
Saturday 28 December 2013


Just a few words before I leave for the Hills on the mainland in my yearly trip to rejuvenate, recover, rest, repair, regenerate, read, recalibrate, review and meditate. I wish to say that all across USA people in almost all of the States have seen strange fireballs across their skies and up to now, more than 560 of such sightings were reported. Our Planet is now in the Photon Belt and into the debris of Comet ISON. Also the astrological position of Earth is where many Earthquakes (I mean of around magnitude 6.0 and above) had occurred before and for sure it will happen again. This is not a prophecy, this is a report. And I just received another report of strange golden-brown dust falling in Texas. So Be Alert, Be Aware and Be in the Now for yesterday is but gone and tomorrow is yet to come. And yes, Happy New Year too! OR NI TOR FOR

Sunday 22 December 2013


Krismas selalunya di iringi dengan lagu-lagu Krismas yang tidak menjadikan kita jemu. Susana Krismas dimemperkuatkan lagi apabila kita dengar lagu-lagu Christmas Carol. Lagi pun, hari mulia ini juga memberi tahu kita tahun pun akan habis dan tahun baru akan datang. Kali ini mari kita dengar lagu Carol yang di mempersembahkan olih gadis-gadis Kristian Indonesia!

Friday 20 December 2013


2013 is coming to an end, the Year of the Snake giving way to Year of Wooden Horse. The Snake sheds its skin for a new skin, and slithers away for the Horse, so the World also sheds the old paradigm for a new one. 2013 is regarded as Year One of the Golden Age of Gaia. My knowledge has also increased by leaps and bounds, my Consciousness expanded its boundaries, for I AM THE I AM THAT I AM. I am still debating whether to tell all I know about what 2014 is in store for us. Let me first contemplate. But I warn you, it will not be that rosy, that is why I am hesitating. Maybe if my Readers will nudge me, I may respond, otherwise I think I may omit it. Anyway, let us all celebrate the coming Christmas while the going is good. Merry Christmas to All, and a Happy New Year too. ORNI TOR FOR.

Tuesday 17 December 2013


Today is Geography lesson. It will be on Penang. This small island off the Western coast of Northern Mainland of the Malay Peninsular has many attractive sights and the people here think rather differently from the rest of the world. You gotta mix with them to know them. Anyway, I have found a fantastic website on Penang which I am sure not many Penangites even know of. It is very detailed and touring this site itself will take you a pretty long time but you will get to know the place and its people as though you have been there! Instead of me blabbing away, here, let the website do the talking – , a valuable site for Travellers to Penang. Enjoy some photos of the beautiful Island. ……………………

Wednesday 4 December 2013


There has been more confusion about Comet ISON if you had been following the topic. In summary, NASA had doctored some videos, especially blocking out the appearance of a huge planet-like object near it’s path; and the scientists are as perplexed as the layman when they saw the comet disintegrate after circling the Sun and changed it’s shape, some say it has been destroyed, others reported it survived the Sun encounter but no one said it was both and that was exactly what happened- like a Phoenix, it raised from the ashes and lives again. Never has a comet behaved like what ISON did. What I know is that ISON is bringing in vast amount of Energy to Earth after activating our Sun and this Energy is seeding new Life, even changing our DNA code and structure. Life on Earth will never be the same again in the very near future. A white bison calf was born on Thanks Giving Day in US and is an indicator of this change. Recently, archaeologist discovered many tunnels under the Pyramid in Giza and I had known this about this system of tunnels roughly a year ago from Thoth, who even mentioned that secret knowledge are locked Dimensionally behind these tunnels. Once Earth has transisted into the 5th Dimension, the gates will be opened and then only will Humans gain excess to the secret knowledge about the real and true history of our Earth. Until then, we are not ready to handle the Truth that is still Time- locked. Lastly I, the TaoHermit and the Hopi Indians share the same thinking- that ISON is the Blue Kachina of the Hopi predictions, and so far all 8 such predictions came true. OR NI TOR FOR.