HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I was about to write on "Disclosures" - ie about contact with UFOs but I found this interview with Enrique make my work simple. Thanks to technology.I believe that many more people will make contact with intelligent Beings, so this interview will sort of prepare you for it.
For better insight of present times,read my Book "Escape to the Fifth Dimension" - a fast paced action advnture where Truth is weaved with Fiction. Order from - https://www.mart27.com/Escape-to-th-Fifth-Dimension
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Thursday, 29 December 2011
All is welcome here -
I love this song and the stills because it showed all religions and the ancients too. Enjoy this wonderful song, and yes, I am in HAPPY NEW YEAR mood.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
If you are at home with nothing much to do, then I hope the show below will help entertain you, my dear readers! It was at the closing ceremony of the Shanghai Expo. I thank you all for visiting this Blog. Since 11.11.2011, Mother Earth, Gaia, has already transcended to the 5th Dimension. But the physical self seemed to remain the same, but not for long. I will mostly be meditating to welcome the new Year of 2012 and get ready for new energies emerging.I hope to reveal more in my future input as 2012 will be a very important year for Humanity.
Monday, 26 December 2011
The Great Invocation
I had written about The Great Invocation in my July entry but here is a video presentation!
Friday, 23 December 2011
Christmas Gala 2011 Encore - The Prayer from Maia Nartoomid on Vimeo.
Enjoy this performances, all my friends who visit here!
I wish all my readers a very special Merry Christmas! I am now in the highlands experiancing a wet and cold holiday but enjoying just the same! Remember not to drink and drive nor use the mobile while driving. Be safe.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Monday, 12 December 2011
The 10 Indian Commandments
How similar with the Tao!! I had always felt affinity with Native Americans
Friday, 9 December 2011
I came across an article by Roar Sheppard about his grave concern of impending disaster to Boston and Kyushu(Japan). I reproduce his plea and warning below. I hope the prediction will not come true. However I, the Tao Hermit, will not suppress the information in case it may help so many people to avoid pain and misery.
= It’s with tears in my eyes
that i leave this message to Boston.
With my whole heart, I have been pleading with the people
of Boston, the media and whoever would listen about the
imminent earthquake and tsunami to hit Boston right away.
It’s like my whole body is a compass and sensor. It comes to
know these things, believe them or not. I have made predictions
before, including the Washington D.C.(Virginia earthquake) on the 23th of August, 2011
and the Chile earthquake last February. It’s as if the Universe wishes
to send its message through me.
thus I have been pleading, because I can feel the pain that will happen
and it’s very terrifying. If the media would report it, at least we could
save a few lives, at least some would start to prepare, and at least maybe
some government officials could arrange preparations.
But not only this, the nuclear power plants are in danger. If a tsunami hits
like in Japan at the same magnitude, which is what is predicted at this moment,
the nuclear fall out will be severe. Are the power plants secure enough now?
We have gone from media to media, but no of them would take our story — not
even mention it as a possibility. It is with great pain I had to leave Boston
today before getting this message out in the media. We spoke in front of Harvard
Square…at Occupy Boston…to University students and businessmen…(see videos)we came
all the way from S. Africa where I was releasing my book (The Universe Speaks),
we came with great love to save one life…
If you hear this message with your whole heart, please share it with others.
I leave Boston in your hands…
Oct. 30, 2011
= It’s with tears in my eyes
that i leave this message to Boston.
With my whole heart, I have been pleading with the people
of Boston, the media and whoever would listen about the
imminent earthquake and tsunami to hit Boston right away.
It’s like my whole body is a compass and sensor. It comes to
know these things, believe them or not. I have made predictions
before, including the Washington D.C.(Virginia earthquake) on the 23th of August, 2011
and the Chile earthquake last February. It’s as if the Universe wishes
to send its message through me.
thus I have been pleading, because I can feel the pain that will happen
and it’s very terrifying. If the media would report it, at least we could
save a few lives, at least some would start to prepare, and at least maybe
some government officials could arrange preparations.
But not only this, the nuclear power plants are in danger. If a tsunami hits
like in Japan at the same magnitude, which is what is predicted at this moment,
the nuclear fall out will be severe. Are the power plants secure enough now?
We have gone from media to media, but no of them would take our story — not
even mention it as a possibility. It is with great pain I had to leave Boston
today before getting this message out in the media. We spoke in front of Harvard
Square…at Occupy Boston…to University students and businessmen…(see videos)we came
all the way from S. Africa where I was releasing my book (The Universe Speaks),
we came with great love to save one life…
If you hear this message with your whole heart, please share it with others.
I leave Boston in your hands…
Oct. 30, 2011
Thursday, 8 December 2011
I am Iris. I am a Mermaid. My words reach you through a channel chosen by me in order to communicate with our brethren from the surface.
I take long walks along some of your coasts, to feel the air that you breath going in and out of my lungs, just like you normally breathe. We can breathe air, but you cannot breathe underneath the water.
The Mermaids are capable of staying for a prolonged period out of the security provided by our seas, but when the sun dries our skin too much, we can suffer from a dangerous dehydration if we do not quickly wet our skin. That's why we normally walk on the rocks and cliffs of the mainland during the night time hours, when the sun doesn't shine and dry our bodies. It also helps us go more unnoticed by you, for at that time everybody sleeps.
We know that many among you, well, the majority, would treat us well; but there are still some in your surface world that would capture us to study our physical bodies or to exhibit us in aquariums, like they do with many marine and oceanic species. We would become strange creatures that people would pay to see. They would not care if we lost our freedom, if our captivity would satisfy the curiosity of your scientists or provide revenue to your aquariums.
The incomprehension and egotistical interest amongst some of you is what prevents us from getting to know each other openly, and for the two races (the submarine and the terrestrial) to become friends. That is exactly the same reason why our brethren from the Stars has not contacted anyone of the surface yet.
But they have done so with us; and in fact, we visit them frequently in their transoceanic bases each time we go by their "scientific" emplacements. They are very loving beings who receive us and look after us with much love, a profound respect and with much joy. They open for us their enormous domes so that we can come in and talk with them. They are travelers from other worlds, and even other dimensions, and they are used to contacting beings of all kinds.
The day that your world changes and you open the communication with beings that are different from you, then you will be able to contact our brethren from Space and also us.
Until then, we await that moment. Meanwhile, we will have to be satisfied with communicating with you through those who already have such talent, who have been born with a mission to become intermediaries, even in a hostile and distrustful world towards those who are not like them.
Channel: Kris-Won
Translator: Gloria
I take long walks along some of your coasts, to feel the air that you breath going in and out of my lungs, just like you normally breathe. We can breathe air, but you cannot breathe underneath the water.
