For better insight of present times,read my Book "Escape to the Fifth Dimension" - a fast paced action advnture where Truth is weaved with Fiction. Order from -
Monday, 31 December 2018
Friday, 21 December 2018
I need to
put this story up first before I forget about it. I was driving one morning and
as usual, listen to the Radio. That day, the Program was for listeners to call
in with their Medical problems to the Doctor.
One case really made me felt pity on the 12 year old girl, whose mother
was relating her daughter’s problem.
The mother
said her daughter was so afraid of any vegetable or fruits that would asked the
mother to wash the mother’s hands, if she handled some fruits, thoroughly
before allowing her to touch her daughter. The daughter would also never go
near any fruit or vegetable sections in the Supermarket and sometimes even
running far away from the section if the family went there. Well, the good
Doctor advised to get her some Psychiatric help for her daughter.
I feel that
the girl has a deeper issue like a Past Life trauma that has something to do
with a vegetable or fruit that resulted in her death- perhaps choking on a seed
or vegetable. This is because at an early age, she had already showed her
phobia to fruits and vegetable. She had a real fear and not just a dislike to
eat it. Fruits and vegetables must have triggered her past Life memory of the
terrible incident associated. In such cases I feel that Counselling and
Psychiatric help will not erase the root cause. I heal Past Life Traumas and
perhaps is a better option and chance for a remedy. However, the Girl and her
Mother doesn’t know of the type of Healing Service I do. Anyway I hope they
will be getting appropriate help eventually. Merry Christmas to those
celebrating it.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
I am of the few
that received this message. It seems for the next 72 hours we must hold our
Peace in our Hearts and stay calm. Important to be Grounded to Mother Earth,
Gaia for she is to reset Herself. Too many people are ignorant of the coming
changes and too many are not living from their Hearts. The change is to release
the Ego Bomb. Mother waits no more for the recalcitrants to change. The
Energies had increased thousand fold. We are living in very interesting times and
are witnesses to the in- coming Energies. Live your Truth. Permission was granted
by the Divine for me to Post this message. OR NI OR FOR
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Paris riots - Photo credict AFP Photos
evil is happening in my country and that made me want to have an indication of
how bad is the situation. I thus went into a quick meditation and came out with
some vibrational frequencies. Let me now explain a bit more. A Positive vibration is a good energy
pervading there while a Negative vibration indicates all the negativities that
include things like – crime, corruption, racism, anger, terrorism, black magic
practices and so on. Although I said I went
into a quick meditative mode, it does take time to investigate. Quite tiring. So
below are some Vibrations of a few Cities/ Countries.
- San Francisco (+) 300
- New-York: ( -) 960,000-
Vancouver ( - ) 80
- London: (-) 850
- Paris: ( - ) 480,000
- Bangkok: ( - ) 700,000
- Moscow: (+) 150,000
- Shanghai: (+) 150,000
Kuala Lumpur – (-) 2.5 million
- New-York: ( -) 960,000-
Vancouver ( - ) 80
- London: (-) 850
- Paris: ( - ) 480,000
- Bangkok: ( - ) 700,000
- Moscow: (+) 150,000
- Shanghai: (+) 150,000
Kuala Lumpur – (-) 2.5 million
Penang State in Malaysia - (+) 580
Kelantan State in Malaysia – (-)
1.7 million
Terengganu State in Malaysia – (-)
1.9 million
Singapore - (+) 950,000
Thailand – (+) 875,000
Beijing (+) 450,000
As can be seen, Vibration of Paris
is Negative 480,000 as they are having riots
there now. These Vibrations are fluid and will fluctuate over time, depending on
the situation but this is a pretty good guide as to the predominance of the Energy
there. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
(Photo credit
Yes, I know
I had been rather quiet for some time here. I had been in the thick of doing
Healing for those in need. Even right now I have a tough case of healing to do
and will probably spend several sessions sending healing energies to her.
The Fires
in California is a terrible disaster with so many lives lost and properties destroyed.
My deepest Condolences to the families whose loved ones perished in the Fires, and
salute to the Firemen, Volunteers and many others who are helping to tame the Fires.
This Fire, although
started in a camp, is being fed by strong “Devil winds” and the very dark and dense
energies in California. I know many Healers are trying to help but they are not
aware that the energies they sent will only aggravate the Fires. This is part of
the many reasons the Fires are so fierce. And I have learnt my lesson well in interfering
with Nature’s wrath, thus I am keeping far away from this. Last year, I put up a
protective grid around my island to prevent further weather havoc from causing so
much destruction but was warned the very next day by Kuan Yin to take it down. As
for California, the Elementals and Heavens have gave up on California because of
the very dark and dense energies that pervades there and so it has to be cleansed.
