For better insight of present times,read my Book "Escape to the Fifth Dimension" - a fast paced action advnture where Truth is weaved with Fiction. Order from -
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
First I wish to apologise for an inaccurate posting below but I had mentioned it was unconfirmed reports from an obscure local paper of Indonesia. Finally the debris and 3 bodies were recovered. Many theories were put forward and the most eerie one was from a mysterious Chinese who kept warning of an impending air disaster and he specifically mentioned either MAS or AirAsia! And a fortnight later, QZ8502 AirAsia disappeared from radar and now confirmed crashed. He called himself ‘Landlord’ and was ridiculed by many. A few days before the disappearance of the AirAsia plane, he went silent.
My deepest condolences to the grieving families who lost their loved ones. I did mentioned in an earlier postings that we can see more ‘Goodbyes” when we go into 2015. Unfortunately it happened earlier.
Someone did this- the 8888 is not a good number, contrary to some Chinese belief. It is too strong in Earth energy is all I can say for now. Doesn’t look good for 2015. OR NI TOR FOR
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Below are 2 news report from a local Indonesian portal – the 1st talked about some fishermen in Beltim heard a loud sound somewhere in the sea but they saw nothing. The 2nd report said a lone survivor was found by the fishermen. I can’t confirm these reports. Sorry I have no time to translate word for word. ORNI TOR FOR.
BELITUNG - Nelayan Kelapa Kampit, Beltim mengaku mendengarkan ledakan dengan suara cukup besar di perairan Kelapa Kampit, Minggu (28/12) sekitar pukul 07.00-08.00 WIB.
Informasi tersebut disampaikan ke anggota Tagana yang sedang melakukan persiapan untuk melakukan pencarian.
Nelayan yang sedang memancing tersebut sedang berada di perairan Kelapa Kampit saat mendengar ledakan keras. Namun nelayan tersebut tidak melihat secara langsung sumber ledakan yang didengarnya. Sumber ledakan diduga berasal dari perairan Pulau Nangka, Kelapa Kampit.
Jarak titik tersebut diperkirakan sejauh 5 mil dari Kelapa Kampit dan Pantai Burung Mandi, Damar. Namun nelayan tersebut belum bisa memastikan sumber ledakan merupakan pesawat yang dikabarkan hilang kontak, Air Asia rute Surabaya-Singapura.
"Ada nelayan yang mendengar ledakan, tapi belum bisa dipastikan. Lokasinya di dekat Pulau Nangka," sebut seorang anggota Tagana Beltm.
BELITUNG - Pencarian pesawat Air Asia di perairan Pulau Nangka, Beltim menggunakan kapal patroli Polairud Polres Beltim, Minggu (28/12/2014) siang, hingga petang nihil hasil. Sebelumnya, tim pencari di kapal patroli yang dipimpin Kasat Polairud Polres Beltim, AKP Yanto juga mendapatkan informasi adanya satu penumpang yang selamat.
Sesaat setelah meninggalkan Pos TNI AL Manggar, tim pencarian mendapatkan kabar adanya nelayan asal Manggar yang menemukan korban penumpang pesawat Air Asia dalam keadaan selamat. Penumpang tersebut ditemukan di sekitar perairan Pulau Serutu yang masuk wilayah Kalimantan Barat.
Kabar tersebut disampaikan keluarga nelayan yang meneruskan ke tim pencarian. Kemudian tim pencari berkoordinasi dengan posko terpadu yang dipimpin Danlanud H AS Hanandjoeddin Tanjungpandan, Letkol Pnb Setiawan. Tim pencari diperintahkan untuk menyisir perairan Pulau Nangka.
"Kita tetap sisir perairan Pulau Nangka, karena informasi sebelumnya di sekitar peraira, itu," ujar Yanto kepada Pos Belitung (, Minggu (28/12/2014) saat pencarian.
Tim pencarian ini tidak mendekat ke Pulau Serutu seperti informasi sebelumnya yang didapat. Pasalnya, terkendala kapasitas bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan jauhnya jarak tempuh ke lokasi tersebut. Pencarian diakhiri sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB.
"Masih sekitar 7 jam lagi kesana. Bisa sampai sana tapi kita nggak bisa baliknya, karena BBM habis," ucap Yanto.
It is shocking to report that AirAsia Flight QZ8501, an Airbus 320-200 with 162 people on board lost contact after asking for a flight deviation due to bad weather at 6.17am Jakarta, Indonesia time. No distress signal was received. I had just done my prayers for their safety and hope that all are safe somehow. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Christmas has always been special, it has a kind of aura, or magic. You know, in China they are quite crazy about Christmas even if the majority are not Christians. And again, China will play so many important roles in the future, oh, if only you know.
This Christmas will be, to a large extent, the last conventional Christmas that will ever be, so celebrate like you have not celebrated it before. Rejoice! This is because in the near future, it’s going to be quite different. How different I have no idea, but from my Divine Sources, it will be vastly different from Christmases of yesteryears. In fact I am already in Christmas mood, can’t seem to meditate this week. Even forgot the important meditation on the Solstice which I had planned to do so. Ah, even hermits have their off days and their lazy days. So, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, (I don’t like to use Season’s Greetings) be safe and don’t take chances with drinking and driving. Be back after New Year. OR NI TOR FOR.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
The end of 2014 is near and Year 3 of the Golden Age of Gaia will be round the corner. If 2014 is a tough year, next year will be even more eventful. Put your seat belts on. The influx of Energy from the Cosmos to Earth will be going to be more intense. The Eclipses and Soltices bring forward codes to activate our DNA to prepare for a 12 stranded DNA, and we have the Double Helical strands since the fall of Atlantis. The Old will have to give way to the New, the negative energies will have to be transmuted by both Gaia and her inhabitants. That is why more and more negativity will be evident in 2015 to be released and nothing will be exempted and nothing is to be hidden again. This means more intense weather patterns, typhoons, hurricanes, extremes of temperatures, earthquake and volcanic activities. Volcanoes that were inactive in the last 10,00 years will be active again. Acts of terror will also see an increase as the Dark try their very best to instill Fear, the only way they know to control the masses, along with their lies and deceit. Earth will be in this intense photon belt for the next 2,000 years and we are just entering into it. Notice that time seems to go by faster. The governments of about 20 countries will be changed eventually when everything is brought out in the open as nothing can hide anymore. Humans will realise that we are All One and connected.
