace all natural crops with GM plants in the world thus monopolising the entire food industry and make billions of dollars. If their objective comes to manifest, then the world will never have a natural plant anymore, every plant will be a Genetically Modified mutant. It will be like Atlantis all over again! In Atlantis, their scientists were meddling with human genes and production and created many human- animal hybrids with a soul. The only difference now is that the Cabal is doing it in a more subtle way, by modifying plant and via corn, soy, modifying cattle and as humans consume these meats with is essentially modified proteins, they succumb to diseases.
Take a look at the immense damage that GM food had caused in USA, the land of GM foods.
1. Marked increase in allergy, asthma, cancers, infertility, birth defects, autism, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, etc in humans
2. When cattle and pigs are fed with GM corn and animal feeds, these animal become agitated, pigs become cannibalistic, stunted growth, higher still birth and abortion rates, general ill-health, etc. The vetinarian bills become higher, the cows produce less milk, the milk are more contaminated with bacteria and humans consume the milk. Many animals died and thus another loss to the farmers.
3. The GM plants still had to be sprayed with pesticide called Roundup, produced by the GM Company, and this pesticide has contaminated the soil and water and finally the food chain goes back to the humans (American).
4. The animal feed like GM corn is almost devoid of nutrients and thus the cattle are not getting proper nutriuents and their body weakens, life span shortened, and human consume such animal meat, which in turn cause all the health problems.
5. Farmers who had suffered great financial losses due to the problems they faced, reverted to original natural plants and their income increased, their animals were behaving normal and healthier when they were fed with natural corn feeds. However soon the supply of natural seeds were getting harder to be obtained, they had no choice but go for GM seeds again, and the cycle gets repeated. Worse still, GM food and crops were introduced into S. Africa and India and the same illnesses, diseases and loss of wealth were repeated, only this time the farmers in India had committed suicide because of the financial ruin that were brought about by the GM revolution.
6. When scientist who were more humane reported adverse effects that were caused by consuming GM food, the Cabal will come out hard on them and many who had voiced out the dangers, were severely punished by losing their jobs. That is why we needed scientists from Europe to reveal the truth! Did you know that the situation is so bad that even infant milk formula based on soy, were contaminated with GM soya?
But people will say how to fight these commercial giants? Well, the easiest way is not to buy these GM foodstuffs and they will lose their business and domination. I am happy to report tha recently Russia had banned GM Foods and France may do likewise! I have spoken.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Pa Sang Style
I tell you so many had seen the video by Psy, the Korean sensation and his antics in ‘Gangnam Style’ but I was unaware of this (being a Hermit) and I saw our local youths with their “Pa Sang Style” first! So to me, it is Pa Sang Style first, then Gangnam Style. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
(A very short commentary in English is at the bottom)
Begitu cepat nya masa sudah sampai hampir 30 tahun. Ya, begitu lama nya saya sudah terlibat dengan bidang Obstetrik dan Gynecology. Dalam masa itu, sudah ramai bayi yang saya menolong masuk ka Dunia ini. Walau pun saya tidak bilang, numbor nya mesti dalam beribu-ribuan. Saya berasa sangat banga saya ada bermain peranan yang penting memastikan kelahiran bayi- bayi tersebut sehat dan selamat.
Tenaga dan masa saya telah cerahkan dalam kerja saya ini. Tiada ada masa untuk makan, mandi atau hiburan. Banyak kali saya pun tiada masa untuk tidor, kadang- kadang saluroh waktu malam kerana bertugas. Saya bangun pagi-pagi sebelum matahari terbit untuk ka- hospital, dan balek lewat malam dalam cahaya bulan. Kemudian, sudah cepat tiba nya masa untuk berkerja lagi!
Pada 6/9/2012 saya sudah mengambil keputusan akhir untuk bersara dalam bidang ini. Masa sudah sampai, badan saya tidak lagi boleh mengambil beban yang berat lagi. Pada hari tersebut, saya akan menolong satu lagi bayi masuk ka Dunia ini, dan ini di perlukan melaksanakan operasi Caesarean yang akhir.
Saya rasa sangat gembira apabila mendengar bayi lelaki itu menagis kuat- kuat. Saya pun, saperti biasa nya, berdoa kepada Tuhan mengucapkan beribuan terima kasih sebab bayi ini ada sehat dan selamt.
( I performed my last delivery by Caesarean section and so good- bye to Obstetrics, Thanks for the good times and fine memories. Thanks to all the Gods that stood by my side to help and bless the safe deliveries that were performed.)