More big changes are coming to our world soon. Stay safe. OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 15 October 2018
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

There was a
very secretive closure of the Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico as the
FBI ordered a total evacuation of the facility on 6th September and
almost simultaneously another 5 such Observatories around the world (
Australia, Spain and Hawaii) were ordered closed as well. No explanations were
given. Life feeds all went off line. Around this time, a huge hole was detected
in the Sun’s Corona. And a video was put up by someone showing UFOs approaching the Sun. This
is huge because the Cabal wanted to stop more information being leaked out. I
think an armada of huge UFOs are making their way to Earth, they have reached
the Sun. The Question is, are these UFOs benign or malevolent. I waited for
more intel and what I got was these Fleet of UFOs are the Galactics from many
advanced Civilizations gathering together to approach Earth, as they have
decided it is time for Disclosure of their mass presence to Earth populace.
They may appear sometime before the end of this year all over the globe such
that everyone will see, record with their cell phones and that Governments will
not be able to deny their presence. Thus no cover up can be done at all. I not
only depend on the intel from others but made my own meditations and got
similar conclusions. So folks make sure you look up in the sky often and
In parallel
with the coming of mass UFO sightings, President Trump is preparing for mass
arrests when Kavanaugh is installed as the new Supreme Court Judge . The Cabal is doing whatever they can
to derail his appointment, hence the accusations on him are building up. This
mass arrests will also be worldwide, involving from 20,000 to even 50,000
indictments that were already signed and ready to be executed. Things will now
happen at warp speed. The Sun Observatory had since been re-opened recently.
unusual news to report is the sudden decision of Dutchsince to stop his
Earthquake predictions after bravely defying the authorities.(He is very good
at Earthquake predictions, at least getting 95% right all the time). But it is
strange that I still get some reports from him, so I am not so sure if he
really was forced to stop his channel. So some major Earthquakes maybe on the
way and they have to shut him up. What does this sound like- an armada of UFOs
appearing with some major Earthquakes coming. And in between mass arrests of
the Cabal and their minions. We are living in very interesting times! OR NI TOR
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
happened not too many days ago. A close friend and mentor of mine was feeling
unwell and uneasy for two days and on the third day, he knew he was being
attacked energetically. He felt drained of energy. He also became very agitated
and felt extreme anger and had to stop talking to a mutual friend on the phone
because the conversation was making him angry. This is not his usual self at
all. He went into meditation to discover why and it confirmed his suspicions.
He saw a Dark entity zooming at him like a missile. There were chords coming to
attach to him to drain/suck the Energy that he is a Keeper for. He managed to
abort the attack by closing up his Energy Field.
As I am
connected with my Mentor energetically, I too felt some form of agitation and
uneasiness but not as bad as what my Mentor felt as the attack was directed to
him specifically. We communicated with each other and came to the same
conclusion that a recent friend of his was the origin of the attack. (My Mentor
had asked me to investigate psychically to double check our findings.) This
friend, let’s call him X, we discovered that he had a very strong Dark Energy possessing
him as far back as 100,000 years and in all his incarnations. And this Battle had
been going on that long!! The main agenda was the Battle between this Dark Entity
and the Light Force that we both are connected to. We are figuring out now how to
deal with this very complex matter. One funny outcome is that we both now are Upgraded
with much, much more Power and with Higher Frequencies! So, there are great Battles
between the Forces of Light and Darkness. What if I tell you the coming Hurricane
Florence heading towards US is due to clearing of Energies on a bigger scale? My
friends in the USA, take cover as this is a real big one. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
As you may
know, I am in contact with various Sources for my news and information. I get much
accurate information and some I can’t share. Many other information I may just
give a hint or talk in parallel. Lately I and a few Light Workers were shocked
to the core with news only few of us were privy to. The News is that anther
Archangel had Fallen! This AA had attacked Sun Wukong, the Monkey God several
times even after being warned. He was then incarcerated in Heaven for 25 days
and upon his release, he attacked Sun Wukong again.
This case
was then brought to the attention of the Blue Avians, a group of Souls from the
9th Dimension and upwards as made popular by Corey Goode and David
Willcock., The Galactics and other Higher Dimensional Beings plus Source. It
was Source that finally made the decision to send the AA for a period of time
to suffer the Karma and then Source will re- absorb the very Essence of the AA
and this has been done recently and thus this AA is no longer in existence in
the whole of the Multiverse. It was that serious and as you know Source is very
patient and forgiving.