Karma is being played out, Mother Gaia is also releasing all the pent up negativity that she had kept all these years from human activities. Nothing happens without a reason, and actually for the better good for All. It is time to cleanse and heal. And all must be completed fast as there is very little time left. Souls will have to fulfil their Soul contracts made even before they were born or incarnated. Events that shock the world will start people to think deep and hard, to search for the truths and thus changing their mindset. Out of all the sufferings and miseries, like the Phoenix, something good will arise. Cultivate the Consciousness of Truth from now on. Balance must be achieved. In all the mayhem, stay grounded and be centred in your heart chakra. Each of us has an Angel and Spirit Guide- ask for help for they will not intervene when not invited, it is the Law. Always hold yourselves in a joyous mood, no matter what happens, as this keeps your vibrations high and is protective. OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
A Survivor of the massacre
It happened on 16th Dec, 2014, a group of armed men shoot to kill the school children and after the blood bath, 145 died, of which 132 were the school kids. The world had hardly time to recover from the Sydney Siege and now this carnage. I should think you would have known this senseless act by now from your local News. Once again I send my Love and Light to the bereaving families and the young survivors, scarred mentally and emotionally for life. There were many such acts of insanity in other parts of the world but this tops it all, perhaps. The act must be condemned in the strongest sense. In my next posting, I shall say something about the meaning of all the disasters after my meditation. May the little Souls rest in Peace. OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 15 December 2014
Finally the siege in a Sydney Chocolate Café had ended but with three persons dead, including the gunman who held them hostage. This incident has put the coming Christmas celebration in a different mood for many. I give my condolences to the families of the hostages who died as a result of the siege. Rest in Peace, Tori Johnson (33 yrs) and Katrina Dawson (38 yrs). The lives of many will be changed forever. I hope the families will have strength and determination to face the future without their loved ones who died as heroes so others may live.
It was scary for me too because during my Talk on Sunday I had mentioned that the in- coming Energies from Alcyone is so powerful that those who can’t handle it will go berserk. And that 2015 will be a turbulent year. It is also scary because my family members had been regulars in the same Café and another works very nearby. The only information I have fengshui-wise is that the Café has a floor plan that is a Triangle and this is a big ‘No” in fengshui. Triangles represent ‘fire’ and that energy was activated when shooting occurred. I hope calm is now settled in Sydney. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Dean Yang will give a short glimpse into the Future in his coming Talk on 14th Dec, 2014 at 8pm in the YMCA, Penang.Be there!
Monday, 8 December 2014
Di jemput mari dengar pengarang Dean Yang berbincang buku novel nya "Escape to the Fifth Dimension" -
Tarikh - 14hb Disember, 2014
Masa - 8.00 - 10.00 mlm
Tempat - YMCA, Pulau Pinang
Sila hubungi untuk pendaftaran - Melinda (012- 4740828)
Atau terus beli dari -
Friday, 5 December 2014
You know me as TheTaoHermit. I have decided to reach out to many people to slowly impart some esoteric knowledge I have. Many who “know’ me had no idea who I really am, but that is a small matter. What matters is that they had dismissed my good intentions and instead laid obstacles in my Path. The Way is a difficult path to walk. You will hear of “The Way” in the future when all religions as known today will be torn down because of the Dark infiltration. I take all Lessons in my stride. I Bless all my adversaries because in fact, they had unknowingly taught me more. But I made no headway. I am making one more last attempt in my work to awaken the people. One final push before I will again go into obscurity and living in my own world of Tao. I really understood what Lao Tzu did- how he felt, and why he sat on his buffalo, playing his flute and disappeared into the mountains forever.
Today I tell you now that I am also known as Dean Yang. I hope that Dean Yang will be able to achieve more. I have written a Science- Fiction novel under the name of Dean Yang. It is called “Escape to the Fifth Dimension”. Well, it is not the usual Sci- Fi. You will need to read it twice- first round is to enjoy the story and second round to look for the gems of truth hidden within the fiction! I had also given a glimpse into the future. Most of the time I was on ‘automatic mode’ while writing, ie no plans of story line but was somehow guided and it just flows from me. Sometimes I myself am amazed how ‘automatic’ I was. But it was tough, many times I had to semi-meditate before I could write. And for 8 months I could do no writing as the flow stopped.
Please give me the support. You may buy it from or make your orders via I shall post sample Chapters in the future. OR NI TOR FOR.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
It is a fashion, playing the Ouija board, by school kids especially when school holidays are near. Many think nothing of it but they are absolutely wrong. It opens a portal, a doorway for demons and other negative, dark entities to come into our world. And once these entities come, it is almost impossible to chase them back. Recently a group of students in my daughter’s class decided to play “spirits of the coin” – a local version of the Ouija board. My daughter told them not to start playing until she leaves the class and go into the adjacent room. Then my daughter peeked through the glass door to see what was happening and all the while she chanted the powerful prayer I taught her – ‘OR NI TOR FOR”. Finally her friends had to give up and she asked them what happened. Her friends, veterans at the game, replied that tried as they will, no spirits came to move the coin they all had their fingers on. My daughter just kept quiet, as she knew the reason- the chanting of the prayer brought so much Light and protecting angels that the negative entities dared not appear. Below is a video I think explains further what I am saying. OR NI TOR FOR
Saturday, 22 November 2014
I first came to know of Supreme Master Ching Hai in early 2000 and was impressed by her Teachings based on Kuan Yin and the Tao. She is a world- wide phenomena, with her organization found all over the world and members running into hundreds of thousands. They are very active in Humanitarian works. In this video, she pleads for Humanity to be vegans, the best and fastest way to save our Mother Earth. OR NI TOR FOR.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Meet Ah Fook, the tough- looking local contractor doing renovation works in a small scale way. A friend I know was moving his office and found a new place and so renovation needs to be done and Ah Fook was given the job. I was not asked to do a Fengshui audit because my friend said his father knows fengshui and so I left it at that. Along the way my friend was very frantic because Ah Fook was behind schedule in the renovation works and just my friend’s luck, the landlord was a typical landlord from Hell, with demands that were very unreasonable during the renovation work. Now to make matters worse, Ah Fook was admitted in Cardiac Intensive Care suffering from a heart attack! Of course work was further delayed and the moving in day was fast approaching. There were other minor setbacks too. When my friend told me his plight, I just kept quiet and listened. Actually I knew the reason. I had one day decided to take a look on the new office and did a quick feng shui check without using the obvious “luopan” but a high tech digital compass only. In this way I get the vital information without arousing suspicion. It was obvious to me that Ah Fook had made a fundamental error in starting work at the most evil corner of the new office. It also meant that my friend’s father isn’t too knowledgeable in fengshui as otherwise he would have stated where and when to do the first renovation work so that work can progress smoothly. Besides, the whole office has too much ‘Yin’ energy.
Anyway, the tough Ah Fook got himself discharged from Hospital early despite doctor’s orders and went back to work and he miraculously managed to get it ready just in time for my friend to move in. What baffles me was that 99% of our local contractors will know that at the least, they should pray and pay respects to the local spirits before starting work and I knew Ah Fook did not. I also know that Ah Leong, the air- condition contractor was smart enough to have offered prayers to the local spirit and he got his work done without hindrance. By the way, I mentioned that the office is too much “Yin’, and well, my friend, ever since he moved in, his car was involved in an accident twice within a week! So still do not believe in feng shui? Then I say to you -OR NI TOR FOR.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Like all true masters, Chang, is humble and lives an ordinary life style in Java, Indonesia. However he has incredible healing powers generated from his body Qi from his brand of meditation. I was really surprised that he had broken a rule among mystics and healers in allowing his powers to be advertised and subjected to scientific investigations. He paid the price for this folly and must now disappear from the sensational seeking media and never allowed to have any students to pass on what he knows, the ultimate punishment for a master for what is to use if you are unable to hand this down to a capable student? So far my Aboriginal master has avoided the limelight and is quite unknown here but much sought after by the other Taoist masters in China, who know and value his gifts only too well, as only a master will know how great another master really is. There are thus lots of ‘scientific minds” that criticize and ‘debunked’ Chang, but to me, they are the ones who are the real fakes!