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Important Survival Skill
Please look at this video to learn an extremely important survival skill. Many have died because they were trapped in their car when it plunged into a river/canal or pond. Please let others know as well!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
My Spiritual Teacher
As I had mentioned, this time my Spiritual Teacher called me to come see him as it has been so long that we had a conversation. I am guilty of being absent for more than two years from his Meditation Abode due to the busy life of “daily routines”. It is very embarrassing to be called back by the Teacher. I had strayed away from him for another reason apart from being busy. It was almost impossible to have a conversation with him now that he has a large following ever since he moved in from another place. At first he was unknown in his new Abode when I went to see him, but his reputation grew very fast and within six months, he had a large following.
I noticed he had hardly enough time for himself as he obliged each and every visitor, trying to solve their many problems. And those seeking his help was very demanding, they tried to monopolise all the time when with him, not letting him go so easily and the consultation can be an hour of his time. It was because of his busy hours that I decided not to be with him as he needs to have some rest, time for his meals and time for him to meditate and chant. And he knew the reason why I have disappeared too, for we have a sort of telepathic way of communication.
The other thing I noticed is that he misses me because I never have anything to ask from him, unlike those who cling to him, always wanting to ask for some favours or have some sinister requests even. Master could see right through them, I mean their real character, yet he refused no one who seeks his help. Many times he had complained to me that the people who come mostly do not deserve his help.
During this visit, I had taken some photos but there is a mysterious experience. I went into the second hall where it was full of deities and talisman and snapped a picture. I remembered the flash worked as expected. But today when I wanted to download into my Notebook, it was completely missing! Absolutely no trace, not even a blank shot. I am indeed surprised. I think I have an explanation but it is best I keep it to myself.
Well, December is coming and things will heat up, I know. I thank all of my readers (47 countries represented) for their visits to my posting and I will put up something important in due course. Please be patient with me, I have to meditate 5 times a day you know.
My Teacher examining my Talisman
Monday, 3 September 2012
Thousands join grand send-off for King of Hades
Thousands join grand send-off for King of HadesBUKIT MERTAJAM, Malaysia - About 10,000 devotees thronged Jalan Pasar in Malaysia to offer prayers and to see the burning and grand send-off of the 8m-tall Tai Su Yeah (King of Hades) - said to be the tallest in the country,
The event was the culmination of the 15-day Bukit Mertajam Phor Thor (Hungry Ghost Festival) celebration.
The Jalan Pasar stretch was closed to traffic from 8pm on Sunday until midnight.
The effigy was wheeled out to the middle of Jalan Pasar at 10pm and set alight.
The crowd, many of them with joss sticks in hand, watched in awe as the flames engulfed the effigy, a ceremony to symbolise the departure of the deity back to Hades.
Bukit Mertajam Phor Thor committee chairman Datuk Tan Cheang Heng said more than 150,000 people paid homage to the deity at the communal altar throughout their 15-day celebration.
"Some of them even came from Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia," he said.
The celebration of the Hungry Ghost Month by Taoists is a grand celebration especially in Penang.Recently I had attended one conducted by my Spiritual Master. I was guilty of not visiting him for over a year and this time he called me to see him and also attend some special prayers.I knew he misses me. However we could hardly talk as many of his followers came for the celebration and prayers. When I left his Meditation Abode,I said," Master, see you in one years' time!"
He knew how busy I am and I am glad he now has several helpers to attend to his daily needs.The parting gift for me this time was a blessing and a new prayer to add to my daily meditation and chants! I shall soon post some photos of this visit.
Selamat Jai!!
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Fantastic Interview on Global Climate
Selamat Balik!! My quiet is sometimes due to heavy work load or nothing good to say but this time it was because I had been to Ho Chih Minh City and had a very good experience. Perhaps some day I will write about it but today I wish to put up a video on an interview about ‘Climate Change’ that will change your minds! I wish interviewers should be like Lord Monckton and put people who think they know much down back to earth. It would be great if he interviews politicians and I hope he does! Do let me know of it you come across such intelligent interviews. By the way the Taoist Ghost month had started on 17th August.
The Ghost Month Effigy in Penang Island

Saturday, 4 August 2012
Street Art in Penang Island

Monday, 23 July 2012
Indistructible Man from Kuala Lumpur
Let us go to a Shaolin Temple in Kuala Lumpur (KL) to see this monk. Many do not know that
KL has it’s own Shaolin master. This is a demonstration of Qi. Do not do what this monk does, OK?
