What is happening now in Sabah, East Malaysia may not be reported in many News around countries far away from the conflict but for the benefit of my readers, who I know live in 56 countries in the last count, I shall give some comments for it illustrates very well some feng shui predictions.

First, a quick summary – on 11th Feb, 2013 around 235 armed men from the Sulu Army left Siminul Island, Philippines and landed in Kampong Tanduo, Sabah which is a state of East Malaysia. This group of men are battle- hardened fighters sent by the self proclaimed Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram, the 3rd to lay claim to Sabah.

They were persuaded to leave but refused. Hence when 2 Malaysian Policemen were killed on 1st March, it was battle cry, resulting in the death of 12 Sulu militants. On 3rd March, another hard battle ensued with the lost of 6 Policemen and 7 Sulu fighters. On 5th March, Air Force jets bombarded their hideouts. In the mopping up operations on 6th and 7th March, to regain control of Kampong Tanduo and Tanjong Batu, another 39 militants were killed with no losses from the Malaysian side. More deaths were being reported and I have lost count. The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) was said to have sent re-enforcements to Sabah to support the Sulu fighters.

Looks like things will get more complicated with political undercurrents involving several groups in both Sabah and Philippines. It will be very messy indeed

Please do refer to my previous entry entitled “ Feng Shui Insights to Gui Si Year of Snake 2013”. There I had mention briefly a few predictions. However, I had on purpose, omitted the prediction of bloodshed for Malaysia but instead emphasised on the impending conflict between China and Japan, which has come to be true too. I have my own personal reasons to omit the prediction for the possibility of bloodshed in Malaysia and I wish to remain silent on this. However what happened in Sabah can no longer be kept a secret and blood is shed.

The troublesome star number 3 resides in the East this year, as well as the Three Killings direction in Feng shui. And Sabah is the Eastern state of Malaysia, thus all the ingredients for a conflict to arise. The invaders arrived on 11th Feb, the 1st day of Chinese New Year of the Snake. On this day, it coincided with the Month Breaker plus bad energy of ‘Destruction” and this actually sets these bad energies alive, thus the start of things to come. And this is why I did not travel to my holiday destination on this day, to avoid activating trouble. More over, the Grand Duke, Tai Sui, is at the SE direction and those who are in conflict with Tai Sui, will experience his wrath. This trouble in Sabah will not be easy to solve. We are in for a long term affair and many truths will be revealed, shocking the nation.

The Sulu Fighters, Battle hardy

I now would like to mention further predictions and I hope that this will Not come true. But at least I take it out of my chest and hopefully, will help save some lives. Perhaps next in the news will be Jakarta, Indonesia. There could be a huge tsunami hitting it. Also beware Bangkok, landslides may occur, turning the river “red”.
Nepal may come into the news this year, there is some disaster (earthquake) in the making there and a message for Mankind will come out of it.
The world must take a hard look at N. Korea and the young man behind it. This young man can either be the great hero of the world if he chooses to be one by going the soft way to peace. Or he can be the most hated man on earth. It is his choice. Either way, he will make World History.
I shall again return to my own space, away from all, and come back when I need to speak. Please do meditate on the day of the Equinox- 20th and 21st March, as very important energy Codes are beamed to Planet Earth. OR NI TOR FOR