When Sun
Wukong destroyed Heaven’s Palace and even though he was being misled by his
enemies, he still had to pay for his crime and Buddha sent him to be imprisoned
for 500 years under a mountain until he was rescued by a passing Buddhist monk
from China on his “Journey to the West”. And for Source to annihilate an
Archangel in totality is unimaginable. I had waited to see other independent
sources reported this event but so far none- zero – nilch.
It has
caused a lot of turmoil in the Heavens and more heart break among those on
Earth who had any connection with this Fallen Archangle. But I was warned and given
a hint as long as about a year ago about this Archangel who is really a Dark One
in disguise but with no more news, I could not announce it. This had soften the
blows to me somewhat but am still reeling from the shock news. I had mentioned somewhere
I noticed a Battle going on in Heaven, now I know why. And just a few days ago there
was still channellers who channel the AA but these are False Light workers. There
are many who said they are of the Light, but they aren’t. In the End of Days, many
will claim to be even God or Jesus. Becareful. The Penalty for spreading Lies is
severe, especially to real Light Workers.
The Archangle
was AA Michael. OR NI TOR FOR
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
It is advisable for my Readers here to Follow me(Like ) on my FB “
ESOTERIC FIFTH DIMENSION” as I post several short entries on Energy, Healing
and other interesting News. OR NI TOR
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Saturday, 4 August 2018
Video di bawah
oleh sa orang Uztaz adalah pada pendapat saya sangat selaras dengan apa yang saya
tahu juga empat tahun dahulu. OR NI TOR FOR
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
The coming Total
Lunar Eclipse on 27th July (1.20pm Pacific) is the most powerful of the
century as it lasts for 1 hr 20 mins. And can be seen almost in many countries.
The energy of this Eclipse is very complex and powerful. You can expect increase
in anger, arguments, people being restless and many demonstrations to vent their
anger. Deep secrets will be let out, making more people angry when they know the
Truth and that they had been lied to all the while. The change in Consciousness
will shift to a higher gear with young people leading the way forward and kicking
out the old paradigm. With this shift, friendship will also change and people from
your past may reappear for good or bad. We will be hearing some internationally
important news coming from China, India and Australia I feel, with US leading the
pack. California fires may return and there will be lots of Volcanic and Earthquake
spikes. Above all the uncertainty, do keep calm and collected, be slow to be in
anger as this time it may lead you into very deep trouble. In my observation of
what is happening in my country and local communities, things are already building
up and setting the scene. OR NI TOR FOR. KEEP THE PEACE.
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
I am happy to report that all the 12 boys and their coach were rescued and are now being observed in a local Hospital. I too need a rest because I was sending rescue Mantras. I am glad there are no more casualties. I just Thank the Guardian Spirit of Tham Luang Cave for the help and protection given, as I had asked the Spirit for its help, although it said ‘2 may not make it”. I also asked ‘ Are you happy that all were rescued?”. The Spirit said a big ‘Yes!” OR NI TOR FOR.
Sunday, 8 July 2018
The Team of Divers had entered to Cave to make the official Rescue now. I have started my Prayers and release of Mantras to help them. Today's Energy is against them because it is "Danger" twice over but they have no choice. Join me in Prayers. OR NI TOR FOR
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Sad to
report the first casualty involving a retired Thai Navy SEAL diver, Saman Gunan
(38 years old) who died on his way back after delivering supplies to the
trapped 13 in the Cave. I extend my deep condolences to his bereaved family.
Sgt. Saman Gunan – you are a Hero and we all salute you. He had volunteered to
help in the Rescue Mission. He was a very fit Triathelete and kept his fitness
level by exercising daily his close friends said.
This and due to the coming
Monsoon season have taken a notch up in the Rescue of the stranded 12 Thai boys
and their Coach. The oxygen level inside the cave where the 13 are still
stranded had gone down and rescuers had to plan something fast if they are ever
going to bring them up all alive.
I had again
made contact with the Guardian Spirit of the Cave and asked it to help protect
them and the Spirit agreed but still told me that “2 will not make it.’ This
was the same message I received earlier on. Will Saman’s death spare the “2”?