The Mermaids are capable of staying for a prolonged period out of the security provided by our seas, but when the sun dries our skin too much, we can suffer from a dangerous dehydration if we do not quickly wet our skin. That's why we normally walk on the rocks and cliffs of the mainland during the night time hours, when the sun doesn't shine and dry our bodies. It also helps us go more unnoticed by you, for at that time everybody sleeps.
We know that many among you, well, the majority, would treat us well; but there are still some in your surface world that would capture us to study our physical bodies or to exhibit us in aquariums, like they do with many marine and oceanic species. We would become strange creatures that people would pay to see. They would not care if we lost our freedom, if our captivity would satisfy the curiosity of your scientists or provide revenue to your aquariums.
The incomprehension and egotistical interest amongst some of you is what prevents us from getting to know each other openly, and for the two races (the submarine and the terrestrial) to become friends. That is exactly the same reason why our brethren from the Stars has not contacted anyone of the surface yet.
But they have done so with us; and in fact, we visit them frequently in their transoceanic bases each time we go by their "scientific" emplacements. They are very loving beings who receive us and look after us with much love, a profound respect and with much joy. They open for us their enormous domes so that we can come in and talk with them. They are travelers from other worlds, and even other dimensions, and they are used to contacting beings of all kinds.
The day that your world changes and you open the communication with beings that are different from you, then you will be able to contact our brethren from Space and also us.
Until then, we await that moment. Meanwhile, we will have to be satisfied with communicating with you through those who already have such talent, who have been born with a mission to become intermediaries, even in a hostile and distrustful world towards those who are not like them.
Channel: Kris-Won
Translator: Gloria
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Bruce Lee - Be Water My Friend
I could never have said it better than the great Bruce LEE! He was speaking of a Tao wisdom!
Friday, 2 December 2011
Chi Energy Amazing Footage
I had just returned from Bali, Indonesia and had several mystical experiences. Below is a must see footage of a real Tao Master.However he broke the rule and must have been severely punished by his unseen Master. My heart cries for him.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Today I wish to thank all people who had visited my Blog and it is because of your support and interest in my Blog, that it inspires me to continue. Otherwise I was thinking of retreating to my hermitage and be lost again. People from the following countries have visited my site, Thank you all!
-Malaysia, Singapore, USA, Germany, Australia, UK, Holland, New Zealand, China, Thailand, Canada, India, Latvia, Hungary, Brazil, Italy, Vietnam, Denmark, Timur-Leste , Taiwan , Hong Kong, India, Bulgaria, Laos, Qatar, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, France and Russia.
I hope more people from many other countries will be my frequent visitors to my blog. But most of all, I hope you have gained some knowledge, and this is most important to me than just the numbers of people visiting. That you have gained and I have imparted some knowledge is the aim of this Blog.
Many of you are very silent, I hope you will make some contact latter!
-Malaysia, Singapore, USA, Germany, Australia, UK, Holland, New Zealand, China, Thailand, Canada, India, Latvia, Hungary, Brazil, Italy, Vietnam, Denmark, Timur-Leste , Taiwan , Hong Kong, India, Bulgaria, Laos, Qatar, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, France and Russia.
I hope more people from many other countries will be my frequent visitors to my blog. But most of all, I hope you have gained some knowledge, and this is most important to me than just the numbers of people visiting. That you have gained and I have imparted some knowledge is the aim of this Blog.
Many of you are very silent, I hope you will make some contact latter!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Real Samurai Sword Technique - Cutting BB Gun pellet by Isao Machii - Ja...
When you are One with the sword, you are a real Samurai!! It is so Zen, it is Tao with the sword!! He achieved it.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Saya baru balek dari Bali dan saya sangat gembira kerana keluarga saya ada sangat suka Bali. Walau pun masa kami di sana tidak lama, hanya beberapa hari sahaja, kami betul betul berasa gembira di sana. Terima Kasih orang Bali!! Kota kamu betul adalah penuh dengan agama, seni dan kebudayaan
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Many cultures have their own recipe for soups but for the Chinese, they look into the yin yang aspect of food to create their soups. So to the Chinese, soups are not viewed as appetizers but rather as therapeutic and as for nourishment to the body or as an aid to convalescence.
However I have discovered that many modern day households do not cook much these days due to their busy lifestyles and thus many women are actually very poor in cooking skills or even do not know how to cook. Thus it is no surprise why nutritious or cancer- preventing soup formulae are lost to the newer generation. So, in this posting I will give a simple recipe for a very good yin yang soup to boost the immune system and hopefully prevent or check cancer. The ingredients are simple to get, yet it has tremendous effect on the body’s systems. It is best to use a ceramic pot but stainless steel pots will do. After bringing it to boil, let it simmer on low fire for an hour. Using a slow cooker is also a brilliant way to do soups. Cut the carrot, potato, etc to small pieces. I will give 2 soup recipes now
1) –
a) Carrot – 1
b) Big onion – 1
c) Potato – 1
d) Tomato puree – 1 can, small
e) Black pepper corns
f) Chicken drumstick – 1(or pork ribs)
g) Salt – best if sea salt
h) Leek
2) – This is more specific for cancer patients
a) Radish – leaves
b) Radish – 1
c) Carrot – 1
d) Burdock – about 10 cm
e) Shiitake mushrooms – 3 or 4
f) Sea salt or chicken stock – 1 cube
g) Black pepper corns – sprinkle a few
Bona petit!! Yum, yum, slurp!
However I have discovered that many modern day households do not cook much these days due to their busy lifestyles and thus many women are actually very poor in cooking skills or even do not know how to cook. Thus it is no surprise why nutritious or cancer- preventing soup formulae are lost to the newer generation. So, in this posting I will give a simple recipe for a very good yin yang soup to boost the immune system and hopefully prevent or check cancer. The ingredients are simple to get, yet it has tremendous effect on the body’s systems. It is best to use a ceramic pot but stainless steel pots will do. After bringing it to boil, let it simmer on low fire for an hour. Using a slow cooker is also a brilliant way to do soups. Cut the carrot, potato, etc to small pieces. I will give 2 soup recipes now
1) –
a) Carrot – 1
b) Big onion – 1
c) Potato – 1
d) Tomato puree – 1 can, small
e) Black pepper corns
f) Chicken drumstick – 1(or pork ribs)
g) Salt – best if sea salt
h) Leek
2) – This is more specific for cancer patients
a) Radish – leaves
b) Radish – 1
c) Carrot – 1
d) Burdock – about 10 cm
e) Shiitake mushrooms – 3 or 4
f) Sea salt or chicken stock – 1 cube
g) Black pepper corns – sprinkle a few
Bona petit!! Yum, yum, slurp!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Saya perhati ada juga ramai pelawat ka blog saya adalah dari Indonesia dan saya sangat gembira. Malang nya saya tidak dapat menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia tiap tiap kali. Harap di ma’af ya.