Saturday, 14 July 2012
My Aboriginal Shaman master had always emphasised on the Heart chakra, always telling us not to have a ‘broken Heart” and to heal our Hearts by applying the ‘Golden Light”. Indeed the Heart, anatomically speaking, is the most important organ of the body. When the heart stops beating, there is no more Life. Actually inside a secret chamber in our Heart are the Three Fold Flames. Today let us heal our Hearts by listening to the Spiritual Healing music video below. Turn on the stereo and relax to the music. Do it. You will get immense health and healing benefits.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Selamat Kembali! Today I will speak on the London Olympics. I think many are aware of the stories that had gone viral regarding incredible things like Aliens landing in London during the Olympics to some sort of disturbances from terrorists. And the stories keep multiplying including some Bible prophecies. I shall now give my own thoughts.
The 2012 Olympics will be from 27th July, 2012 to 12th Aug 2012. According to Chinese Metaphysics, important events need to be held on Auspicious days so that everything goes smoothly and well. Date selection is thus a very important part of planning to the Chinese.
When the Beijing Olympics was held, few knew the significance of the dates chosen. Suffice to say, it was having one of the best Energy and everything went perfect for all. I also suspect that the dates chosen for blasting their rocket to space coincides with good energies to make sure of a successful launch and mission. As a matter of fact I had indeed checked those launch dates and found it was so.
However for this year’s Olympics, the Opening Ceremony on 27th July is…..a disaster! It has the worst possible energies! On that day, it has a combination of “Destruction” energy with “Month Breaker” – one of the worst days to hold any important event. And not only that, there is another date, within the period of the Games, with the same bad energies of a double whammy of “Destruction” with a ‘Month Breaker” on the 9th August. To make matters worse, there are 2 days of “Danger” – ie on 28th July and 10th August.
I hope that although there are bad energies on those dates that I mentioned, nothing terrible will occur. This is my hope and prayers. I have spoken.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Selamat Balik! Banyak telah di tulis olih ramai orang berkenaan dengan tarikh 21/12/2012 yang sangat menakutkan penduduk sa-dunia. Saya tidak percaya kepada tulisan-tulisan begitu. Walau pun saya ketahui banyak perkara-perkara akan terjadi, tetapi bukannya yang mengakibatkan penghabisan dunia.
Walau pun keadaan kebanyakkan negeri-negeri ada didalam suasana buruk, dan akan menjadi lagi buruk di masa depan, akhir nya dunia akan mencapai keadaan aman damai. Semua perkara akan mengubah dan tenaga dunia tidak akan menyokong kelakuan buruk lagi! Sila tengok lah apa orang Mayan ini mengnasihatkan kita semua.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
I am involved in Energy work/ Healing and am still learning. In month of June, as you have heard or even witnessed, the Transit of Venus. I have felt strong emotions prior to that date (6/6/2012) but kept calm because I knew of such Energies being beamed to Earth and our Universe is being re- calibrated energy- wise.
Today I urge you to see how energy masters of Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre in China heal miraculously a bladder tumour under ultrasound scanning within one minute using Qigong energy. I am the Tao Hermit, and once in a while I speak
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Today I speak about the latest happenings in Europe, particularly in Greece. Do not think that Greece is too far away from your place of residence because we are all linked, one way or another, somehow. Maybe you are aware of what is happening there and its implications worldwide. Maybe you are so innocent that this news is really new to you. If so, then my postings had done its job of increasing everyone’s level of awareness.
The Age of Truth is here, nothing can be hidden from us for long anymore. This 20th May,2012 is a Total Solar Eclipse of the 12th Wave and it happens once in 26,000 years. Actually, spiritually speaking, it is a Total Reboot of the Cosmos, not only Earth.
The changes that will follow will I think astound many. It involves politics, Nations and more. Time, you will notice, is going very fast, is in fact “contracted”, yet it still fulfils the 24 hours on the clock. The recent discovery of another more detailed Mayan Calendar is no coincidence. Unknown by many, the Light vs Dark is going on an accelerated scale, and Light must win. The Energies do not support the Dark anymore, and they know it. That is why they are fighting tooth and nail for their very own survival. I am the Tao Hermit, once in a while I will speak.
Friday, 11 May 2012
The Three Wishes
This month of May hold very strong heavenly showers of Light, beginning with Wesak on 5-5-2012. Prayers are more than answered in this Month. I thus take this opportunity to put up a video (below) where some Buddhists prayed for all Beings. (Translation by courtesy of Jade Kasuma)
Three Wishes
Together we pray, with sincerity
Together we vow, with an open heart.
May our wishes be heard in Heaven
May our compassionate pleas touch the Buddha"s Heart.
Our prayers..10 million voices .,
Together we pray, with humility
Together we vow, with a compassionate heart
Each of our wishes...for all sentient beings.
Our First Wish :
To be free of conflicts, greed and hatred.
Let there be no calamities, disasters, no more sorrows.