One thing that jolted me was the fact that after meditating for 2 years in the Borneo jungles, he had a message that ‘great changes is coming to our planet.” This resonates with what the Mayans, Hopi Indians and others, including me, think. Enjoy the video below, and see if you can get the spiritual meanings and innuendos unknowingly shown!! Ah, as only a master will appreciate the implications! OR NI TOR FOR
Friday, 31 October 2014
There are many from Atlantis who is reincarnated here today. These Souls are being given another chance to correct the wrongs they had done while in Atlantis, about 12,000 years ago. They had misused their power to control the masses, to manipulate genes, participate in corrupt practices and many more uncouth practices that finally brought the entire continent and civilisation down. Their selfishness and greed knew no limits. These Souls are being given another chance to redeem themselves and thus many are being incarnated as leaders today. Sad to say, in my observation, many political leaders have yet failed again and miserably so. There is at present only a few political leaders of World standing that belong to the Light and I need not identify them.
There is another group from Atlantis here today. They had served well in the final and last hours of the civilization. These are the ones that decided to stay back and help calm the remaining people of Atlantis when doomsday struck. You see, the Elders and High Priests who knew that the end is near were two groups. One group had to lead the pure Souls to safety to escape the total destruction and these were about 500,000 in number. They could not tell nor save the entire population and thus it was a covert operation. Of this number, only 250,000 managed to escape to survive in places like what is today known as South America, Mexico, Egypt, Tibet and China.
Many others decided to stay back to be with those who were the common folks. The reason was to create a calm atmosphere to reduce the trauma of the coming doomsday. This was because the trauma will have a lasting detrimental effect on these souls who perish under such horrific circumstances that it would take aeons for their souls to recover.
These Atlanteans who stayed behind knew their auras alone will have a calming effect on the common masses. I now remember I was one of them. So let me relate what I remember.
There was great destruction all over the place. The power unleashed from the gigantic satellite, the size of the moon and which provides free energy to the whole continent, that was converted to a great weapon to destroy the Lemurians was like a million atomic bombs. This resulted in the satellite being unstable and lost its orbit in the sky and crash towards Atlantis. The Priest- Scientist knew this would happen and had resisted to use the satellite as a weapon against the Lemurians, but they were arrested and kept as captives while the rogue scientists went on with the plan after learning how to convert the satellite to a weapon of mass destruction (does this word sound familiar?).
Anyway we stayed behind to calm the common people. The continent sank in bits and pieces. We gathered the innocents and played our musical instruments to help calm them. We sang a song that was like the Auld Lang Syne as the tsunami waves came like a great wall almost a kilometre high. There were no survivors, except those who had secretly left for a safer place months ago in small batches. That is the reason why I will tear whenever I hear Auld Lang Syne being played and my fear of water. Actually the composer who wrote the Auld Lang Syne was one of us reincarnated from Atlantis. So I should say we sang the original. And now I am here again to witness a great change on Gaia (Earth) when she shifts to the Fifth Dimension fully because now parts of her holographic Self is already in the Fifth Dimension. This time it will be slightly different, although the mayhem and chaos will be there. Then, when lands sink again, Atlantis will rise from the bottom of the ocean. All that had been told by the Masters will happen. OR NI TOR FOR.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
I am a Divine Being of Light and Truth Seeker. I had been persuaded to leave my hermit-like life to awaken the unawakened with the knowledge I posses and the Truth that comes to me. That is the Calling I have. As mentioned in Part 1 below, I knew of the near- miss that Humanity and all Life on Earth faced in 1972 a few years ago. But I had no other details. Then suddenly the information I asked for came to me. Now I shall share it with you my dear Readers. Those who read my postings are destined to read it. Those who never find my Blog are not meant to as their vibration is not in sync. It is so.
The call by the Sirians for help involved 144,000 races from different worlds and dimension and they had an intense discussion. About 70,000 decided there is nothing any civilization can help Earth avert the catastrophe and they decided to get out. Their principle of non- interference was also a factor. The rest, the Pleidians, Aldebarans, Arcturians and others were led by the Sirians and they stayed to help. [OR NI TOR FOR, Thank you Pleidians, Thank you Aldebarans, Thank you Arcturians and Thank you Sirians and others not mentioned!] They had permission to help from the Galactic Council to intervene because not one person, animal or plant will survive this blast from the sun. They also had to think of a way so that no one on Earth will know what is being done. Anyway they went on with their never-before- tried Plan to rescue Earth and her inhabitants. It was very complicated and beyond my understanding though I was told of the broad blue print. They had to create Timelines and holograms, accelerate our evolution and to quickly create a temporary Christ Consciousness Grid at 10th, 11th and 12th over tones. What happened was unbelievable even to the Sirians and company. We accelerated fast in our evolution and that further saved us from the fireball. Thus we were saved.
However there was a slight setback in 1990 – Iraq invaded Kuwait and this set up war preparations. We had in fact reached critical mass in number of evolved souls but everything was held back with this invasion. Even predictions by Masters like Thoth and others now went haywire. A new game Plan is being made, and the Masters too changed theirs to match. Since 1992
whatever happens to our planet is entirely up to us. Even the predictions of Nostradamus is no longer valid after 1972. Herein lies a new problem.
We have polluted our air, water, oceans and land. We had cut our forests down and tilted the ecological balance. Forty percent of species had vanished forever. We played with atoms and have nuclear arsenal capable of destroying all life forms. Worse still are the Nuclear Energy Plants scattered all over. Fukushima explosion was worse than that of Chernobyl but was under reported. And I am leaving out politics in this equation.
Thus, in my meditations and prayers, I am cleansing the Earth of the pollutions. I am concentrating on its waters first. I bless the water and send it out to do the cleansing as it flows to drains, streams, rivers ,sea and ocean. On one occasion, I concentrated this cleansing in my area and within 3 days, there was a local Newspaper report on the polluted sea in my area that brought the attention of the local authorities galvanising them into action! You can also do your part – in prayers, meditations and actions. Mother Earth is crying and dying. She is crying out for help. Listen to the Shaman Little Grandmother, who put is so beautifully – OR NI TOR FOR!!
Saturday, 11 October 2014
I had known about the escape all Life on Earth had from total annihilation but it was only recently that I had the details. So here I share the information.
To understand how close we came to total annihilation, we need to go back 200 years ago. The Sirians, our Galactic father aspect, realised that Humanity may not make it by 1972 if humanity had not risen to 4th Dimensional vibration, as everything will be wiped out by the greatest Solar Flare. They kept looking for a solution and discovered some Being in a faraway Galaxy had an idea of how to avert the annihilation of an entire planet, but it has never been tried before.
Fast forward to 1968 David Suzuki of Canada believed that a huge Solar Flare is imminent, published a scientific paper and distributed to the Canadian government first. His group believed basing on scientific calculations, that between August and November of 1972 there would be an explosion of the Sun with another in 1984 and soon after we will experience a Pole shift.