But the Cave Spirit was specific –the 2 mentioned were about the 12 boys and
the Navy SEAL’s death took me aback. I am relying on a friend in Thailand to
indicate to me the start of the real rescue because I will need to meditate and
say my Mantras to help them out. Meantime let us all Pray for their early and
successful rescue. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
It is indeed
great news- the 12 boys and their coach was found alive and news reported it today
– Tuesday 3rd July. But getting them out will be very tricky and hazardous.
They are still not totally safe. So I was wrong in that I thought 8 or 9 were alive
because I could not detect their Energies. But my prediction of them being found
was correct. Never mind, I gotta be wrong sometimes. OR NI TOR FOR
Sunday, 1 July 2018
Saturday, on 23rd June, 12 boys from a local soccer team and their
Coach decided to explore the local cave, Tham Luang Nang Non Cave after their
soccer practiCe. They chained their bicycles and went to explore the cave
Their disappearance had gripped the whole nation of Thailand for 7 days now. International rescue teams had only recently joined in the search and rescue efforts. Heavy rains had flooded the complex systems of the cave, making the search very difficult even for Navy seal divers. Time is indeed running out for them.
Their disappearance had gripped the whole nation of Thailand for 7 days now. International rescue teams had only recently joined in the search and rescue efforts. Heavy rains had flooded the complex systems of the cave, making the search very difficult even for Navy seal divers. Time is indeed running out for them.
I am now
involved in the spiritual sense. In my psychic investigation on their 5th
day of disappearance , I detected that they were all still alive. However when
I repeated the same question the next day, I detected that only 8 o 9 were
still alive. I was shocked. And I could not detect any thing about their Coach.
I decided to send them Energy Healing to keep their spirits up and their
physical condition stronger so that they can survive until rescuers can come to
their aid. But it was strange because the first salvo of Energy I sent- was
blocked and dissipated! Like something was blocking the Energy I sent.This had
never happened before. After I rested and gather my thoughts, I went into a
more concentrated meditative mode and re- send the Energies. This time there
was a break through and they received the boost of Energy. This I know and
could feel it.
I had make
another psychic investigation and I got the following – they will be found by
Monday 2/7 or Tuesday 3/7. I hope so as time is running out for them the longer
they are lost. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Today I wish to take the opportunity to Thank all those who visit my Blog as you are the ones that keeps me going on here. It has been tough, as usual, to keep going on here but many of you still visit my blog and I think it is only fair I continue despite my very tight schedules. I salute those who come here and below are the statistics for the recent 5 days. I put this here is because I am sure many of you would like to know it too. Thank you all! OR NI TOR FOR
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Romania 1 |
Saturday, 16 June 2018
It has been four years now since Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared mysteriously while flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China on 8th March, 2014. The plane had 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The passengers comprised of 153 Chinese Nationals, 38 Malaysians, and the rest were from Iran, USA, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, India, France, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan and the Netherlands. Four passengers checked in but did not show up for the flight. And I had kept quiet on the Internet for that long as well in not commenting about it. However since I am known among my friends that I always have some interesting information on almost anything, they had asked me about my opinion. So I told them what my source told me. All actually laughed at me and they confirmed that I am a weirdo. Hence, I never talked about it anymore. Then when news about new searches were conducted in new areas of the ocean, again they asked me but this time I refused to talk any more, and even then, they ridiculed me as they were sure it will be found soon. Well, as I expected, the search by Seabed Constructor of the Company Ocean Infinity was called off as still there was no trace of the plane- a Boeing 777-200ER. It remains the most mysterious disappearance of a Plane in all Aviation history.
Now hear my story. Two days after MH 370 went missing I chance upon a Radar footage, which is a mystery itself because I could never trace the footage again nor download it. And I don’t remember how I got the footage. The Radar showed the bleeps of MH370 going across the Radar screen very slowly. Then suddenly a huge bleep was detected very far away at the edge of the Radar screen towards the right upper edge. This huge object then picked up tremendous speed and shot across the screen towards MH 370. As this Objet reached the bleep of MH 370 , there was a huge flash of light and within seconds both the UFO and MH 370 radar bleeps disappeared. What could have happened?
The Radar footage really messed me up – as it can only mean both the Boeing 777 and the UFO just disappeared. Then a few months later, I received startling information from an off- world source that would collaborate with what I saw on the mysterious radar footage. The messages came in bits and then it stopped totally. I don’t care what you think of the messages given to me but I do hope their next-of –kin will be told and I depend on you my dear Readers. The information, apart from an off- world source, is also from my Higher Self and it collaborated with what I was told. I had just recently double- checked it with my Higher Self.