Di antara topic yang akan datang ia lah saya akan memberi cara-cara membuat sup yang boleh memperkuatkan sistem immunisasi kita dan boleh di minum olih orang sihat maupun pesakit kanser. Sup ini bukan nya saya yang sahaja tahu tetapi sabenar nya ada di gunakan olih ramai orang dari gulongan Tionghua. Hanya jenerasi baru yang sudah lupa nya!
Sabar lah, recipe sup akan datang tidak lama lagi.
Di antara topic yang akan datang ia lah saya akan memberi cara-cara membuat sup yang boleh memperkuatkan sistem immunisasi kita dan boleh di minum olih orang sihat maupun pesakit kanser. Sup ini bukan nya saya yang sahaja tahu tetapi sabenar nya ada di gunakan olih ramai orang dari gulongan Tionghua. Hanya jenerasi baru yang sudah lupa nya!
Sabar lah, recipe sup akan datang tidak lama lagi.
Friday, 11 November 2011
I am sure many of you knew of the significance of today’s date of 11.11.11.I was meditating today at 11am and absorbing the special energy and had a most wonderful experience! I felt sheer joy and happiness…actually it was ecstasy!! It was a feeling of such serene happiness that I had never felt before! I am so happy I managed to partake in the wonderful transformation of Mother Earth into the 5th Dimension with the opening of the portals of new energy. And to top it all, I got confirmation today that my talk “Wisdom of the Ancients: The Mystery of the Mayans and their Prophecies for 2012 and beyond” is on!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
11.11.11 And Beyond 2012
It is hard to ignore the information I could gather from various channelling from sources like Kuthumi, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, SaluSa of Sirius, St Germain, Archangel Raphael, ThorHorRa Khundr, Pleidian and Arcturians. Don’t worry if you have never heard about them. But do take note of their names so that you can do some research later and learn more. I tell you, if you have come to my Blog, you have been guided! Many of the messages bear similar facts and by inference, it strengthens its validity. I now put forth some of the issues transmitted.
Old ideas, concepts and style of governance are falling away and this wave will continue till 2013. The suppression and controlling of others through fear will no longer be allowed to manifest. A new monetary system will replace the present one by 2012 latest.
Children labelled as Generation X, Indigo and Crystal kids will lead the way to a new Earth. Many Souls have incarnated to contribute their knowledge and expertise, especially those who are aged 49 and 56 years now. Many are known as Wisdom Keepers, Earth Keepers, Shamangelics, Fire Dancers, Dream Walkers, Warriors of Light, Shape Shifters, Star Beings, Elders, Strength Bearers, Code Carriers and Healers of Time. Many had incarnated from the future back to our Linear Time to help out in the transition.
Cataclysmic disasters are not in the Plan, though we experience changes in weather patterns. Great emphasis on emotional changes with relationship values will be there. The emotion of Fear will not be allowed to rule. Be prepared to be greatly astonished as how much you have been misled by the authorities.
As the Portals are opened, energies comes forth to our Planet, catapulting it from the 3rd to the 12th Dimension, a quantum leap accompanied by a change in the Human DNA as well, from a double stranded DNA to that of 12 stranded. Homo Sapiens become Homo Luminous, as mentioned by Mayan Elders.
I will hold my own ceremony to welcome 11.11.11; I hope you know the significance of this date. Just sit, close your eyes, meditate and receive the new energies that is being beamed to our Planet. Welcome the new beginning for Mankind.
Old ideas, concepts and style of governance are falling away and this wave will continue till 2013. The suppression and controlling of others through fear will no longer be allowed to manifest. A new monetary system will replace the present one by 2012 latest.
Children labelled as Generation X, Indigo and Crystal kids will lead the way to a new Earth. Many Souls have incarnated to contribute their knowledge and expertise, especially those who are aged 49 and 56 years now. Many are known as Wisdom Keepers, Earth Keepers, Shamangelics, Fire Dancers, Dream Walkers, Warriors of Light, Shape Shifters, Star Beings, Elders, Strength Bearers, Code Carriers and Healers of Time. Many had incarnated from the future back to our Linear Time to help out in the transition.
Cataclysmic disasters are not in the Plan, though we experience changes in weather patterns. Great emphasis on emotional changes with relationship values will be there. The emotion of Fear will not be allowed to rule. Be prepared to be greatly astonished as how much you have been misled by the authorities.
As the Portals are opened, energies comes forth to our Planet, catapulting it from the 3rd to the 12th Dimension, a quantum leap accompanied by a change in the Human DNA as well, from a double stranded DNA to that of 12 stranded. Homo Sapiens become Homo Luminous, as mentioned by Mayan Elders.
I will hold my own ceremony to welcome 11.11.11; I hope you know the significance of this date. Just sit, close your eyes, meditate and receive the new energies that is being beamed to our Planet. Welcome the new beginning for Mankind.
India's Got Talent Season 3 - Chang's enjoyable singing act (Grand Final...
Now let us enjoy some entertainment! Relax!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
I had admired Lord Buddha’s concepts ever since I came to know about Buddhism although I am a Taoist ordained in the Temple of Wong Loo Sen See Chee Choong. However Buddhism and Taoism had co- existed side by side in China long ago. The great thing about being a Taoist is that we can explore any other religion without getting into any trouble. This is beautiful, this is Freedom. This is The Way of Tao. The Tao is never afraid nor even bothered if you leave it or join it. So Taoists never are interested to convert you!
Many are very familiar with the Eight Noble Truths – Right view, Right intention, Right speech, Right morality, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness and Right Samadhi. Today I wish to bring forth some not so well known teachings of Buddha, which is the Ten Grounds or Bhumis.
1. Pamuditas – joyousness. Unless you are joyous, you never reach the truth.
2. Vimal – purity. Be pure in your heart
3. Pabhakari – luminousness. Move in Light.
4. Arsimati – radiance. If you are dull, you are lost.
5. Sudurjaya – courage. Have courage to welcome all challenges in Life.
6. Abhimukhi – immediateness. Don’t bother about the past and the future. Be in the Now!
7. Durangama – call of the beyond. Don’t build barriers around yourself, go beyond.
8. Achala – grounding. Learn to be centred and grounded.
9. Sadhumati – sagely intelligence. Synthesis of head and heart brings you sadhumati.
10. Dharma-mega – love and grace. Begin to share!
It is not my intention to write and write to explain the 10 Bhumis in detail. You will only read and then forget it. To really benefit from Buddha’s teaching, you will need to meditate on each of these 10 Bhumis to get the meaning in full. Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samasam Bhudassa! Sadu! Sadu! Sadu!