Oh Buddha!
Ten million voices, we pray
Ten million wishes, we have
Each voice, wish upon wish, reflecting (on) the Tzu Chi spirit
Oh Buddha!
Ten million voices, we pray
Ten million wishes, we have
Each voice, wish upon wish, reflecting on her (abbess) Noble Heart.
Together we pray, with loving kindness
Together we vow, with an embracing heart
Each of our wishes...for all sentient beings...
Our Second Wish :
For a harmonious society, all conflicts ceased
Happily, hand in hand, we tread towards the path of Wisdom.
Together we pray, with contentment
Together we vow, with a gratifying heart
Each of our wishes...for all sentient beings..
Our Third Wish :
May our hearts be purified,
be a clear dawn
Like a lamp, that light up a path in the dark.
Chorus x2
Friday, 4 May 2012
Here is a channeled message and very eye opener!! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
A Channeled Message from Buddha
3 May 2012
Channeler: Beth Trutwin
Message from Buddha on Wesak Full Moon
Greetings I am Buddha. I bring a message as millions celebrate my birth this weekend. Much of what is written about my birth is not true.
I was born in Nepal about 400 years earlier than reported. I never taught religion. I taught Oneness with All That Is. The Prophet Jesus was brought to study with me during his lifetime and was my student. He became a Boddhisatva. This means he was an Enlightened Being walking on Earth. He went back after many years as my student to teach beliefs of Oneness to the Jews in their terms, speaking of the Father-God which was their religious belief. During that time there were many in the Middle East who desired riches over truth, which is the case again today. Back then it was not only those who lived in the Middle East, but also those who colonized the Middle East, specifically Cesar. The impure laws and taxation designed to make rich a few, from Jesus’ time, still linger today.
The truth is hidden by changing my birth date by hundreds of years. Two hundred years before my falsely reported birth, murderers came into the caves in Nepal and burned all texts which had been written with the Universal Laws of Oneness I taught.
All of my teachings were destroyed because of the limited success of Jesus. Those wishing to remain in control felt it necessary to wipe out the Teachings which set every Soul Free from their Mind and also make religion irrelevant. It is by controlling your Mind those in power stay in power. Muhammad the Prophet of God also born in the Middle East. Muhammad’s forefathers were Adam and Abraham. Muhammad did not create any religion. He taught Oneness with God. As in the case of Jesus and the Buddha mankind re-wrote history and put words in their mouths. Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad all taught the same teachings and all had no religion. Religion is the creation of man to control the mind of man. All three taught aesthetic care of the human body as the Temple of God. It was the Archangel Gabriel, well known in Jewish Faith, who told Mary, Jesus' Mother that she carried a Light pregnancy which was sanctified by Spirit, not man.
It was the Archangel Gabriel who channeled to Muhammad the Universal Laws governing all Planets in the Cosmos which was written and became today’s Quran. It is like the Bible and the Buddhist teachings now, all three were re-written by murderers who wished to keep all of mankind in a prison inside their Mind. These wrong teachings which are not from these Prophets have been handed down from generation to generation as a vibrational field which omits love. Love is what these Prophets taught. It is falsely believed by the programed Mind that these Prophet's birthed these religions: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. All of these religions were created by men wishing to control the masses and they wrote whatever they wanted to accomplish that goal and keep Humankind divided from their own Supreme Truth, Love.
I am incarnate now, as is Jesus and Muhammad. We are working in different roles in human bodies on Earth today. We do not identify ourselves as such and we all have public roles. The second coming has come and gone. The Prophecy has been fulfilled. We are here to Guide. We are influencing Earth’s Ascension from inside the Collective Consciousness. Many of you question: 'What is taking so long?' We work to restore the Souls through releasing the Mind. Everyday each one of you scour the internet for truth. It is laughable to think you look for truth in your newspapers. It is time to stop looking for truth. In doing so you cling to what is wrong. You cling to the programming from inside the Matrix. You hold yourself slave to whatever is written there. Murderers write what you read and block the truth. You perpetuate and grow hatred by focusing on searching for truth. You compare and criticize the deeds of the murderers which reinforces in the controlled Mind, the slave Mind, the inevitability of murder, rape, torture, disease, war and nuclear destruction. Demanding change also reinforces fears of the controlled Mind by making it continue to exist. It cause the vibration to persist. Thoughts are Things.
I have come here today with this message with one request for my Birthday. Stop! Stop looking for Truth. Become a true Boddhisatva in Thought, Word and Deed. You do this by ungripping from your Views. Stop Believing what you Believe. Know that there is no religion, no religious wars. Release yourself from the Matrix. In your popular terms, take the red pill. Just Be Love. Period. Blog Love. Forget the News.