Flight MH 370 was hijacked by a UFO in the nick of time before it was to be destroyed by the Dark Ones. That is why the Malaysia Airline plane will never be found, in our 3D world at least. The flaperon found drifting in the Indian Ocean is not from MH 370, nor are they held captive in Diego Garcia. The passengers and crew are still alive but put in another Dimension to be briefed and taught more about the New Earth. They are the Souls that had agreed in their Soul contracts to undergo this painful event. After The Event and Full Disclosure, in the dawn of New Earth or Nova Gaia, they will be brought back as Ambassadors to Nova Gaia. I got no answer when I asked when will it be. Atlantis will rise up again from the depths of the Ocean, not in ruins but in a pristine condition. Antartica is part of Atlantis but for now this fact is being covered up. The Battle between the Light and Dark is far from over but every day the Light is winning. This much I can reveal for now. I hope this is of comfort for the relatives of the missing MH 370 passengers and crew. Should I have new information I will certainly put it here. The Families need to keep on Praying.
I am Love , I am the Spirit of Unconditional Love and Light
I am Awareness , OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Thursday, 7 June 2018
I know I am to tell all I know about Flight MH 370 but I need to write about this June Energy first to warn you. There had been a huge Battle in the Heavens. A huge Battleship of an even more ancient Archon was detected and even Monkey King can’t damage or destroy it and left it to Reinforcements from Allies of the 1,400th Dimension.
Back on Planet Earth, things will heat up- literally – Summer will be hot, Fires bursting out and more earthquakes and volcanic activities. Travel will be a hazard with delays at airports from weather freaking out. But many Souls will leave and more celebrities will die. There will be citizens up rising in many countries against their governments and more purging of the old guards. They have to leave as the new Energies no longer support their ways, as seen in my country and now in Italy. OR NI TOR FOR.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Greetings to my Readers from USA, Russia, Germany, India, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog. It means so much to me. Many times I had wanted to end this portal but your visiting here kept me going. For today, please view this video on MH 370 and in about one week’s time, I shall, for the first time, give my view point on the matter. It will shock many. OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 28 May 2018
I said to the Buddha: "Let all my friends stay happy and healthy...!"
Buddha said: "Only four days...!"
I said, "OK. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter."
Buddha said: "Only three days."
I said, "OK. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow."
The Buddha said: "No, only two days!"
I said, "OK. Daytime, Dark days."
The Buddha said: "No, just one day...!"
I said, "OK...!"
The Buddha suddenly asked, "What day?"
I said, " *Everyday*, I live with all my friends."
The Buddha smiled... and said: “All your friends will be healthy and happy everyday!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018
It was a resounding Victory for the Forces of Light in my country- we kicked out the former Government of Thieves, Cheats, Liars, Racists, Looters and Fear Mongers. My Feng Shui and I Ching calculations were spot on. I put my reputation at great risk by foretelling the Future of my country and broadcasting it in FB and here. In my circle of other Feng Shui Masters, none dared to forecast the Future of how this Election will go. But I am different and Fear nothing in 3D. Among the Professionals of my day job, I am the only one who thinks differently and always said things will get better. My colleagues had given up Hope, they are full of Negative thoughts and majority are Sceptics and Pessimists. Yet they are highly educated. That is what Fear can do to you Humans. Really I think the majority didn’t think the then Opposition will be able to give a decisive defeat on the ruling Party of 60 years.
In the hours of the Election, I had been receiving disturbing reports by citizens about obstacles being put to prevent citizens to vote. The quick reporting then prevented other centres of Polling stations falling into the same. People were united in all fronts. I felt the Energy being very heavy and forming a Wall. I then decided to say my 3 Powerful Mantras to break the heavy and dark Energies. In fact I seldom use the 3 Mantras together as it unleash a Powerful Energy. But I had to do it a 2nd time when things seemed to get worse. Another Master Lightworker in the country had also emanated the Positive Energies on his own and later told me so. Thus I was not fighting alone. The drama went right into the early hours of 4am when it was finally officially announced that Pakatan Harapan, a coalition of 3 Opposition Parties had finally won and overthrown the most corrupt government we ever had. We the citizens made History. Our solidarity and unity was unprecedented. There were many heroes and heroines. To our horror, later the King had delayed or might have refused to swear in the new Prime Minister and once again, the whole country was in a dilemma. Again I had to unleash my Mantras and finally by 11pm the next day our beloved new Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad was officially sworn in and declared the Prime Minister. Now Justice will be done. Change is happening at speed of Light and all will be revealed and guilty ones will face the long arms of the Law. OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 7 May 2018
The Energies building up to 9th May is increasingly strong, heavy and even chaotic. Tensions are building up to my country’s Election Day on the 9th. This is the Mother of All Elections, putting all the past 13 Elections to pale. I have decided to chant my 3 Powerful Mantras on the morning of 9th May to ensure safety and smooth running of the election process. But be warned – there could be mini tornados, whirlwind and perhaps even fires after my chanting, especially in places where the negative non- humans gather. Ini Kali lah. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Can’t believe it is May already. Indeed Time is being compressed and moving fast forward. Every Psychic I know said the coming Energies are unprecedented. And I am feeling it. I am still doing my intense Meditations and Co- creating abilities for my Country. For come this 9th May, it will be make or break for many of us in the country. So many of my country men/women had been brained washed and shackled by their religion. Typical Archonic control. But soon come 9th May, things will change. From the Heavens, come the Light Energies that will defeat the Dark Forces.