Friday, 4 November 2011
So why do I speak on Hypertension today when basically this Blog is on the Tao and things esoteric? Well because I feel this topic is equally important for my friends who follow me here. It also gives this place a variety of topics to keep away from boredom. And I am very qualified to talk about it.
Hypertension is a silent killer. When a person has high blood pressure, initially there are no ill health, every thing seems normal. But the assassin has already entered into your body. Slowly the eyes, heart, brain and kidneys are afflicted. Like all diseases, when you feel its bad side effects, it is rather too late. The effects are the damage to the eyes leading to blindness, strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. And all these are avoidable (or nearly so).
When a person is obese, high blood pressure is a must because the heart has to work much harder to pump the blood greater distances. So I don’t understand when such a person tell me that they don’t have Hypertension- impossible! Obesity also predisposes a person to diabetes and associated high cholesterol levels or hyperlipidaemia. This combination of Hypertension, Diabetes and Hyperlipidaemia is triple trouble.
My advice? Please get your Blood Pressure checked today! If possible please do some blood tests to know your blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Actually I had discussed this topic in greater detail in my book ‘Esoteric Views on Health”. And in my Book, I tried to avoid medical jargon to make it simple, effective and interesting.
In fact even a slightly elevated blood pressure is a danger, as they are 55% more likely to have a stroke compared with those of normal pressure as revealed in a study of 518,520 adults in 12 studies. Even those with so called pre- hypertension systolic pressure of 130 – 139 mmHg has a 79% higher chance of getting a stroke when compared with normotensive individuals.
Strokes can be either ischemic or haemorrhagic. After the age of 55, the risk of suffering a stroke, doubles for every decade of age. The lifetime risk is 1 in 4 for men and 1 in 5 for women. The risk factors includes –
a) Hypertension
b) Diabetes – the risk increases 4 times
c) Atrial fibrillation – risk is 5 times more
d) High cholesterol
e) Family history of stroke
f) Lifestyle factors – sedentary life, overweight, smoke and drinks.
Some warning signs –
1) Sudden, severe headache with vomiting, dizziness
2) Confusion, speech problems
3) Paralysis or numbness
4) Vision problems
5) Difficulty in swallowing
6) Difficulty in walking, loss of coordination and balance
7) Drowsiness
So don’t just sit there reading my Blog entry- go get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked!( But please get the right doctor!)
Hypertension is a silent killer. When a person has high blood pressure, initially there are no ill health, every thing seems normal. But the assassin has already entered into your body. Slowly the eyes, heart, brain and kidneys are afflicted. Like all diseases, when you feel its bad side effects, it is rather too late. The effects are the damage to the eyes leading to blindness, strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. And all these are avoidable (or nearly so).
When a person is obese, high blood pressure is a must because the heart has to work much harder to pump the blood greater distances. So I don’t understand when such a person tell me that they don’t have Hypertension- impossible! Obesity also predisposes a person to diabetes and associated high cholesterol levels or hyperlipidaemia. This combination of Hypertension, Diabetes and Hyperlipidaemia is triple trouble.
My advice? Please get your Blood Pressure checked today! If possible please do some blood tests to know your blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Actually I had discussed this topic in greater detail in my book ‘Esoteric Views on Health”. And in my Book, I tried to avoid medical jargon to make it simple, effective and interesting.
In fact even a slightly elevated blood pressure is a danger, as they are 55% more likely to have a stroke compared with those of normal pressure as revealed in a study of 518,520 adults in 12 studies. Even those with so called pre- hypertension systolic pressure of 130 – 139 mmHg has a 79% higher chance of getting a stroke when compared with normotensive individuals.
Strokes can be either ischemic or haemorrhagic. After the age of 55, the risk of suffering a stroke, doubles for every decade of age. The lifetime risk is 1 in 4 for men and 1 in 5 for women. The risk factors includes –
a) Hypertension
b) Diabetes – the risk increases 4 times
c) Atrial fibrillation – risk is 5 times more
d) High cholesterol
e) Family history of stroke
f) Lifestyle factors – sedentary life, overweight, smoke and drinks.
Some warning signs –
1) Sudden, severe headache with vomiting, dizziness
2) Confusion, speech problems
3) Paralysis or numbness
4) Vision problems
5) Difficulty in swallowing
6) Difficulty in walking, loss of coordination and balance
7) Drowsiness
So don’t just sit there reading my Blog entry- go get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked!( But please get the right doctor!)
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Saturday, 29 October 2011
I had been bombarded with information and it is hard not to share some. Although, on the surface it seems to have nothing to do with the Tao, but it certainly does on a deeper level, since, if it is true, it will affect everyone of us globally.
The Taoist Teaching is that everything has a soul, and so our Earth is no exception. Earth’s Soul has decided to change its vibration to a higher frequency in correspondence with the Love energy and according to others, it had happened at the end of 2010- from the old 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimensional matrix and Time- Line. I had already written about the significance of the dates 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 and now I further state that for 9 days from 12/12/12 to 21/12/12, the Codes for Earth are being re-set/ rebooted for the Grand Cycle of Evolution to Peace, Harmony and Love.
This means that the energies no longer support the Dark ones and their evil plans to continue to lie, dominate, mislead us. Thus we see, or will be seeing the change in leaderships, governments and establishments. People are waking up, no more asleep. People are more aware, and this is one of the great Buddhist teaching- ‘Be Aware”. Those who seek to exploit the masses will no longer succeed as the energies will not allow these to happen, as Earth connects with its Cosmic Destiny.
There will be a huge increase in UFO activities and hard for governments to hide the facts. It is time for Disclosure of the Truth. The Mind had been used wrongly mostly, and it is time to use the Heart, where real Power lives.
Friday, 28 October 2011
GEORGE TOWN - Penang has seen an increase in tourists following the flood situation in the Thai capital.
Holiday Inn Resort general manager Stella Jacobs said the resort recorded an increase possibly due to tourists skipping Bangkok to come to Penang.
"Compared to the same period last year, we are seeing more tourists. Our sister properties in Thailand are diverting tourists to Penang.
"We are in the process of collecting blankets, bottled water and dry foodstuff to send to our Thai counterparts," she said yesterday.
Its communications director Suleiman Tunku Abdul Rahman said they were discussing with their counterparts in Bangkok to transfer tourists to Penang.
"Tourists from Europe generally visit Thailand for the warm weather and friendly people, which Penang also has, and by transferring the tourists here, they won't have to cancel their holiday."
Holiday Inn Resort general manager Stella Jacobs said the resort recorded an increase possibly due to tourists skipping Bangkok to come to Penang.
"Compared to the same period last year, we are seeing more tourists. Our sister properties in Thailand are diverting tourists to Penang.