The actual event occurred on August 7, 1972. It was the biggest thing Scientists had ever recorded – or unrecordable as it went off the scale. What they knew that the Solar Wind was recorded as 500 km per second, then increased to 1,000km/sec for 3 days and then dropped in speed and intensity suddenly. This was impossible and the event was published in all scientific literature.
Suzuki called for a world conference to discuss this strange phenomenon in 1973 but after this meeting, there was a total blackout of any news from the meeting of top scientific minds. I think it was because the scientists have no answers and it left them stunned because “something” must have intervened. But what? God? The top brains had no answers. We were that close to be totally annihilated, in fact all Life on planet Earth. (To be continued in Part 2)
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
This is a difficult topic to write, ie about Ukraine. It is a tragedy, what is happening in Ukraine where horrendous crimes against humanity largely went unreported by Western media. However, Ukraine and the Middle East situation may determine how the World will continue into the Dimensional Shift and the Magnetic Pole Reversal (MPR). [The North Pole is already shifting to Siberia and the Earth’s magnetic field is weakening ten times faster than originally thought. A weakening field may indicate an impending Pole Reversal.]
First the Ukraine. My Russian contact indicated that in actual fact, the USA had already ‘lost’ the campaign there. By it’s meddling in the affairs of Ukraine, US (and EU) only dug their own graves. The Ukraine is in impending economic woes and the situation may only get worse and with winter approaching, things don’t look bright. Russia will eventually shift her financial machinery to the East and those Nations doing likewise will have a better chance to tide over the impending collapse.
I noticed in the news, they had started to introduce a new word – Novorussia”. My contact indicated that at the latest, by 2018 , we will see a new union of countries to be called Novorussian Republic and will comprise Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson. By then, US maybe history ie as a Superpower.
The demise of US is hastened by it’s involvement in Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria and the fall will be in a spectacular way. Only Russia and China, more so with the latter can help Obama out if they so decide, in 2015. Beijing will decide who is less evil and so help out as the next US President is more war- like.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
We who are Truth Seekers are trying to make this Interview available to all. It is worth seeing as bombshell after bombshell are being released. Get your cup of coffee, settle down and listen to Gordon Duff and some Russian Intel information.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
In my previous post, I briefly mention about the 3 days of Solar Flares. Well, I was in a hurry to attend a meeting and so had little time to write about the significance of the Flares. Today I shall share my knowledge. This recent one was classed as X1.6 and the one in February of this year was X4.9.
These sun flares are bursts of high energy magnetic packets that affects all living things on Earth and the Earth itself. In fact, all planets that is in its path. It is associated with earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic activities and so on. Telecommunications could be knocked off. Humans can experience a whole lot of symptoms – dizziness, palpitations, feeling nervous and edgy, lethargy, aches and pains. It is like a reboot on our nervous system, clearing cellular memories of usually traumatic experiences that are no longer needed and must be released. It also activates the dormant codes inside our DNA. We have chosen to be here at this time of greatest change in the Planet. In fact, Earth is now on the spot light of many Planetary Civilizations because what is about to occur has never been allowed to occur anywhere in the Cosmos. We really are the luckiest and the bravest ones to be here at this time. The 3 Days of Darkness, mentioned earlier by Drunvalo Melchizedek, was expected to occur on 21st Dec 2012 but it did not materialize, however I think it will come one day that which is ‘The Event”. Recently, on the day of the recent Flare, 13 of the world’s most gifted shamans gathered in Siberia to perform ancient rituals and ceremonies to prepare the world for up- coming events. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Emergency Alert
An alert has been issued by the FBI and DHS about an imminent terrorist attack.
The areas of highest probability for attack are:
> Greater Southwest areas of the U.S.
> El Paso, TX
> Las Cruces, NM
> Tucson, Phoenix and Yuma, AZ
> San Diego and the greater Los Angeles area, CA
This has been confirmed by local law enforcement on the NCIC DHS database system. For those who live in or around these areas, please be prepared with emergency evacuation plans that use other than the main highways, with rally points to staging areas where help can be given to patriots at other rally points.
Any new intel will be conveyed immediately when it is received. It is hoped with this information now being out in the open that the cabal’s devastating plans will be thwarted. OR NI TOR FOR.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
I had been tracking Earthquake, Volcanic and Planetary activities including UFOs, and came to the conclusion that something huge may come up around 9/9/2014 plus minus a few days. There had been a surge of earthquake tremors and a sharply increase in reports of UFO sightings all over the world. In my posting below, I had given a hint of the important 9/9 date but now I had been receiving too much esoteric information about the significant date that I need to bring the attention to it. Besides there is a report of an impending Solar surge just within a few hours from now ( depending on when you read this postings as it could have already hit Earth). I hate to spread fear so this is not my intention but to just warn my loyal readers to be on the look out, and as always, remain calm and collected and call for your Angels and Guides for protection. OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Each and every one of us have a Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel, being assigned to us in all our Lifetimes. The same Guides will be with us in each of our incarnations. It is only that we do not know and so never made any attempt to communicate with our Spirit Guides. Nevertheless our Guides will be there always to render assistance lovingly. If we acknowledge their presence and say a little ‘Thank you”, it will be greatly appreciated. Trouble is, Guides communicate with us via their own way and usually via some sort of signs. So we must be alert and able to interpret these signals.
In my case, when I asked for a sign from my Guide, it almost always responds accordingly like a feather falling down near me out of no where or a leaf falling right into my breast pocket! What an aim! The favourite method of communication with me is via numbers that repeats itself in three digits, like 444 etc. This is especially when I am driving and I will notice these numbers in the car in front of me. Urgent messages are sent to me in quite a dramatic way, like an idiot driver suddenly cutting in front of me and I would notice the ‘message’ as 777 for example. Cars usually have four digit number plates, so it usually will be something like “ XYZ 3777”.
Recently my Guide saved me from a nasty accident while I was driving back after work. In this case a driver changed lanes suddenly and cut right in front of me and I had to hit the brake a little to avoid hitting the idiot’s bumper. Then I looked at the number plate and it was “ XYZ 8333”. This “333” is a Danger number! For a few seconds I was shocked at the message. Then I recovered my composure and called the Master for help and protection to whatever danger looming around.
As I continued on my journey home, I had to negotiate a tricky T- junction and seeing the coast clear, I made the turn but to my utter shock, a car in front made the right turn suddenly and I hit the brake pedal fast as lightning and avoided a nasty smash up. It was a near miss! I thanked my Spirit Guides for the warning.
Some of you will say “If everyone has a Spirit Guide, then why did their Guides not protect them from danger which resulted in their deaths, like being murdered?” Well, our Guides are here to ensure that we do not deviate from our Soul contracts that was agreed upon before our incarnation is my answer.
So let me share with you the way the Angels talk to us via numbers.
111 – Careful of your thinking because what you think is what you get
222 – Things are coming true for you
333 – Call your Master for help
444 – Your Angels are near you, everything will be OK
555 – Big changes ahead
666 – Get help, another danger number.
777 – Keep up the good work
888 – Prepare for the New
999 – Completion of a Phase; teach others by example
By the way, talking of numbers, something of significance will be happening this 9th September, ie 9-9. Be prepared for more earthquakes and severe weather worldwide. This coming winter will be the coldest ever recorded and for Southern Hemisphere, I suspect, the hottest Summer ever. OR NI TOR FOR.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
I interrupt my usual postings with this urgent report of the California quake and also the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Both these are very significant if you are able to read the signs.