Let me, with The Tao’s backing, tell you what will come this May. There will be drastic changes. The Old will need to leave, it is the Death of the Old energies; Justice will come. It is a Revolutionary change; things will be shaken up, and a shift in Consciousness along with it. Anyone trying to cheat will be exposed bare for Darkness cannot hide anymore with the thinning veil. The 3rd Dimension and 4th Dimension are merging, Birthing to the new 5th Dimension and as such, anything Negative and of the Dark simply cannot survive. There will be a shift in Power structure and on a Global scale, China, will be even more powerful. In my country, it means a change in government despite all odds stacked against the Reformasi Movement. I had a Prophetic dream. I saw the Bull Taurus standing tall and strong, deflecting a Tiger’s attack. OR NI TOR FOR.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
When our Grandmaster comes to town, he will invite some of us who belonged to his Inner Circle for a dinner. That part of the restaurant will be blocked off from the rest of the premises for our privacy. In one of these meetings, Grandmaster told us he did extensive top secret Feng Shui Water Dragons and Five Ghost Carry Treasures features for someone at the top of our government to attract immense wealth for this person. He never revealed the name but we could guess for whom it was done. With a twinkle in his eyes and mischievous smile, Grandmaster hinted it is so powerful it will overwhelm him one day. This was several years ago. Our Grandmaster, we understood, was sort of forced to do it as he really had no choice. This person went on to plunder the nation and caused much, much strife to the ordinary laymen.
I talked to a knowledgeable person and he was surprised that many are still so blind and brain washed that they still support the dirty politics and politicians who only serves themselves for greed and power. Come election time, these varmints promise so much, only not to honour the promises so that come next election, the same bait is laid again. This happened 13 times over roughly 62 years. This time however, if the cycle is not broken, it is the final seal of doom for all. Little do these blind and brain washed zombie supporters know how much bad karma they will inherit and be cursed by all generations, including from their own descendants.
As the situation is really bad and precarious, I have to do something. I am now more than just a Feng shui Master. But what AM I really? No need to say. I must now rectify what my Grand Master did to this country. When the Election date was announced to be 5th of May this year, I know the Feng Shui reason and thus another Grand Master was being used, as our Grand Mater had passed away some years back. This date has a deeper meaning, then just a week day to inconvenience voters as a lower turn out will be in favour of the ruling Party. As Fate would have it, I chanced upon a vital information- that of the date the ruling Party was formed back in 1946, translated in our Feng Shui terminology as Day of Yin Wood in the Year of the Fire Dog. Their demise is thus sealed by Heaven in this Year of the Earth Dog, and with a little help with intense meditation and Co- Creative abilities, I know I can counter the Grand Master who helped choose the Date for them, which I must say is helpful for them. That is where work needs to be done to shatter the support of the energy of that day for them. I will thus be very busy with Prayers, Meditation and maybe, if situation requires, unleash 3 powerful Mantras. (I had inadvertently seen the Power in the last few months when I used it. Thus I know the Power it has!) I work alone as my time is very odd and none can join me. So my Country men and women, have no Fear, come out to vote the minions of the Dark Ones out and bring back Justice for so many who had suffered or died under mysterious circumstances as they needed human sacrifice to survive. You are so powerful, if only you know. The Tao And especially the Grand Duke, Tai Sui, is with Us, and will beat the Hell out of this Fire Dog. OR NI TOR FOR.
Mari kita turun padang untuk Negara.