"We are in the process of collecting blankets, bottled water and dry foodstuff to send to our Thai counterparts," she said yesterday.
Its communications director Suleiman Tunku Abdul Rahman said they were discussing with their counterparts in Bangkok to transfer tourists to Penang.
"Tourists from Europe generally visit Thailand for the warm weather and friendly people, which Penang also has, and by transferring the tourists here, they won't have to cancel their holiday."
Friday, 21 October 2011
This is reported as the worst flood in Thailand for decades. We all heard of it but the local press had only very scant reports with no photographs. I now post some photos and you will see how they suffered. I am sure they need any kind of help. I suggest you get in touch with your local international organization like Red Cross and start the ball rolling for donation in clothes, drinking water, blankets, medicine and any other thing you can think of.
I am so ashamed that our own community had not done a thing to help and the reason is very obvious! Never mind about Governments, we shall do our best!! Pray for Thailand , let them bring back their smiles for their land is also known as Land of Smiles .
This photo really breaks my heart- look at the face of the monkey, it tells so much!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
In my wanderings one day, I chance upon a very unknown and little Taoist Temple off the beaten track. Unlike other temples, which are bigger and well constructed by master craftsmen brought in form China , this one is only a small hut converted to a temple. This very much intrigued me. What is the story behind this small, insignificant Temple ?
There was no visitor other than me and I spotted an old man who must be the care taker. I took some joss sticks and candles, made a small donation and proceeded to pray and pay respect to the Taoist deities, the main one being the Monkey God. It was almost dusk and the caretaker was about to close the temple and was not in too good a mood to answer the questions I posed to him. I left with more questions in my mind- why a temple in this remote place, where no outsider will ever find it? I discovered it because I usually wander about in remote places to be with Nature, in the free time that I have. I really admire these local people. No temples in my country are government aided – all survive on the donations by the public and devotees. For the same reason- all Churches survive on their own. I take my hat off to the owners of this small temple in the remote area that serves about 5 households I spotted along the way. Many temples – Hindu and Taoist – had been torn down by authorities when it was discovered that the place of worship is sitting on government land without any permit. Even the gods have no peace here.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Almost every one had heard of the Mayan Calendar which ends in 2012 and there are lots of articles and views on this. Really I have nothing to add on this topic but some folks had pressed me for my views. Many are concerned that in the worst case scenario, will the world end by then? I really take my hats off to the ancient Mayans. They understood more than we can imagine.
To us Taoists, 2012 is Year of the Dragon. Many fengshui masters have yet to calculate what is in store for next year, me included. Actually, it seems that from now till 28th October, there will be tremendous changes the world over. In fact do take note of the dates of 11.11.11 and 12.12.12. To those who know how to look at the Tung Shu, will understand the energies present at these 2 dates, basically it is ‘Danger” and “Remove” respectively. However, many young couples are getting married on these dates as it is the “trend’ these days to do so, a cool thing to do. However, the bad energy of the day will not auger well for the couple!
Actually the whole Universe looks at Earth ever more closely and what great changes Gaia (Earth’s real name) will experience. A great shift is in store, and Light versus Dark comes to play in ever more increasing roles. The world will not end, but the world as we know it will. There is changing of the guard, from old to new, and a new economic system will replace the old, as the financial crisis of EU and USA will hint of things to come. Open your Heart and receive the blessing from Heaven. Give up the ways of the Dark ones, whose days are numbered. They are known by several names among which are the renegade Anunnaki and the non- visible Archons.
The Native American Elders, S. American Elders, Indonesian Elders, Hawaiian Elders and many others hold the keys to the future- ask them! In fact, sacred prayers are to be held in many holy places in the near future and which are now open to the public(they were held in secret before.) These special rites will be performed by Elders and shamans of several groups from South America, descendants of the Mayans and Incas, Tibetan Lamas and Taoists priests to name a few. Selamat Ja!(Sirian: Be in Joy!) and Selamat Jalan!( Safe Journey)
Sunday, 9 October 2011
I found something and it sounded so much in resonance with my Heart that I want to share with you.
I AM the Divine Image of God manifesting Perfection in my Being and world, and for the Children of God, everyone, everywhere in God’s Supreme Name FOREVER.
Wherever I AM, my very Presence in the Universe is a constant outpouring and release of God's Love and Reverence for Life, God’s Will and Power, God’s Life and Light, God’s Truth and Freedom to all I contact, every day, in every way. (repeat 3X)
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Sabenarnya, semua fikiran sabagai disebut diatas berpunca daripada orang-orang politik. Kita diajar yang agama, kaum dan Negara yang mesti dipentingkan. Ini sabenarnya bukan ajaran yang suci. Oleh sebab fikiran yang begini berpuncalah kebahigikan dan kepecahan di dalam masyarakat.
Ramai orang belum bangun tidur; apabila 2012 datang, dunia sabagai kita yang memahami akan berubah. Sila ambil perhatuian- sekarang jua sudah ada detik-detik perubahan di seluruh dunia, dalam cuaca mesti pun dalam politik. Saya sekarang balik kepada pondok saya dan bermeditasi!
Saturday, 1 October 2011
This is an important Taoist festival, in honour of the sons of Dou Mu (North Star Goddess.) Strict vegetarian diets are enforced in the 9 day festival (27Th Sept to 5th Oct)for devotees who partake in the actual rituals. This year the Taoist Temple of Kew Ong Yeah in Jalan Megat Harun in Bukit Mertajam, Penang has a paper horse figurine measuring 2.1m tall and 2.7m long as well as a boat, named Wang Chuan, measuring 5.4m tall, 5.7m long with a width of 1.8m is the biggest ever made for this festival in Penang .
The chief of the 9 brother deities, Loh Chu, will ride the royal horse called Wang Mu on his journey back to the Heavenly realms during the highlight of the festival when the deities are being sent off. There are 5 smaller horse figurines made specially for the Emperor’s generals. These horses are “fed’ with grains, grasses and water during the 9 day festival. A 30m tall bamboo pole is dug into the temple grounds to facilitate the deities’ descend to earth during the celebrations which has the highlight of 30 youths going into trance and 200 other devotees walking the Fire pit which is exactly 9 m long in the Fire Walking ceremony.
These photos depicts some of the scene of the ceremonial prayers and are courtesy of Betty Seah.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
For many Taoists, 27th September was the start of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival and the start of nine days of vegetarian food and prayers. I will be writing more on this Festival soon.
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Our ancient Taoist masters continue to teach us their wisdom. Enjoy !