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude 6.0
Date-Time • 24 Aug 2014 10:20:44 UTC
• 24 Aug 2014 03:20:44 near epicenter
• 24 Aug 2014 17:20:44 standard time in your timezone
Location 38.214N 122.319W
Depth 10 km
Distances • 6 km (3 mi) NW of American Canyon, California
• 9 km (5 mi) SSW of Napa, California
• 13 km (8 mi) NNW of Vallejo, California
• 14 km (8 mi) SE of Sonoma, California
• 82 km (50 mi) WSW of Sacramento, California
Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 0.2 km; Vertical 0.3 km
Parameters Nph = 89; Dmin = 3.3 km; Rmss = 0.20 seconds; Gp = 28°
Version = 4
Please refer to my older postings titled “Lion’s Gate of 8:8…” in which I mentioned a date of importance - 25th August. First there will be a series of low grade quakes, making the authorities and local people taking things easy, then the BIG ONE will hit California in middle of night, where many people are in their beds. It will register 9.0 and above. The next three months will be significant. To people of California, USA, and those of Iceland, I The Tao Hermit send you Love and Blessings. OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
I finally may have met the biggest challenge to my healing knowledge as someone referred a very tough case to me. I am considering whether to take it up or not. Five years ago a friend who teaches Yoga had spoken to me of this case, let’s call her Ms A. It seems that after Ms A came back from her studies abroad, within a month she fell ill with high fever of unknown origin (PUO) that resulted in having fits. She was still able to walk and fend for herself but becoming weaker with repeated attacks of convulsions. My Yoga teacher friend was thinking of asking me to help her friend in any alternative way since the medical doctors could not control the fever or the fits. But somehow my friend did not come back to me as she moved to another City.
A few weeks ago, and five years later, via telephone conversations and setting up an appointment to meet me, my Yoga teacher friend appeared with the mother of Ms A. This time they made a formal request for my help. Ms A’s condition had deteriorated over the years of in and out of Hospitals and now she is in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). She had also developed Pneumonia, among the many other complications that included her kidneys
She is now under the care of Physicians, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon and a whole host of other Specialists and had undergone various blood tests, lumbar puncture, MRI, EEG and etc. Her blood was also sent to Australia and USA for very specific tests but all came back negative. No cause could be detected now or five years ago, despite repeated tests and investigations.
I had calculated her Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) as a preliminary investigation to gain some insight, and what I got was indeed very bad news. We are fighting against Destiny perhaps. My dilemma now is whether to take up the case. The methods that I may use may be in conflict of their religious belief and this aspect was not discussed yet as I have yet to answer them. Besides I may also fail to help Ms A and I do not like to give them false hopes but I also know that perhaps I maybe their only hope, since the medical doctors have nothing to offer. The other issue is that she is still heavily sedated and under artificial ventilation with tubes running all over her. For one thing I can’t do my stuff in an ICU setting as for sure I will be escorted out by the Security. Perhaps my answer may come from the I Ching. I await for the correct timing to meditate and ask the I Ching thus. Or I could make a journey into the Jungle to meet with my Aboriginal shaman Spiritual Master for his help and advice. The only problem is that I will have to track him down as he is very mobile and goes everywhere to heal the sick. However he does occasionally come to see me once every few months. I also welcome any suggestions from anyone who think they may have a valuable advice to give me. The family of Ms A is at their wit’s end- they had spent a fortune to get her the best Medical care and even her siblings are slowly withdrawing their support, leaving her aged mother running around all by herself. If her condition improves so that they will shift her to a normal ward, it is then only I can do my healing work. So only Time will tell.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Di Jemput menghadiri Ceramah Stem Cell
Tarikh - 16hb Ogos, 2014
Waktu - 7.00 – 10.00 malam
Tempat - Hotel Kemena
Assyakirin Commerce
Square, Bintulu
Sharahan oleh – Dr H.C. Yeoh
Peluang untuk anda membuat satu Perniagaan dengan modal sadikit sahaja.
Saturday, 9 August 2014
I do not like to deal with the Politics, especially with the regions of Palestine/Israel and Iraq. I am apolitical, with no judgements. This will be my first and last post on things political. What prompted me to write is that people of one of these regions are suddenly visiting my Postings. They need some kind of Light, some kind of insight. They need hope.
Will the warring factions in Palestine/Israel ever lay down their weapons? I think so. Things are too complicated here. That is why Heaven will intervene. First the Love Tsunami Energy is getting stronger since 8th August (8:8). Next more and more Souls are volunteering to incarnate into these areas. These kids are highly developed souls and when they grow up, they will refuse to carry arms and fight anymore, disappointing their parents. They have Love and Peace coded in their DNA. Yes, it will take some Time, but time is speeding up too. (If you think deeply, you will get a hint of what is happening.)
Autistic kids are now blossoming everywhere, and these are also souls who bring a new kind of energy with them. They are highly talented and many are geniuses. Only society had failed them. So are the Indigo kids. Again I emphasise, they don’t need medication, stop sending these kids to the doctor.
Change is coming, and not one of us, in our wildest imagination, can even have a whiff of what is to come. Many times I had mentioned that there is Chaos, then Change. Karma is being speeded up, to cleanse the last remaining negative energy. One must never have Fear, for it blocks the progress. Since Dec 21st 2012, the sieve had been separating those of the Light and Darkness. Those who do not change into Light workers, their fate had been sealed by Heaven. These will keep spiralling down into the Abyss of Negativity where there is no escape anymore.
One Law is the Free Will given to Humans. Heaven will not intervene if you do not ask for help in these times of hardship. If you only ask help for yourselves, this is really selfish to a large extent, yet Heaven these days will respond. If you ask for help for everyone, then it is regarded as more in accordance with The Law of One, and for sure you will be abundantly rewarded. That is why I pray for the entire world, all Beings and for the Cosmos almost daily, when I do my meditations. I send my Light energy to places of need. I send the Arch Angels along when doing so. What you now think is what you get, so stop all the negative thinking, that you are a victim. Everyone is in the place where they are supposed to be, there is no doubt and there is no mistake. Embrace the Change. Follow your Heart. I, the TaoHermit, now Bless all those who read my Post, open your hearts to receive the Light and Love with Blessings, for I have charged this Post. It is no coincidence if you have arrived at my blog, Dear Ones. It is done. So be it. OR NI TOR FOR.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Today is a very important day because very strong Energy is being beamed to all and I suggest that you do a little meditation to receive it. Open your heart chakra, just be still for a few moments, empty your mind of negative thoughts (very important). Then you will be prepared for the Change that will be evident soon, perhaps the 25th August, 2014 will separate the wheat from the chaff, the Light from the Dark Ones. People’s behaviour may run riot in any direction, as already seen in many newspaper reports – your local news as well as International
The Ebola virus is causing havoc in Western Africa. It is spread via air borne particles and not only by close body contact. Medical ‘experts” dare not tell the truth, or worse still, they are still ignorant, like the blind leading the blind. Follow your Heart, for it is where Truth lies. I shower my Blessings, Love and Light to everyone – OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Take heed of what I write here because it will explain to you what else is happening all over the world. And it will give you an insight to your situation now or in the immediate future. Due to the influx of Energy from The Central Sun, Alcyone, many changes are occurring in the macro- and micro scale, inside our bodies and outside in the environment. Our DNAs are changing and some portions are being activated. The Human Race has at least 7 types of Alien DNA segments due to hybridisation and genetic experiments since the time of the Annunaki.