Be Love. Practice Love. Release false contracts, be fair in money dealings. Stop lying to your family. Take time away from dishonest actions and turn your focus on doing good for others. Stop gossiping. Drop any extraneous activity which focuses your time away from improving yourself. Work on Yourself. Stop eating rotten foods, dead foods, tortured foods and chemical foods. Exercise. Breathe. Love. Ungrip from your fears. Om Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.
Blessings to All That Is.
~The Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
THIS WESAK DAY, 5-5-2012
Wesak will be celebrated by Buddhists on 5th May, 2012 and this time around, it will be very different and significant. Let me explain. Year 2012 according to the Mayans, will be very significant for humanity. And in numerology, 2012 is reduced to 5 by adding all the digits. Thus 5/5/2012 can also be written as 5-5-5. Triple 5, like 11.11.11, holds special significance in Energy transformation and transmutation.
The Full Moon on Wesak will be the brightest in 100 years. And brightest has a lot of meaning because the world with be showered with extra energy from Source and physically will be seen as brightest full moon in 100 years! Esoterically it means we will be receiving new energies for growth and understanding and the special codes to kick start some of our dormant DNA which holds the key to life in the 5th Dimension. To those who are Star Seeds, Light Carriers and Light Workers, receiving these new codes are vital. It prepares us for the influx of Light to open the Gateway to 144 Energy Grids of the Earth by 12-12-12.
You will know if you are one of the Star Seeds, Light Carriers or Light Workers by 5-5-2012(5) when you start to remember your Merkaba or Ka Body(Egyptian term) and know who you are and that All is One. Moreover, the special alignment of Planetary Bodies on this Wesak had not seen since 26,625 years ago.
If I were you, I would gather the entire family and first pray homage to Lord Buddha and receive blessings. Then I would meditate and celebrate with joy, laughter and a feast to welcome the absorption of new energies from Heaven! Let the Tao Flow and be The Tao.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Mother Earth is shifting and changing. Actually the entire system of planets in our Solar System are. Mother Earth can’t wait for all of her children to shift anymore. So we must catch up with Her. The physical manifestations of Her shift are seen in earthquakes, Volcanic activities, tsunamis and weather changes of stronger hurricanes, tornadoes and deluge.
But we can help Mother Earth and humanity if we convey our Love and Appreciation to what She has done for all her inhabitants- including the Plant and Animal Kingdoms alike. We are all connected for we are all One. Below is the message by an Unknown Chief and he said it very well. May the Tao flow.
But we can help Mother Earth and humanity if we convey our Love and Appreciation to what She has done for all her inhabitants- including the Plant and Animal Kingdoms alike. We are all connected for we are all One. Below is the message by an Unknown Chief and he said it very well. May the Tao flow.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
After the Aceh, Indonesia Earthquake
It was very lucky that a 8.6 magnitude earthquake that struck 431 km off Aceh this time (11/4/2012) resulted in very minimal damage and lost of life of 5 versus the (2004) 9.1 magnitude earthquake that killed 170,000 alone in Aceh, Indonesia. The explanation was that this quake had a horizontal shift rather than a vertical shift, which happened in 2004. However to me, the real reason may be more than a scientific explanation- more likely to be Divine intervention.
The Year, 2012 is a very significant year in that the out- pouring of energy from the Sun due to its solar flares, will definitely have an effect on Earth. Most, if not all Ascended Masters I know had spoken of the greatest change in 26,000 years that will take effect this year.
It seems there will be 7 major events this year that will bring lots of changes to every one. I believe the events will be mega ones that even our imagination will never be able to match it. So definitely the recent Aceh Quake can’t be included. However this event only makes me believe more that whatever knowledge I hold of 2012, from various sources, may after all be coming true. But there is a way out – if each of us hold in our minds good, loving thoughts for each other, meditate to calm ourselves down and perform meritorious deeds, we may be able to smoothen the Earth’s transition from 3rd Dimension to the 4th Dimensional Shift
The Year, 2012 is a very significant year in that the out- pouring of energy from the Sun due to its solar flares, will definitely have an effect on Earth. Most, if not all Ascended Masters I know had spoken of the greatest change in 26,000 years that will take effect this year.