1. In the macrocosm, the disturbance of yin and yang causes the four seasons to come out of time and disrupts the succession of heat and cold. In the human microcosm, disturbance of the yin and yang by the passions also causes great disorders
2. Be withdrawn, detached, don’t fatigue your body or rouse your instincts, and you can last forever (Master Guang Cheng, of Mt Kong Tong)
3. For him who is united with Unity, every thing prospers
4. Nature has disappeared, laws has replaced it, and from this there has come lawlessness. (Master Gao)
5. Lao Tzu replied to Confucius, “ I am going to tell you a truth that you will neither be able to understand nor repeat it correctly. There are no more Sages. You will search in vain for those who in their material body have kept their part of the original Tao intact. They neither acted nor rested; neither lived nor died but let themselves go along the thread of universal evolution.”
6. Those who know the nature of things, do not try to explain it in words; and those who try, that they do not know
7. At the age of 50, Confucius still had no idea of the Tao, thus he went to Pei and looked for Lao Tzu, and the later said “ Believe whatever you will, in theory, but in practice, bend with the wind, accept the changes that have come upon the world”
8. Regarding Lao Tze, Confucius said ‘I saw the dragon personified in that man. The dragon coils up visibly, then extends itself invisibly, producing cloudy or clear weather, without anyone being able to understand its powerful but mysterious action. He has too much breadth for me. What could I say to refute him?”
9. Integrity and purity is what preserves the soul and prevents it from being worn out. Purity implies absence of mixture, integrity means absence of all defects. He whose spirit is perfectly integrated and pure, is a True Man
10. Now everything is disorder and perversion
11. Supreme contentment is to have nothing which contents; Supreme glory is not to be glorified
12. Heaven and Earth do every thing by doing nothing
13. Whosoever is harmed should not blame what has harmed him; he should blame himself, his vulnerability being proof of imperfection
14. A shoe is perfect when the foot does not feel it; Perfection is to be perfect without knowing it
15. Life follows death, death is the origin of life
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Japanese Tsunami Viewed From A Car
Japanese Tsunami Viewed From A Car
I post this as it is a very rare footage salvaged from the tsunami in Japan and for my followers to learn from this natural disaster the force of Nature.
I post this as it is a very rare footage salvaged from the tsunami in Japan and for my followers to learn from this natural disaster the force of Nature.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
02.13.11 A Very Noisy Place Best Place to Train Your Soul
The Vedic chants were not easy to follow, I admit. Now here is an easier way- The Way of The Tao!
A quick lesson to improve your health.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Vedic Chants
Vedic chants are just a faint representation of the original Melchizedekian Sacred Notes from the land of Lemuria. What this means is that it can help to change the structure of your DNA to transform certain aspects of you for the better. Listen to this Vedic Chant video to remind you of those days long gone.
Monday, 29 August 2011
I stumbled upon this documentary by Rafeeq Elias about the small and vanishing community in Calcutta(Kolkata). It brought back some memories for me when I was there and wandered around the strange area populated by this small community. Very few people have heard of the dwindling community, almost rarely seen unless you wandered to their hideouts in Kolkata.
Friday, 26 August 2011
A crew member reportedly got possessed during a film shoot in an empty house in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This reportedly took place during the filming of the drama "Code of Honour", which involved artistes including Zheng Ge Ping, Rui En, Elvin Ng, Chris Tong and Andie Chen.
The film crew had arrived at the empty house on 13 August at about 11pm. The day is coincidentally the 14th day of the Ghost Month.
The female crew member in question had gone pale and said she felt unwell immediately upon arriving at the location. The crew told her to rest in the vehicle instead of joining the filming. Some time later, the girl inexplicably dashed out of the vehicle towards a dark area of the house, away from the filming location. At the same time, she was screaming and behaving like a lunatic while pointing at the second floor of the house.
Shocked at her sudden strange behaviour, three men including the director, producer and martial arts choreographer chased after the girl to restrain her. But despite their efforts, the normally gentle girl could not be subdued and suddenly seemed extremely strong. She also began to speak in a different voice and behaved like a different person altogether.
In the chaos, another member of the crew managed to subdue the girl only after he pressed a talisman above her lip, which is an acupuncture point rooted in Chinese medicine as well as mystical origins. After the man did so, the girl immediately collapsed and the men quickly carried her back into the vehicle.
The crew immediately rushed her to a nearby temple even though it was already in the middle of the night.
On the incident, actress Chris said it was so scary that her legs were shaking. She could not walk and had to hold on to fellow actor Andie. Chris was so shaken that she refused to go back into the house to continue filming and retired to the vehicle where she could not stop crying from fear.
The makeup artist and costumer also ran out of the house crying and complaining of the eerie atmosphere in the house.
Andie said that the possessed girl kept pointing at the second floor and saying "there, over there..".
Chris added that the incident didn't just end there.
The girl was absent on set as she went on medical leave for several days after the incident. Chris subsequently heard that the crew, including the director, assistant director and the martial arts choreographer visited her at her home.
The girl stays in a rented apartment by herself.
When the group of men got to her apartment, they found her looking frail and exhausted. A short while later, the girl got possessed again and began to speak in a different manner to the group. The men were so scared they didn't dare to enter her house. Then the girl suddenly said she needed to use the toilet, and when she came out, she was normal again.
Chris said that according to the priest from the temple, the girl was possessed by two spirits, the ghost of a child and its mother. While the child remained behind at the empty house after the girl left, the mother had followed her home.
The priest eventually managed to exorcise the girl and she remembers nothing of her behaviour during the possession.
After the incident, some members of the film crew also commented that the filming had commenced earlier with prayers and offerings in Muar, but no prayers were offered when the crew went to Kuala Lumpur.
This is also the first time the crew has encountered such an incident.
First published: Shin Min Daily News
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Even as the faithful offer prayers, put on the most spectacular getai shows, and organise lavish spreads to appease wandering souls during the Hungry Ghost Festival, many go through the rites of this Chinese tradition without knowing why the rituals are carried out.
But these rituals can be linked back to early Chinese civilisations, such as the Han Dynasty, a period when Chinese culture and society flourished as emperors created terracotta warriors modelled after their own armies to attend and protect them in the afterlife.
While the early Chinese believed in life after death, they also had a slightly different concept of the dead from modern Chinese today, and the "good brothers" that we often refer to now are not always what they seemed to be in the past.
The "dual souls" consisted of "po", referring to the intellectual power and mental faculties of a person, and "hun", the human emotions and feelings and source of consciousness.
This dual concept later evolved into a single entity after the introduction of Buddhism into China, and what subsequently came to be known as 'shen', or spirit.
When a person loses his 'po', his behaviour becomes erratic and his reasoning power and judgment suffers, eventually resulting in his death.
Professor Lo explained: "When a person dies a violent death or with grievances, his 'hun' may linger on to cause trouble. "
"The 'hun' then needs to be appeased with appropriate sacrifices."
The idea that a person's 'hun' can remain among the living to cause mischief has contributed to the popularity of the Hungry Ghost Festival, even until today.