Monday, 2 April 2018
Time to meditate and clear negativity. Play this video. Relax, reflect, meditate with me. OR NI TOR FOR.
Saturday, 17 March 2018
I thank readers from UAE, Philippines, Ukraine, Brazil and India for visiting my blog recently. Of course those from USA are my numerically largest readers and a Big Thank you too! Today’s post will be by far the most important and I suggest you take note of it for future reference.
I wish to write about ‘The Event” or ‘The Flash”. I am not the only one talking about it but it was after careful consideration and sifting through the material that I shall present the most important thoughts about it. That this ‘Event” will occur is now gaining widespread acceptance by many Lightworkers, psychics, Shamans and Chanellers. The only Question is “When?”. Even the Pleidians and Arcturians (The ET Races) are unable to forecast the timing as this is the domain of The Divine. There are also, on the other hand, many who dared to state the timing perhaps to gain popularity. In actual fact, not even Jesus knows. But Sananda, as Jesus is known in the Nebadon Universe, can only state that there is a 56% chance of it occurring within the next 6 months. I believe this is the only reliable estimate. I did my own investigation, psychically, and I have come up with a month that is within what Sananda had mentioned. However, as a serious Lightworker, and working to be included in the Galactic Council, and in accordance to the Law of One, I can’t reveal it as I do not seek fame or attention. Here I can just issue the warning to all – that the Final Day is approaching faster than you think.
This Flash will be world wide and even miners underground will not miss it! It affects all but each will react in their own way- depending on their consciousness, ie whether they are Awake or not. Actually no one knows what will happen other than a Big Flash of Light. Whether it will be accompanied by Earthquakes, Volcanic activity or Tsunamis, I don’t know. Perhaps many will see the Masters – Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and other Masters that walked upon te Earth before. But many will leave their bodies too, almost one- third of total world population which now is around 7 Billion. Is there anything anyone can do now? Basically nothing but Pray. All Lightworkers, Light Warriors, Way Showers and the 144,000 Souls should know who they are and what their Mission is by now. They are all strategically placed. Our Space Brothers ( Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirius, Yayel ) have all arrived and are in the skies, ready for action when given the go ahead by the Galactic Council. Actually there is nothing to fear. All of us had our Soul Agreements before Birth . Everyone had already made their choices whether they are aware of it or not. After The Event, The New Earth will be established – Nova Gaia of The Golden Age. It is 5th Dimensional. So this is the Last call for those still unawakened, those of the Cabal and those of the Dark. This time if they are still recalcitrant, they will be completely annihilated ie the souls will be absorbed back and re- processed. Those who chose to remain unawake will then have to wait another cycle of 26,000 years for the next opportunity and live in another 3D world. By the way, befoe I end, tomorrow ie 18th or 19th March, there will be a huge Solar Storm. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 2 March 2018
First I wish to Thank
everyone who had wished us safety and Protection for our little group of brave
Souls who stood up. The rats (because they can’t be classified as Humans) made
so many errors in our “table talk” that they were cornered. I can only reveal
that this group of rats terrorised our local community and all were so scared
of them. They destroyed our properties and looted us for more than a year. One
of us gathered intelligence and solid proof of their actions. This gave me the
fodder to spring a trap. We did a lot of underground work to de- stabilize them
such that their leader and 2 right hand men chickened out and left their
remainder henchmen leaderless and so were easy meat for us. Now they face the
brunt of the Law. Their leader had left the country but we know where he ran
to. Our intelligence is first rate. Originally the Police didn’t want to get
involved but instead one of them came along with 6 fully- armed Police in
uniform to threatened me at my residence
late at night about a year ago. I stood my ground and in fact using my
eloquence to sent them packing. What surprised our group was that several
people turned up to join us and so we had a large number, rather than 5 of us.
I can’t reveal more juicy details. I wish to Thank one Soul in the USA, my Fellow
Light Worker who gave me backing spiritually by sending his Light timed to
arrive at the crucial time. I also had my secret weapons- my Blue Light sabre, my Obsidian crystal
energised 100,000 times by Sun Wukong, The Monkey God. Then my Ancestors came
as I was given only a sign I know. My Ancestors were decorated Generals in
Ancient China, documented in Chinese History as the Yang Generals. I can’t
believe it when I got the sign. It was then I knew we would be victorious. I
also wore blue to support my WOOD BaZi and I faced them with Grand Duke (Tai
Sui) as my backing, all Fengshui techniques used by Chu Kuo-liang as in the
Three Kingdoms era. Jesus is known for Miracles, and many miracles happened
along the way – like how others brought in their own group of 6 tough and burly
men, with thick gold chains around their necks! These guys looked so
intimidating! No wonder the rats collapsed like a house of cards. I don’t know
who these guys are as they disappeared after the confrontation ended. Can’t even
thank them!