It seems there will be 7 major events this year that will bring lots of changes to every one. I believe the events will be mega ones that even our imagination will never be able to match it. So definitely the recent Aceh Quake can’t be included. However this event only makes me believe more that whatever knowledge I hold of 2012, from various sources, may after all be coming true. But there is a way out – if each of us hold in our minds good, loving thoughts for each other, meditate to calm ourselves down and perform meritorious deeds, we may be able to smoothen the Earth’s transition from 3rd Dimension to the 4th Dimensional Shift
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
The Earthquake off Aceh, Indonesia, about 4 hours ago, is also felt in my island of Penang. Tsunami alert was given.My friends in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka and other nearby areas please be alert and careful. I will be praying to mother Earth, Gaia and in deep meditation to do my part to help alleviate sufferings indirectly.Buddhist and Taoist groups in my Island had already called for prayers from their members.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Below is a video I wish you all to see. It is an interview with one of the most famous Truth Seeker, Drunvalo. In the first half is a discussion of 2012 and the Mayan Prophecy. This is the important part that I wish all of you to hear and take note. I have several information from many sources but this video does the work for me as it conveys just enough for all to seek the Truth themselves.
I am in the midst of writing my second book and want it to be out soon because then what I will write, if it becomes true, will help lots of people who are still in the dark of the great energies that are pouring into our world to transform everything. Indeed, I believe, so does Drunvalo, that Life will never be the same again for everyone as Earth and her inhabitants jump from 3rd Dimension world that is so dense and dark, to the 4th Dimension. But I differ from Drunvalo in one thing- I believe that the transition will not be much perceptible to many. However to Star Seeds, ones with the Tao and Light Workers, they will know the real Truth of it.
Really, to understand the Mayans, one needs to understand Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria. This means going back to 12,000 years ago. I must thank Thoth, who led me to much of the history that he knew best. Thank you ThothHoRa!!!
I am in the midst of writing my second book and want it to be out soon because then what I will write, if it becomes true, will help lots of people who are still in the dark of the great energies that are pouring into our world to transform everything. Indeed, I believe, so does Drunvalo, that Life will never be the same again for everyone as Earth and her inhabitants jump from 3rd Dimension world that is so dense and dark, to the 4th Dimension. But I differ from Drunvalo in one thing- I believe that the transition will not be much perceptible to many. However to Star Seeds, ones with the Tao and Light Workers, they will know the real Truth of it.
Really, to understand the Mayans, one needs to understand Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria. This means going back to 12,000 years ago. I must thank Thoth, who led me to much of the history that he knew best. Thank you ThothHoRa!!!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
OK, just listen to this Mantra.Absorb the energy, purify your space at home.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
This is great video taken by Aluna on a trip to the Sekhmet Temple in Karnak, Egypt recently. I am showing it here because I wish to demonstrate orbs and light because my own photo shots of some Orbs are not as good and clear as this video.
In places of high energy, orbs are a common finding and I have seen it with my own eyes by just using flash from a camera when visiting the place at dawn. The other phenomena I was able to see was tiny spots of light (orbs are very much larger).
Sekhmet was an Egptian Lion-Headed Goddess with Sun Disc on head and one of the most powerful manifestation of Goddess of Divine Female in the service of healing humanity and Earth
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Well after the episode below I think I better suggest some health drink! All you need are an apple, beetroot and two carrots. Blend them to make the drink.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:
1. Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney, pancreas disease and it can cure ulcer as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy
Try it and do give me some feedback! Cheers and till we meet again.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Brain Eating Disease Outbreak - Australia
I have put this up as information that I think needs to be public, especially to those living in Australia, though this disease can be found elsewhere. I hope to be of service to my readers.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
I would like to wish Happy Birthday to the special people born on 29th Feb, as they really celebrate their Birthdays once every 4 years, just like the Olympics. Just a small note for those born with number 2 as their number. (Please do not take the comments below seriously!!)
Birth Number 2 – those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month.
Sensitive people.
Best day – Mondays
Lucky color – White, Cream, Pale Blue
1) Personality
Affinity with Cancer people. Emotional, sentimental. Moody. You attract aggressive people to your life. Like to please others. Worry too much about your family. Have good memory skills. Between ages 27 and 29, will form your future. Have a will made, for you may give all away. Can be very psychic.
2) Finance
Many rewards and disappointments. Something of a hoarder, keeping money under mattresses.
3) Travel
Will travel not always at own expense. Easily homesick although travels a lot. May marry foreigner.
4) Education
Early schooling in many places. Consider interior design, architecture, art, music,
5) Family
Making many trips to visit them, you don’t believe in letters. Has a strong bond with your mother in many ways.
6) Relationships
You have charm, wit and a romantic. If have kids, one may be very famous.
Be careful of your mood swings. Unfaithful, worry too much. Your number attract the same types of people over again and again. You associate some one of a public figure. There will be enemies in your life. Secret love affair are possible. There will be contact with prisons, people who served time in prison, asylums, rest homes and orphanages. You attract those from the theatre. You mix with the famous and infamous.
