
Thursday, 20 April 2017


Some things seem to go very fast; other issues seem to take a long time to resolve. Time, for one, is speeding up. I see Energies and these days, it is very confusing. One night I stood in front of a building and in front of me was total darkness, blank and empty but in actual case there should have been another building in front. I was puzzled. For a moment I couldn’t tell where I was. I was that disorientated and can’t explain this experience. What I know is the Schumann Resonance from the original 7.83Hz had risen to something like over 49Hz, which shows Mother Earth is really shifting big time. The pictures (below) I took today differed in only minutes. See the big difference- the first showed a Golden yellow cloud among the dark rain clouds, then suddenly it disappears after I took the photo. Can someone help explain this sign to me?

Lately I had another small shock - one of my trusted Source of intel had been infiltrated and the info is less accurate. The Source had been warned anyway. The fight between Light and Dark forces has increased and although the Dark ones know they will be defeated, yet they are fighting ever so much harder, but they are just delaying their demise. For sure poor USA will be in deep shit for Captain America (Donald Trump, the War President) will fight wars with Syria, then with Iran, followed by N. Korea, Russia and finally China will join in. I have many friends in US, I hope they will pray hard for themselves and their loved ones. I can only do what I can. OR NI TOR FOR.

Thursday, 13 April 2017


I have chosen the photo above as my “Photo of the Week”. Do you know the story behind this photo? This is also a test of how well connected you are to mainstream News (forget about info from secret sources). If you don’t even know about this hot News, then you are certainly not a well informed person. But some of you may have internet issues of whatever kind and I don’t blame you. Anyway some more important hot News will be tested on the Public soon to see their response as a prelude to admitting that Aliens are real.Something about Japan maybe in the News.

The photo is of Dr David Dao who was forcibly evicted from United Airlines, USA even though he had a valid ticket to make way for some Airline staff. OR NI TOR FOR.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


The recent blasts of Gamma Energy from our Sun was very intense and many, including me, were much affected. I was totally KOed, feeling so tired and in pain, my concentration being disturbed. I went on a healing mode to heal myself. Two days ago was the worst, felt drained out. Unable to perform my prayers nor meditation.You may have felt tired, emotionally on a roller coaster, dizzy, aches and pains in various parts of the body, buzzing in the ears, vivid dreams, memory loss, flu- like attacks, headaches, migraines, and so on.
Mother Earth is changing big time too, over the next weeks the weather will be freaky – torrential rains, mudslides, flooding, earthquakes, volcanic activities, hurricanes and so on. More will leave their bodies and it is their choice. Politics too will hog the limelight. It seems Obama was arrested via a very reliable source but no others mentioned it yet, so I can’t confirm. The death of David Rockefellar left a vacuum in Cabal leadership and chaos amongst them. Moreover, I feel that before Year of Rooster is out, mainstream science ill reveal the truth of Aliens and UFOs. Eyes to the sky. OR NI TOR FOR.