"The belief in a unitary soul that could survive death into a new life through reincarnation continues until today in many Chinese communities over the world.
"This is one of the reasons why the Ghost Festival became popular in China in the first place," he added.
The belief that souls linger on after death also led to the early Chinese attempting to summon a deceased person's soul for ancestor worship.
"A spiritual tablet would be set up for him in the family shrine so that if and when a deceased's soul came back, it could dwell within the tablet.
"His family would pay sacrifices to the tablets in the shrine periodically and this is an important part of what we call ancestor worship," Prof Lo said.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Further Blessing from Da Bei Zhou
Further Blessing from Da Bei Zhou
I introduce you to Master Sha. Get some blessings by listening to his chant given to him by Guan Yin
I introduce you to Master Sha. Get some blessings by listening to his chant given to him by Guan Yin
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
GEORGE TOWN: The first ever outdoor ‘Netherworld Tour’ (a trip to hell) in Malaysia would be held here in conjunction with the ongoing Phor Thor (Hungry Ghost Festival).
For believers of the spiritual world, this tour is organised for them to ‘interact’ with their loved ones and friends who have passed on.
It is jointly organised by the Penang Teong Guan Association and the state government.
Tze Bei Guan Yin Centre leader Master Kek Eng Seng, who would lead the tour, said participants would experience different scenarios in ‘hell’.
“Some of them would be able to meet their loved ones who have passed on; some might be able to tour the streets of hell while some would be able to witness how torture is conducted in hell.
“We cannot guarantee though, that all participants are able to experience the tour successfully. Deterrent factors include their suffering from anxiety attack or failure to travel into the netherworld altogether,” he told a press conference on Carnarvon Street yesterday.
To prepare for the tour, the participants will be asked to close their eyes and listen to Master Kek’s instructions.
“They must listen attentively and heed every instruction issued, as it is crucial to avoid antagonising the wandering spirits,” he said.
He said this would be his first effort to attempt an outdoor ‘tour’.
Previously, he only conducted such ‘trips’ within the confines of a temple.
The ‘tour’ will be held at Padang Brown on Jalan Datuk Keramat from 8.30pm to 10.30pm on Aug 27.
It will be conducted by Master Kek with help from more than 10 of his assistants.
He has 28 years of experience in dealing with spiritual matters and had studied Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism as well as fortune tell-ing.
State Tourism Development and Culture Committee chairman Danny Law Heng Kiang said the event had the potential to attract tourists .
He said: “We would like to thank the organisers of the Phor Thor for continuously organising this religious festival for over 100 years. The Netherworld Tour was famous in Taiwan but this would be the first in Malaysia.”
For now, Master Kek has fielded more than 200 participants but only about 100 can join the tour.
“We would screen the participants to see if they are fit to join the tour,” he said.
For believers of the spiritual world, this tour is organised for them to ‘interact’ with their loved ones and friends who have passed on.
It is jointly organised by the Penang Teong Guan Association and the state government.
Tze Bei Guan Yin Centre leader Master Kek Eng Seng, who would lead the tour, said participants would experience different scenarios in ‘hell’.
“Some of them would be able to meet their loved ones who have passed on; some might be able to tour the streets of hell while some would be able to witness how torture is conducted in hell.
“We cannot guarantee though, that all participants are able to experience the tour successfully. Deterrent factors include their suffering from anxiety attack or failure to travel into the netherworld altogether,” he told a press conference on Carnarvon Street yesterday.
To prepare for the tour, the participants will be asked to close their eyes and listen to Master Kek’s instructions.
“They must listen attentively and heed every instruction issued, as it is crucial to avoid antagonising the wandering spirits,” he said.
He said this would be his first effort to attempt an outdoor ‘tour’.
Previously, he only conducted such ‘trips’ within the confines of a temple.
The ‘tour’ will be held at Padang Brown on Jalan Datuk Keramat from 8.30pm to 10.30pm on Aug 27.
It will be conducted by Master Kek with help from more than 10 of his assistants.
He has 28 years of experience in dealing with spiritual matters and had studied Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism as well as fortune tell-ing.
State Tourism Development and Culture Committee chairman Danny Law Heng Kiang said the event had the potential to attract tourists .
He said: “We would like to thank the organisers of the Phor Thor for continuously organising this religious festival for over 100 years. The Netherworld Tour was famous in Taiwan but this would be the first in Malaysia.”
For now, Master Kek has fielded more than 200 participants but only about 100 can join the tour.
“We would screen the participants to see if they are fit to join the tour,” he said.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
I saw an advert inserted by the Hospital, for the relatives of a dead Hindu man to collect the body. I knew he was a homeless, somehow, and so I contacted a friend to note this case and if no next of kin comes to collect the body, then I wish to contribute some money for his burial under Hindu rites. The opportunity came and I asked my friend to do the needful for this unknown stranger.
I don’t know him, nor his story. He died alone in the public hospital which he admitted himself. His life must be full of hardship and disappointments. Was he married? Did he have any children, if so where are the children? The least I can do is to give a decent burial. Rest in peace, stranger. Ohm Mani Padme Hum!
Friday, 12 August 2011
Women are more prone to seeing ghosts than men, according to Master Szeto Fat-ching, a famous exorcist and Feng Shui guru from Hong Kong.
He said based on the Yin and Yang philosophy, women come under the Yin category - just like ghosts - and so it is easier for them to 'click' with each other.
"There's nothing to be scared of because the ghosts are more afraid of human beings than we are of them. Most of them are harmless," said Master Szeto, who has been dubbed the "Ghost King of Macau".
Szeto is currently in Malaysia as a guest deejay for Chinese radio station 988, to talk about ghost-related topics in conjunction with the month-long Hungry Ghost Festival, which began on July 31.
On Wednesday night, Master Szeto and his "ghost-searching" partner Ben Kwok - shared their stories and exchanged views with more than 300 fans of the supernatural at an event in Kuala Lumpur.
They showed several photographs of "spirits" to the audience. Several people from the crowd also shared their paranormal experiences and ghostly encounters.
Szeto said ghosts were actually a "group of frequencies" and how they look like varies depending on the person who sees them.
"The same spirit may seem to be a woman or man to some, or just an imageless shadow to others."
Many Hong Kong ghost movies are now basing their storylines on events in South East Asian countries especially Malaysia and Thailand.
He said based on the Yin and Yang philosophy, women come under the Yin category - just like ghosts - and so it is easier for them to 'click' with each other.
"There's nothing to be scared of because the ghosts are more afraid of human beings than we are of them. Most of them are harmless," said Master Szeto, who has been dubbed the "Ghost King of Macau".