7) Health
Take care of – stomach, GIT, chest, breasts, left eye and constipation. Be careful at these ages – 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th, 38th, 47th, 56th, 65th, 74th, 83rd, and 92nd.. Have a peaceful death, no matter what kind of suffering encountered. Food poisoning, drowning a possibility.
8) Work
A hard worker. Health related fields, counselor. If success comes easily, a fall is expected.
Birth Number 2 – those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month.
Sensitive people.
Best day – Mondays
Lucky color – White, Cream, Pale Blue
1) Personality
Affinity with Cancer people. Emotional, sentimental. Moody. You attract aggressive people to your life. Like to please others. Worry too much about your family. Have good memory skills. Between ages 27 and 29, will form your future. Have a will made, for you may give all away. Can be very psychic.
2) Finance
Many rewards and disappointments. Something of a hoarder, keeping money under mattresses.
3) Travel
Will travel not always at own expense. Easily homesick although travels a lot. May marry foreigner.
4) Education
Early schooling in many places. Consider interior design, architecture, art, music,
5) Family
Making many trips to visit them, you don’t believe in letters. Has a strong bond with your mother in many ways.
6) Relationships
You have charm, wit and a romantic. If have kids, one may be very famous.
Be careful of your mood swings. Unfaithful, worry too much. Your number attract the same types of people over again and again. You associate some one of a public figure. There will be enemies in your life. Secret love affair are possible. There will be contact with prisons, people who served time in prison, asylums, rest homes and orphanages. You attract those from the theatre. You mix with the famous and infamous.
7) Health
Take care of – stomach, GIT, chest, breasts, left eye and constipation. Be careful at these ages – 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th, 38th, 47th, 56th, 65th, 74th, 83rd, and 92nd.. Have a peaceful death, no matter what kind of suffering encountered. Food poisoning, drowning a possibility.
8) Work
A hard worker. Health related fields, counselor. If success comes easily, a fall is expected.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Dratzo! I am back. It was indeed a very special journey in my Spiritual Journey deep in the jungles for 3 days of training under a master Aboriginal Shaman.The world of Energy is really fascinating.My ability to heal is vastly improved.
This is the long road into the jungles of Pahang, after travelling 9 hours from my island.It was a journey well worth the effort. Then Heaven gave a welcoming sign in the skies a display never seen even by Master.
And just today I was shown a message by Chief Seattle, a Native American, in his reply to Washington about buying up his peoples' land.I feel he has so much wisdom, it must be shared. His speech touched me greatly, especially when I was in contact with a Native Shaman of our own for 3 days, learning his ways and wisdom.
“The president in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? The land? The idea is strange to us.
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers.
Each ghostly reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water’s murmur is the voice of my father’s father. The rivers are our brothers. They carry our canoes and feed our children.
If we sell you our land, remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also receives his last sigh.
This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does it to himself.
Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted by talking wires? The end of living and the beginning of survival.
When the last Red Man has vanished with this wilderness and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any spirit of my people left?
We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother’s heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children and love it, as God loves us all.
One thing we know: there is only one God. No man, be he Red Man or White Man, can be apart. We are brothers after all.”
—Chief Seattle
Dratzo! I am back. It was indeed a very special journey in my Spiritual Journey deep in the jungles for 3 days of training under a master Aboriginal Shaman.The world of Energy is really fascinating.My ability to heal is vastly improved.
This is the long road into the jungles of Pahang, after travelling 9 hours from my island.It was a journey well worth the effort. Then Heaven gave a welcoming sign in the skies a display never seen even by Master.
And just today I was shown a message by Chief Seattle, a Native American, in his reply to Washington about buying up his peoples' land.I feel he has so much wisdom, it must be shared. His speech touched me greatly, especially when I was in contact with a Native Shaman of our own for 3 days, learning his ways and wisdom.
“The president in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? The land? The idea is strange to us.
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers.
Each ghostly reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water’s murmur is the voice of my father’s father. The rivers are our brothers. They carry our canoes and feed our children.
If we sell you our land, remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also receives his last sigh.
This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does it to himself.
Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted by talking wires? The end of living and the beginning of survival.
When the last Red Man has vanished with this wilderness and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any spirit of my people left?
We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother’s heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children and love it, as God loves us all.
One thing we know: there is only one God. No man, be he Red Man or White Man, can be apart. We are brothers after all.”
—Chief Seattle
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
A SHOCKING message for December 2012!!! 3 Days of Darkness!