I have observed, and even experienced, the break up of relationships. This is because the Time has come to separate the wheat from the chaff, the Light and Dark Forces in The Shift that happening on Earth.
First I shall describe my experience as an example. One of my workers had been working for me for 10 years. Along the years she had changed from a loyal worker to a most evil one. All along I knew she was playing some kind of power play on the others but I took no action. Of late her behaviour had accelerated from bad to worse and I had to let her go when she herself could not stand the more positive environment that I had created. Many of my customers were so surprised to know that she had left. It has to be since I am of the Light and she had become Darker. Just like oil and water do not mix; Light and Dark must go separate ways, no matter how “indispensible” she was. In fact I knew of trouble brewing up as I had been keeping an eye on her Chinese Zodiac chart, so I was not taken aback.
This scenario is being played out in several other people I know- long- term friendships gone separate ways as the true colours came forth. One will be of the Light, the other turned Dark, or rather their true Selves manifested, which is of the Dark side in reality. All these years they had only put up a false front and finally, when the Energies are being beamed form Alcyone, it showed their true form. Nothing lies hidden anymore. A person some 5 years ago, may have thought it was a closed door private meeting and said things that should not had been uttered. But unknown to him, someone had video taped it and it is only now that it was released over social media and so everything is being revealed. The karma is served. He had to face the consequences. His true colour is exposed under the Energies being beamed to Earth for all to see.
This is also true of Political alliances- many will break up. Business and Cooperate partnerships are also not exempted, a break up is inevitable if one is of Light and the other is of the Darker side. Families may also break up likewise in the same vein. Then Countries too will be affected. The breaking up of USA is in the cards. Ah, USA – I sense something is brewing up. I just can’t figure out what exactly and when. The Chinese Almanac, has indicated the following dates – August 9th to 11th, as the most deadly Energies and I think we be very careful on these days.
The Ebola virus (and AIDS virus), created in the Labs of America is coming back to haunt. The American doctor who is suffering from the Ebola virus has been evacuated back to the US, which is a highly risky move. The Ebola vaccine is still untested and so is unsafe. Will it be an excuse to force Americans to be vaccinated and those who refuse to be arrested? The Founding Fathers of America must be turning in their graves because America now is being run by the Illuminati and steering so much off course from what America was meant to be. The fall of the Euro will also mark the break up of the European Union. However, China is purging the criminals out of their System and so many arrests had taken place, including those who were “untouchables”, ie the kingpins.
All these are because Change is coming. There must be anarchy and chaos before the Energy settles down to a new found level. Life as we know it will change. So embrace the change. Go with the flow, as the Tao says. As more and more Light Energy is being beamed to Earth, every soul will make a decision – whether to undergo Ascension (Change) in the present body vehicle or to do it in the conventional way via death. And Death as you know it, can come in a variety of ways. So now the Light separates from the Dark, so that Light is with Light and Dark with the Dark ones together, then kapooow! I can only say OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Actually I had been trying to avoid writing about UFOs because indeed there are so many websites on this topic and they give a much better write up than I. Besides, I find this topic a bit boring as I had witness many sightings and thus am no longer intrigued by it. And as usual, I do not carry a video cam around to record my sightings and thus no use talking about it without any proof. Only on one occasion did I manage to shoot a photo of a UFO and that too, was accidental, as I had mentioned in my previous posting.
Although there are still sceptics who are very anti- UFO, meaning it is all a hoax and all that, I do find more and more people are beginning to believe in the phenomenon. There is thus a Shift occurring in the consciousness of people. There will be more sightings in the sky and later even landings to small pockets of people. In this way, Governments will have their hands full and can’t keep on denying.
Anyway the ETs are the Andromedians, Pleidians, Sirians, Vegans and Arcturians most of them being “benevolent types” while the Dracos and Greys are generally the Negative ETs. I wish to show you a video from China, filmed in their National Forest Park in Fuxin 2 years ago. I think it is a ‘must see” video. Would love to have your comments!
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Anyway, you need to have your Cappuccino because today I shall reveal more. I will touch on many current topics of significance. I discovered not many folks in my area know anything about the toxic Chemtrails in the sky. They still think it was the harmless emission from a flying plane. When I mentioned about toxic chemicals and hazardous biological stuff, they sneered at me. Little do they know it was designed to harm citizens by the Dark Ones, also known as the Illuminati. Surprised? However, fear not, because our Star Families are doing their best to nullify the toxic chemtrails. Yeah, you read it correctly- our Star Brothers and Sisters, in other words, ETs
The Photo I took in my locality-below
There had been increased reports of UFO sightings and activities in many parts of the world lately. I had inadvertently shot a photo of a UFO without knowing it until I viewed the photo weeks later. I wanted to shoot a picture of the moon but ‘accidently” pressed the button before I could focus on the moon. UFOs do not really excite me much because in actual fact, my wife and I had been seeing plenty of UFOs in our skies almost every other night. But what seems more strange to us is that when we asked around, no one seemed to ever see these UFOs! [The answer is the vibration we are in vs the others].
Talking about ETs and UFOs, I better get this off my chest- although the Negative Greys and Reptilian ETs had been defeated and chased out of Earth by the Galactic Forces, our Space Families, especially the Arcturians, are on the watch out for a re-entry of these Dark Ones when Portals are open. Earth was known throughout the Galaxy as a quarantined Planet, meaning a force field was erected to exclude other interferences by both new Dark and Light Forces. This quarantine had only recently been lifted due to the efforts of the Light Forces and God’s Decree.
Now let’s take a look at ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Watch this group carefully. For your information, it has some connection with the CIA and Rand Corporation. They are well- armed, mostly with American weapons. Since Germany had discovered that link, she had kicked many USA- linked organizations out of German soil. My sources mentioned that Germany, the engine of Europe, may leave EU and join BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Once BRICS is activated, it will be the end of US Dollar and Economy.
For about 2,000 years, the fight between Light and Dark was skewed towards the Dark Ones but soon this will be reversed, for the ‘experiment” has gone far enough as it certainly will lead to the destruction of Planet Earth and this will upset the balance of the entire Cosmos. It will not be permitted. This brings to the Dragon Families of China and Japan. These Families are very secret but are playing very important roles behind the scene in the fight against the Dark Ones comprising of Humans, Hybrids and Reptilians. Their identities had been kept secret for thousands of years and until today. They use a Spokesman on their behalf. One of their main missions is to guard the tons of Gold from being looted by corrupt politicians and especially the Illuminati. (Hint- members of the Bilderberg group). The Gold Bullion belongs to Humanity and will be released once the mass arrests occur all over the world, thus fulfilling the NESARA Project.