OK what are the Lessons here?
Let me tell you this. Our actions reflect the situation of the World. We were
the Microcosm of the Macrocosm. A Fractal. We showed that Light will overcome
the Dark Ones if we are united as One and as bearers of Light, Truth and
Compassion. This Wind of Change is sweeping all over the World. People are
awakening and re-gaining their Power. So I shall say to the sceptics, to the
fence- sitters- Be the Light!! You will not lose!. I have great Hope for my
Country’ future, if you know what I mean.
? Let me tell you this. Our
actions reflect the situation of the World. We were the Microcosm of the
Macrocosm. A Fractal. We showed that Light will overcome the Dark Ones if we
are united as One and as bearers of Light, Truth and Compassion. This Wind of
Change is sweeping all over the World. People are awakening and re-gaining
their Power. So I shall say to the sceptics, to the fence- sitters- Be the
Light!! You will not lose!. I have great
Hope for my Country’s future despite what is going on because a wave of
brave hearts will stop all the nonsense.
I am one of the Ground Crew that stabilizes and ground the Light on our
Mother Earth. I end this with a channelled message from Prime Creator- “ The Universe wants to make one thing very clear to you. You can affect change! You
have always had the ability to do this, however, your society has done
everything in its power to say you cannot. How many times have you heard
that one person is unable to do anything? How many times have you heard
that one voice does not matter? The truth of that matter is…one person,
one voice can be the catalyst that begins and keeps a change moving in a
positive direction. It is comparable to your own personal growth.
Thoughts and wishes are good; however, action is needed to complete a
goal. Please remember…you are much more powerful than you give yourself
credit for. Within you is a Divine Spark that can brighten even the
darkest corner. You can
change your world. It is just a matter of believing.
The Universe believes in you, it is time to start believing in yourself. “
My special friends who commented -
-M. Hilliard wrote - I am so happy and grateful that this worked out
so well, Yeoh. You most certainly put yourself in a very dangerous situation.
Your crazy man, but in a really good way. Your community (and the world for
that matter) is very blessed to have you as a Guardian, Light-worker, and
all-around cool dude! ;) I
really like what you wrote at the end, very inspiring.
- Peggy Johnson - Blessed Light to you,
dear man. I did not know. Now. I do. I will be sending you the Light I access
set to continue as needed.
……………Friday, 23 February 2018
On Day of Earth Rat (Sunday 25th) and when Heavens are Open, me and my Team comprising of 2 locals, one from UK and one from Netherlands will do Battle with the minions of the Dark ones in our local community. Do send us your Blessings and Protection, I am the only one with my Psychic protection, my Team has no other means except their Brains and Brawn. We will be out- numbered but we are Warriors of Light.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Saturday, 10 February 2018
By February 16th,
the Chinese will celebrate the Year of the Earth Dog. And I have only this to
say- ‘This Dog bites!!”.You
can come to your own conclusion. Just to dish out some basic info, below are
the Zodiacs that will need to be careful this Year.
Those Born in Dog Years –
1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Those Born in Dragon Years -
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Those Born in Rooster Years –1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Those affected to a lesser degree-
Those Born in Ox Years –
1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Those Born in Ram Years –
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
In my previous post, I had mentioned I will sort of decrease the frequency of my postings here and it is only now that I know the reason. At that time, I only had a feeling. I received a message from Great Spirit to “start writing a Book”. What?? I had no plans whatsoever, so have no idea of what to write. Also I spent a lot of time and money in coming out with my book “Escape to the Fifth Dimension” and decided it to be my last book. But now, the same voice came back with the same message of writing a book. A few days later, another message came in – “Write about Energy”. So Ladies and Gentlemen, I am back to writing and I guess it may take me about 2 years to complete this. Along with my Healing work, it will make me very busy. However I also realize many of my Readers from smaller and remote Countries may have less access to information and I play an important role here. Therefore I will continue with my postings here but perhaps at longer intervals. Besides, AA Metatron has some Plans for me and breathing down my neck. He had given me a set of Meditation techiques to do and I must confess that at times I was just too lazy to do. Plus special Mantras from Heaven to recite! I have my hands full. GONG XI FA CAI. OR NI TOR FOR.
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