Yes, I am back! It has been a wonderful time since celebrating the Dragon Year. I hope all my readers are keeping well. Today I wish to share a video that has a lot of Taoist understanding and which also addresses, briefly, about 21st December, 2012 - whether it is true we are all awaiting for the answer. By the way, I will be joining one of our Aboriginal Shamans in his jungle retreat for 3 days of deep meditation and training. I think this will transform me to a better person in preparation of Mother Earth's transition.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
I have to make some comments here to help those who are confused of the real date of Chinese New Year. This is of utmost importance because I hear many people argue that actually Feb 4th is the real date for Chinese New Year and so dragon babies are really born on or after that date and not on 23rd Jan, 2012. This is correct because when you want an accurate Bazi calculation for the person’s 4 Pillars of Destiny, you need to follow the day of Li Chun, first day of Spring. We have to use the Hsia Calendar in all fengshui calculations, and not the Lunar calendar which has 23rd Jan celebrated as New Year.
Having said that, something significant did happen on the 23rd Jan, where Chinese all over the world welcomed the New Year of Water Dragon. Just 5 minutes past mid- night in our locality, there was a torrential rainfall that lasted at least 25 minutes!! This occurred for the very first time in our lives! (The last Water Dragon was 60 years ago). This really surprised me to the very core. What a message this Dragon sent! It was so heavy that the letting off of fire crackers and fire works had to be stopped temporarily.
So, this Water Dragon means business and is fierce. And so is the 5 Yellow in South- East, I know because I had experienced it, although my cures were all in place! If we know how to tame and sit this Dragon, then it will take us to the Heavens. It corresponds to Ascension – where we become a more evolved human with expanded consciousness. The Mayans too have their version of the Dragon –year 2012 is where the Quatzecotyl- the Serpent – is awaken! This is to be seen at the Pyramid in Kukulcan in Itza at the Spring Equinox on 20th May, 2012. So, of all the Dragon Years that the World had, this one is really going to be special.
Having said that, something significant did happen on the 23rd Jan, where Chinese all over the world welcomed the New Year of Water Dragon. Just 5 minutes past mid- night in our locality, there was a torrential rainfall that lasted at least 25 minutes!! This occurred for the very first time in our lives! (The last Water Dragon was 60 years ago). This really surprised me to the very core. What a message this Dragon sent! It was so heavy that the letting off of fire crackers and fire works had to be stopped temporarily.
So, this Water Dragon means business and is fierce. And so is the 5 Yellow in South- East, I know because I had experienced it, although my cures were all in place! If we know how to tame and sit this Dragon, then it will take us to the Heavens. It corresponds to Ascension – where we become a more evolved human with expanded consciousness. The Mayans too have their version of the Dragon –year 2012 is where the Quatzecotyl- the Serpent – is awaken! This is to be seen at the Pyramid in Kukulcan in Itza at the Spring Equinox on 20th May, 2012. So, of all the Dragon Years that the World had, this one is really going to be special.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
I wish my readers - in 39 countries by latest count-'Gong Xi Fa Cai" - Happy Chinese New Year, this year of Water Dragon. It will be celebrated on 23/1/2012, when the Dragon will roar in. Today, in Singapore people witnessed a double rainbow and many said it is very auspicious sign.
This Water Dragon is a fierce one, I believe.Be watchful, do many charity work to ward off ill effects and have your fengsui cures in place before the Dragon Year rushes in.Gong Xi!!
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Here is a concise summary for the Year of the Dragon according to Feng Shui calculations. The first is the Lo Shu Square with the energy distribution as shown. Some explanations are given below it. The second is the Chinese Zodiac and their fortunes for the Year. And for a quick reference, the third is the Chinese Zodiac Table, although I had posted such at an earlier entry. Hope this helps you to face 2012!! Beware of landslides, earthquakes and viral diseases.
5 Yellow
Tai Sui
[Very inauspicious]
1 White
[Mixture of auspice and inauspice]
3 Green
4 Green
[Inauspice within auspice]
8 White
9 Purple
2 Black
7 Red
[very inauspicious]
Premises that face South-East have very trying times. Keep this sector quiet in the house and no renovations here. Don’t face SE and put some metal objects here.
North sector needs to be quiet as well, no renovations here and metal wind chimes can be placed here.
North- West is another bad sector. Again keep minimum activity here and place any red objects to counter bad energy here.
Best Luck Ox Rooster Snake
Romance Luck Rooster Snake Ox
Worst Luck Dog Tiger Horse
Health issues Rabbit Rooster Goat
Monetary loss/Robbery Dog Tiger Horse
Check your Chinese Zodiac below-
Rat – 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Ox - 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Tiger – 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Rabbit – 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Dragon – 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Snake - 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Horse – 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Goat – 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Monkey – 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Rooster – 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Dog - 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Pig - 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
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