This arrests may start with first the arrests of those from the Vatican and Royals of UK and Europe. In fact the under currents in the British Royal Palace is anything but peaceful. There are pressures for Camelia to be ousted and Prince Harold to be future King.
Russia is being portrayed as evil by the Western countries and the recent shooting down of MH17 is the trigger for USA and Allies to attack Russia. However my sources tell otherwise, and in summary, Russia will save the world when the world is in the brink of anarchy. You may have noticed that Russia is now leaning towards to East and Germany is joining soon. The real prize in Ukraine is the discovery of Pyramids there and Putin know the significance these huge Pyramids hold (portals to other dimensions, alien technology, etc) to allow the USA have their hands on it.
I have more to reveal but this is already too lengthy an article for me and is unusual for me. I am doing this because I have received the go- ahead from higher sources to Light up the world a bit. I was told not to remain in my hermit lifestyle anymore but to share my knowledge, which at times I feel is not the right time yet. OR NI TOR FOR.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
(Quick translation – message to Indonesian people for voting Joko as President- a good man)
Saya amat gembira dengan Berita bagus ini dari Indonesia. Syabas, raayat Indonesia. Dalam pendapat saya, memilih Joko Widodo adalah satu cabaran yang tinggi sebab Joko tiada ada apa-apa hubungan dengan Tentera dan dia dari keluarga yang datang dari perumahan diperbuat daripada buluh di tepi sungai. Dari apa yang saya fahami dari tokoh spiritual saya, President Joko boleh membawa Indonesia ka perengkat tinggi!
Sunday, 20 July 2014
The Penang State Flag (of Malaysia) at Half Mast
I offer my deepest sympathies and condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the recent tragedy that involved MH17 believed to have been shot down by a missile over Ukraine on 17/7/2014. Until today, it is highly speculated that pro- Russian rebels were responsible as they have the capability due to the Buk missiles they possess
Also so far, the whereabouts of the Blackbox is hard to confirm as some reports indicated that the Pro- Russian Rebels had taken it. It will be a very complicated and delicate process to find the truth and bring the guilty party to justice. The way I see it is that it may lead to a war, and USA is again involved because it is very angry at Russia. It is just the so- called ‘Red Flag” needed to start a conflict.
From my sources, Germany may leave the EU, which will be another shock, to join up with China. For Malaysia, she is just having a series of bad luck. The saga of MH370 is still unsettled and now MH17. One had disappeared, the other shot to pieces.
Please refer to my ‘Message from Heavens..Part 2” – I had mentioned a series of countries in Chronological order, ie Vatican, UK, Russia….etc. Actually the Vatican is exposed to be involved in paedophile and satanic rites cases, UK with the Royals being involved in human trafficking and disappearance of Native Canadian children and now Russia is being held responsible for the downing of MH17 Flight. But these reports are not printed by mainstream Media.
The Number 7 was very much associated in the tragedy of MH17 – July is 7th month, the Boeing is a 777 and the Flight is Seventeen. Number 7 is regarded as an occult number. Even 2014 when reduced to single digit is 2+0+1+4 = 7. In occult circles, it was regarded by many that the shooting down of MH17 is for a blood sacrifice by those of the New World Order. These Dark Ones knew their days are numbered, and they had to do something quick for survival of their species, thus a blood sacrifice is needed. Wait for my nest postings where I shall explain more about what is really happening in our World. It may shock you. Please be patient. OR NI TOR FOR.
BUK Missile Launcher
Thursday, 17 July 2014
I rush this Report - A Malaysian Airlines’ Boeing-777 has crashed over Ukraine, close to the border with Russia.
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Geraschenko said the plane carrying 285 passengers and 15 crew members fell
Saturday, 12 July 2014
MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN – PART 3 ( and last Part)
As you would have noticed, everywhere Truth is popping up, ie scandals galore are glaring in our faces, if not in mainstream media, in other internet news. By the way, you can’t depend on mainstream news. You got to find other sources. Like, do you know the Planet Nebiru is approaching us but is hidden behind the sun at this juncture? I got news that great changes will occur when Nebiru fly by and what we are used to will never be the same. The best advice is to listen to your own heart and always have positive thoughts because in time to come, and is rather sooner than what you may think, what we think is what we get. Our inner world reflects our outer world of manifestation, as Above, so Below.
The brave ones, when they know the Truth, will reveal all, as nothing can now remain hidden. From Ireland, Truth will spread, and we will know our true History which we have been lied to, especially as to our Human origins. Forget about Darwin’s theory. For most of us students of esoteric teachings, we know that the Annunaki geneticist had manipulated our DNA, along with other Star People and so our origins have nothing to do with Planet Earth. I am in sync with the Native American Indians, and they too agree with what I know.
You may have noticed there are lots more kids diagnosed with Autism, you may even have one yourself. The real truth about these kids is that they are Souls who volunteered to be incarnated now and show us the Way. Forget about what the Doctors tell you about Autism, and stop any medication, because a) they are not “sick”, b) they should not be drugged because it could be detrimental for their development, c) they are actually highly intelligent but our present educational system is entirely designed to suppress free thinking and promote brain washing and d) parents must let them show their talents. I had tried to give a Talk on Autism but every organization I approached killed my project. This is the Negative Force working in them. In fact I have more esoteric information than just about the Autistic kids, buts sad to say, every attempt I tried to reveal the Truth I discovered, I was sabotaged. The silent majority is now irrelevant if they do not take positive action, speak their truth and meet head-on with the Dark Ones. Wake up, People. How long will you want to be bullied, lied to, brain washed and suppressed? I end this message with a Native American Chief Golden Light Eagle’ss message. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Thursday, 3 July 2014
You would have noticed that things are getting worse in many places, like there is no end to it. Things like the governments, politics, crime of all sorts, water woes, natural weather disasters, price hikes, pollution and all the rest of it. And thins will get even worse. Evil souls seem to be getting away with their crimes. Those of us who wish for a better world seems to have lost hope as criminals of all sorts are having a field day and upper hand. Actually the worst thing to do is in the negative mode, for it reduces the Light force and gives energy to the Dark forces. Imagine if many good Souls lost all hope and give in to the negative thinking and feeling, then the Dark ones will thrive even more. It is the very moment of the Now that we need to keep our positive energy going and flowing. Heinous crimes of rape had occurred in India which received world- wide attention but it has also occurred in many other countries, mine included. In fact it looks like rape crime is getting even more. Why?
From my meditation, I get that the Feminine Energy in this Age of Aquarius is pouring in. The Masculine energy had had a strong hold in our 3D Earth for at least 2,000 years and is fighting for it’s ‘survival”, refusing to let go. However the Feminine Energy is now being brought forth to have more balance, like Yin Yang, in our part of the Cosmos. As the Energies are beamed to Earth, those who are unable to handle this Positive Feminine power will be de-stabilized and react in extreme ways, thus the many mass shootings in the USA, the rapes in India( a Land where males are the dominant force, but not for long anymore) and other violent acts ( the knife stabbing spree in China).
The Portals of Heaven are open, pouring down the Positive Feminine Energy, affecting everyone and there is no escape. Scandals will no longer be concealed, and whoa, there are aplenty in every country! Truth keeps popping out, and some Truth hurts so much that those who are unable to take it will wither away. Lies had been told by Governments, Agencies, international Bodies, etc and people will be shocked to learn how a few had control over the many.
