To those who maybe unfamiliar with the I Ching, let me give a brief introduction. It is regarded as one of the most important Books in the world’s Literature and which escaped the great burning of the books (213 BC) under Shih Huang Ti. King Wen and his son Duke of Chou (1150 BC) made important contributions as did Confucius (551-479 BC). It was Pu Shang who spread the knowledge of the Book. Chu Shi (1150-1200) made it popular as a Book of Divination.
It is based on the Principle of Heaven, Earth, Spirit and Matter, represented by 64 hexagrams and in modern biology, it is associated with the 64 Codons of DNA. It enables us to understand the Tao of Heaven and Earth and its order. It begins with just 8 Primary Trigrams called “Forms”.
Three physicists used the I Ching to help them do their research and which won them the Nobel Prize – they were Hideki Yukawa (1949), Yang Chen Ning and Lee Tsung Dao (1957). Recently, some Jewish Mathematicians used super computers to plot a graph of Time and Events using the I Ching and they came up with the same date as the Mayan Calendar with 21st Dec, 2012 where the graph levels to Zero on that Date. Many would have laughed at the Mayan Date but let me warn that we are now in the Mayan ‘Window of No Time” which ends around 21st June or latest by 21st October 2013 and by 11.11.2013, a New Earth is born. For the New Earth to be Born, the Old must go. So there must be a Change, as nothing remains static forever, in line with Quantum Physics. Earth has waited for 26,000 years and another Cycle will start during our Lifetime, around 2013.

Today what will happen to Earth is very much linked to the history of Atlantis and Lemuria, the latter being older than Atlantis. Perhaps some day I shall talk in greater detail about Atlantis but today only a brief summary is given, so as to understand why I mention it.
The civilization known as Atlantis decimated about 15,000 years ago due to a war with another great civilization called Lemuria. This war came about because the Lemurians wanted to stop the moral decline of Atlantis and which was having an effect on their own civilization. Atlanteans were very corrupt in all levels of society including their Priest Class and they also experimented with bizarre science of creating human hybrids with a Soul and animal body. This transgressed the boundary of science and morals. Souls that were trapped in these hybrids suffered immensely. The degradation of their society as exemplified by corruption, envy, hatred, jealousy, greed , political plots, cheating, incest, rape, lies and sexual lust could no longer sustain their civilization and affecting the Lemurians who planned a coup to set things right. However, the Atlanteans used Energy that was forbidden to counter the attacks of the Lemurians and this resulted in the destruction of these Continents (they were not cities) which destabilizes the Energy Grids of Earth around Bimini Islands and Burmuda Triangle until today.
Many souls who lived in that time are now reincarnated to be given a chance to correct their bad karma and in so doing, help heal the destroyed Energy Grids that are essential for Earth’s evolution to the 5th Dimension. The Energy Grids affected is known as Christ Consciousness (Unity of Heart) and Buddhic Consciousness (Unity of Minds), not to be confused with the associated religions.
Thus, a last chance is being given for errant Souls to be Light Bearers instead of the Dark Force, and this time around, Heaven had decreed Light will triumph and the Dark Ones will be banished/removed to the old 3D world which will be created for them to fight among themselves while the Light Bearers will be with the New 5th Dimensional World of Light and Love in the Golden Age of Gaia.

Now back to the I Ching Hexagram 2, the answer to my Divination on the election results for my country. The answer was a defeat to the ruling government but the announced results was an opposite. I was not surprised totally but meditated to find out the reason for my “wrong” answer and I was given the answer that ‘I Ching never lies”.
The accuracy of my calculations had been almost 95% over the years and this time, although the Hexagrams involved were the toughest ones I had ever calculated to get an answer, it reflected the complexity and chaos of the situation. Without going into the methodology, which is very complicated, let me explain by way of the Form School, which is easier but less accurate.
Hexagram 2 comprised of 2 Trigrams of Earth, which is Yin/ Female force. It is associated with the 10th Lunar month (Nov- Dec), and so the real result will be due in that time. Also the Earth Trigrams are the Yin Lines, depicting the Earth opens up and swallow the issue at hand. A ground shaking event is like the earth opening up, as in earthquakes. The Opposition winning will be an earth shattering event in the local history. Females will play a very important role in this event, as in The Age of Aquarius. Line number 5, counting from bottom up, hints that the colour Yellow would be very auspicious for the people to achieve what they want. Any wrong interpretation/calculation is always mine, for The I Ching Never Lies