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Monday, 28 May 2018
I said to the Buddha: "Let all my friends stay happy and healthy...!"
Buddha said: "Only four days...!"
I said, "OK. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter."
Buddha said: "Only three days."
I said, "OK. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow."
The Buddha said: "No, only two days!"
I said, "OK. Daytime, Dark days."
The Buddha said: "No, just one day...!"
I said, "OK...!"
The Buddha suddenly asked, "What day?"
I said, " *Everyday*, I live with all my friends."
The Buddha smiled... and said: “All your friends will be healthy and happy everyday!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018
It was a resounding Victory for the Forces of Light in my country- we kicked out the former Government of Thieves, Cheats, Liars, Racists, Looters and Fear Mongers. My Feng Shui and I Ching calculations were spot on. I put my reputation at great risk by foretelling the Future of my country and broadcasting it in FB and here. In my circle of other Feng Shui Masters, none dared to forecast the Future of how this Election will go. But I am different and Fear nothing in 3D. Among the Professionals of my day job, I am the only one who thinks differently and always said things will get better. My colleagues had given up Hope, they are full of Negative thoughts and majority are Sceptics and Pessimists. Yet they are highly educated. That is what Fear can do to you Humans. Really I think the majority didn’t think the then Opposition will be able to give a decisive defeat on the ruling Party of 60 years.
In the hours of the Election, I had been receiving disturbing reports by citizens about obstacles being put to prevent citizens to vote. The quick reporting then prevented other centres of Polling stations falling into the same. People were united in all fronts. I felt the Energy being very heavy and forming a Wall. I then decided to say my 3 Powerful Mantras to break the heavy and dark Energies. In fact I seldom use the 3 Mantras together as it unleash a Powerful Energy. But I had to do it a 2nd time when things seemed to get worse. Another Master Lightworker in the country had also emanated the Positive Energies on his own and later told me so. Thus I was not fighting alone. The drama went right into the early hours of 4am when it was finally officially announced that Pakatan Harapan, a coalition of 3 Opposition Parties had finally won and overthrown the most corrupt government we ever had. We the citizens made History. Our solidarity and unity was unprecedented. There were many heroes and heroines. To our horror, later the King had delayed or might have refused to swear in the new Prime Minister and once again, the whole country was in a dilemma. Again I had to unleash my Mantras and finally by 11pm the next day our beloved new Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad was officially sworn in and declared the Prime Minister. Now Justice will be done. Change is happening at speed of Light and all will be revealed and guilty ones will face the long arms of the Law. OR NI TOR FOR.
Monday, 7 May 2018
The Energies building up to 9th May is increasingly strong, heavy and even chaotic. Tensions are building up to my country’s Election Day on the 9th. This is the Mother of All Elections, putting all the past 13 Elections to pale. I have decided to chant my 3 Powerful Mantras on the morning of 9th May to ensure safety and smooth running of the election process. But be warned – there could be mini tornados, whirlwind and perhaps even fires after my chanting, especially in places where the negative non- humans gather. Ini Kali lah. OR NI TOR FOR.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Can’t believe it is May already. Indeed Time is being compressed and moving fast forward. Every Psychic I know said the coming Energies are unprecedented. And I am feeling it. I am still doing my intense Meditations and Co- creating abilities for my Country. For come this 9th May, it will be make or break for many of us in the country. So many of my country men/women had been brained washed and shackled by their religion. Typical Archonic control. But soon come 9th May, things will change. From the Heavens, come the Light Energies that will defeat the Dark Forces.
Let me, with The Tao’s backing, tell you what will come this May. There will be drastic changes. The Old will need to leave, it is the Death of the Old energies; Justice will come. It is a Revolutionary change; things will be shaken up, and a shift in Consciousness along with it. Anyone trying to cheat will be exposed bare for Darkness cannot hide anymore with the thinning veil. The 3rd Dimension and 4th Dimension are merging, Birthing to the new 5th Dimension and as such, anything Negative and of the Dark simply cannot survive. There will be a shift in Power structure and on a Global scale, China, will be even more powerful. In my country, it means a change in government despite all odds stacked against the Reformasi Movement. I had a Prophetic dream. I saw the Bull Taurus standing tall and strong, deflecting a Tiger’s attack. OR NI TOR FOR.
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