Pay attention to the following sequence of events in the following order over the places I shall mention – Vatican, then UK, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Japan, China, Uganda, UAE and Afghanistan. The news will be sensational, the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Above all, stay calm, be an observer, let things flow, shine your Positive Energy and Light always to uplift fellow Humans. I shall smile, be in Meditative state, and say “OR NI TOR FOR”.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Just 2 days ago there was a huge Quake of 7.9 off Aleutian Island, Alaska followed a series of 6.6 in surrounding areas of Alaska today and at the other end of the world near New Zealand was another Quake. This to me seems to be serious as the earth’s plates are moving and building up pressure. Volcanoes that were quiet all these years are beginning to be active and of note are the Reunion Volcano Piton de la Fournais and the world’s largest volcano called Mauna Lao in Hawaii
The severe drought in California may get even worse and mass death of whales, dolphins, bees and fish were reported all over the world in recent months. To compound the matter, Dr Kaplan of University of Texas had sighted an unknown Planet (Nibiru?) and calculated its orbit and it seems to be heading to Earth. Has the Blue Kachina of the Hopi Prophecy appeared? There is another chart by 1Neotech that is more detailed. When Nibiru appears nearby a Planet, it always cause great upheavals like, earthquakes, volcanic activities, tsunamis, floods, drought, severe winds like hurricanes, tornados along with great discharge from our Sun ( sunflares). This trajectory of Nibiru approaching earth could be by July 20th but I suspect things will start happening around 18th July
I would suggest that you keep track of what is happening all over the world so as not to be caught by surprise. Worse still, some people had sighted cloud formation in Alberta (Canada) and also between Yellowstone and Alaska that looked like Lord Ganesh and Shiva. What are the Gods trying to tell us? Remember I reported about Bisons running away from Yellowstone Park some time ago? I am not sure what these implications are but my sense tells me of something of massive proportions may hit the USA. And there is one out- spoken and controversial psychic in US that is moving out of USA and settling down in Asia. I know this because he is auctioning off many of his stuff and gave no reasons for his moving but I suspect he has some vital information but keeping to himself. I had offered him to come to my Island but he politely refused and said he’s going to another Asian country. As I have many Americans following my postings (they make up about 80% of my readers), I hope they take some hints here and check out for themselves. I had intensified my Taoist prayers these days, doing what I can on my part for the trouble spots in the world. Mother Gaia (Earth) is having labour pains in her jump to the 5th Dimension, some said we are already in the 5D and only the gifted had noticed this. OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
A very well known and loved Feng Shui Grand Master passed away on 5th June, 2014. I was one of his several students and he will be severely missed in the Feng Shui circle, locally and abroad. He was Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai, a highly talented and revered Grand Master. He was a jovial and very lively man in his late 70s when I became his student. Grand Master Yap was very popular in Asia, Europe and US and gave his services to countless business tycoons, politicians, Royals, celebrities and not forgetting the common men.
His mind was very sharp with a peculiar sense of humour and I really admire his deep knowledge and ability to recite complex feng shui formulae any time. He was very famous for his expertise in Eight Mansions School, San Yuen, Yin Feng Shui, San He and The Water Dragon school. He could communicate with the Egyptian mummies and won over a Romanian dark entity which nearly cost him his life. It was through his recommendation that I had undergone rigorous training as a Taoist student in a secret Temple to increase my intuitive abilities to help in my Fengshui training. And as I understand, he seldom recommends the hordes of his students to this Temple, thus I was lucky to be the very few he referred to, and accepted by the Temple. May his Soul be free and happy. Good bye Grand Master.
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
This is a very relevant short video and I hope the lesson learnt here will make us better kids for our parents. Even without reading the translations you will know the message meant. Superb video.
Any comments?
Friday, 30 May 2014
In continuation to the post below, many had asked what is Singlish, as they had never heard it before. Well, the Video below explains it all. Have a good laugh, even if you do not understand
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Red Flag Combat Exercise is conducted by the USA Air Force (USAF) in Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada desert and friendly countries are invited to take part with the USAF. Recently Singapore Air Force took part in the Combat Exercise. The US is represented by their best top notch Fighter Pilots from United States Air Force (USAF), United States Navy (USN), United States Marine Corps (USMC) and United States Army (USA). The 414th Combat Training Squadron of the 57th Wing (57WG) over sees the entire very realistic aerial war games.
For the first three days, no matter what the Singapore Fighter Pilots flying their own F-16s did, they were ambushed every time. Then it dawned on the Singaporeans that the combined Forces of US were eaves dropping on them with their espionage technologies, thus thwarting all the SAF’s detailed planning and tactics.
To counter the lack of back up and espionage abilities, the SAF pilots switched to using their peculiar way of speaking, ie Singlish, in all their communications and managed to rout the USAF in the last 3 days of simulated aerial Combat that entails dog- fights in the air. Yes, the tiny Nation of Singapore earned their respect. Kudos to these talented Fighter Pilots!
Monday, 12 May 2014
I too will pay my deepest respect to Lord Buddha whose Teachings I revere very much. May all Souls be Happy. In the Valley of Shambala, on Wesak Day, 13th May, where all Masters will meet at the appointed hour, Lord Buddha will appear, once every year on this day, to give his Blessings to all. OR NI TOR FOR
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Dratzo! Yes I am back. Last month there was a mysterious bird in my neighbourhood that only sings very loudly at night every night for about 2 weeks. It was very loud and the song was nice but one that I can’t identify by what kind of bird. It song fills the whole neighbourhood and it would sing almost non-stop for about 2.5 hrs. A song I have never heard before ever. I was trying to solve the mystery of what significance it had and the only method was to use meditation and contemplations since my asking around does not solve the mystery.
This is the answer that I got – you see birds singing has a profound effect to stabilise the area. This mystery bird, unseen but only heard, had come to bless and ground the area here. The song was melodious and not jarring or irritating, in other words good vibes. And I had been living here for about 10 years and never heard this bird before, so it can’t be a migratory bird. And it sings alone.
Thank you Bird for your Blessings!! OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 21 April 2014
Thank GOD that all passengers and crew of this Flight MH192 to Bangalore, India were safe. However, on the Highways, motor vehicular accidents continues. Be safe everyone!
Below is the News report from AP -
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A Malaysia Airlines flight heading to India with 166 people aboard made an emergency landing in Kuala Lumpur early Monday after it was forced to turn back when a tire burst upon takeoff, the airline said. The airline said Flight 192 to Bangalore in southern India landed safely at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 1:56 a.m. (1756 GMT) Monday, about four hours after it departed. The airline initially said the right landing gear of the Boeing 737-800 "malfunctioned upon takeoff" but later added that the problem was caused by a burst tire. "This was because one of the tires on the right-hand main landing gear burst during takeoff," the airline said in its latest statement emailed to The Associated Press. .Malaysia Airlines said tire debris was found on the runway, prompting air traffic control to immediately order the pilot to turn back to the airport. Fire rescue services were also deployed to be on standby for the landing. The airline said all 159 passengers and seven crew members have disembarked from the plane and no one was injured.
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