Szeto is currently in Malaysia as a guest deejay for Chinese radio station 988, to talk about ghost-related topics in conjunction with the month-long Hungry Ghost Festival, which began on July 31.
On Wednesday night, Master Szeto and his "ghost-searching" partner Ben Kwok - shared their stories and exchanged views with more than 300 fans of the supernatural at an event in Kuala Lumpur.
They showed several photographs of "spirits" to the audience. Several people from the crowd also shared their paranormal experiences and ghostly encounters.
Szeto said ghosts were actually a "group of frequencies" and how they look like varies depending on the person who sees them.
"The same spirit may seem to be a woman or man to some, or just an imageless shadow to others."
Many Hong Kong ghost movies are now basing their storylines on events in South East Asian countries especially Malaysia and Thailand.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Spirit ‘captured’ in photos during ritual
Spirit ‘captured’ in photos during ritual
A GROUP of friends had a shock of their life when they found that they “captured” images of a spirit in the photographs they took during a Hungry Ghost ritual recently.
China Press reported that the images, which looked like a paper ghost, appeared in the photographs taken by the restaurant workers.
The group had conducted prayers at about 12.30am on the first day of the Hungry Ghost Month at a roadside in Malacca.
The group later decided to hold another prayer at the same site and were relieved that the spirit did not appear in any of the photographs that they took.
However, a photography expert said the image of the so-called spirit might be just a reflection from a glass window.
A GROUP of friends had a shock of their life when they found that they “captured” images of a spirit in the photographs they took during a Hungry Ghost ritual recently.
China Press reported that the images, which looked like a paper ghost, appeared in the photographs taken by the restaurant workers.
The group had conducted prayers at about 12.30am on the first day of the Hungry Ghost Month at a roadside in Malacca.
The group later decided to hold another prayer at the same site and were relieved that the spirit did not appear in any of the photographs that they took.
However, a photography expert said the image of the so-called spirit might be just a reflection from a glass window.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
August is the season ruled by Sirius, the Dog Star. But the Dog Days bring more than hot weather. The planets move in odd formations, intensifying our emotions and off-beat thought throughout the month. One day, life is beautiful, and the next it could be strange. Seriously, the partial planetary alignments intensify every part of our selves: the good, bad, the indifferent, and the not-so-aligned pieces. This is Astrology but for the Taoists, it is the Ghost month, where released wandering spirits roam and do mischief. I have observed that one of the ways this is manifested is the number of motor vehicle accidents happening on roads that is not known to be prone to accidents. This just occurred on a road that I know very well as I use it daily. It was a three car pile up. Folks, just be extra careful this whole month of August!
The Taoists will pray to appease these wandering spirits so that the neighbourhood will be peaceful and business will thrive. These photos depicts the festival and it was not easy for me to take the photos as I had to travel round the whole town to catch these before they are taken down. I had in fact missed some very huge celebrations because I was too late to get there.
Friday, 5 August 2011
<a href="http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/uk/news/article_1655164.php/Mr-Bean-swaps-his-Mini-for-a-McLaren-F1-and-crashes">Mr Bean swaps his Mini for a McLaren F1 - and crashes - Monsters and Critics</a>
This is the Ghost Month, remember?
This is the Ghost Month, remember?
Sunday, 31 July 2011
This 31st July is the start of the Taoist “Ghost Month” and lasts exactly one month and to me is the most dreaded month of the whole year. This is because for the whole month the lost spirits are allowed to roam freely the whole period and to those who are observant, will be noting the many strange things that may occur during this period. In my book ‘Esoteric Views on Health” I had written a whole chapter about my experiences and observation during this period and an extract is given below-
“She was told that she had annoyed a wandering ghost and so was taught a lesson. It was again the ghost month of the Chinese. This was getting too much, but because it involved my own nurse whom I see every day and who was under my care, it made me wonder more about this ghost month thing. The funny part was that she had these funny illnesses almost every ghost month although she was very careful about her health. In her case, I now think that she was quite vulnerable because she has an increased sixth sense and so a very easy prey to spirit influences.
Very recently, just prior to the completion of this book, I had another strange case. A distressed mother brought her 6 year old son to see me with the complaint that he kept vomiting after every attempt of food or water consumed in the last 5 days.
She had taken her son to see two different doctors who gave treatment but there was no response. I had to do something for the child and I used all my experience and knowledge to look for a possible pathology indication but found none. It was puzzling and I noticed also he had a very funny, awkward gait, which the mother denied he had prior to this complaint.
I asked the mother to take the boy to see a temple medium and indeed she took him that very day and the medium achieved what we doctors could not – he was well that very moment after some prayers and holy water. This again happened during the Ghost month and the medium told the woman not to take her son out at night during this time. I had nearly admitted him to hospital a few hours earlier.”
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Monday, 25 July 2011
All over the world, we heard of the terrible tragedy that occurred in Oslo and on the island of Utoeya. We give our deepest condolences to the grieving families whose loved ones had died in the unfathomable tragedy. We ask you to be strong and brave in this hour of great bereavement for all. We know that words can't express your great sorrow and anger, but you are not alone. Good people all over the world pray for your strength to recover from this madness. We are with you! Ohm Mani Padme Hum!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
To enjoy reading this segment,one must belief in the existence of ghosts. You maybe surprised to know that ghosts are everywhere! And they will know who are able to see them and who are unable to. Let me relate a story.
My friend’s daughter, a girl of 6 years old, has an inborn ability to see spirits. She was caught several times talking to non- existent friends and the parents were thinking every child does that and were the least concerned. Recently they had gone for a short vacation to one of the casinos and when they returned home, my friend thought she saw some shadows rushing pass her at the corners of her eye. It seemed her husband too had the same experience.
My friend felt very eerie and so she consulted a Taoist medium who confirmed that there were 2 spirits residing in her house! Her daughter had said there is a little girl that comes to play with her and that her face was like after being burned and so looked quite ugly. The medium had mentioned about a young girl that died with her family in a house fire about 4 to 5 years ago not too far from where the Casino situated.
It was a difficult cleansing process to rid the house of the spirits and to prevent further intrusions by wandering spirits, the medium had pasted several Taoist talisman in strategic locations.
Looking back, now my friend realised that her daughter had been talking to these spirits almost everywhere they go- restaurants, play grounds, cinema halls, road side and etc. Thus we can see that many people who had passed away remained at the physical dimension and are stuck thus. They really need help to go where they really belong- the spirit world.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
This aspect of fengshui had been neglected by many masters but is my favourite subject. Many only associate fengshui with wealth but the health aspect had been given little or no attention. In fact I had achieved my best results in fengshui consultation on the health aspect. I remember one case particularly well.
The husband was at his wit’s end because his wife had an almost never ending stream of health issues one after another. Their financial resources were almost depleted because of the constant hospital and doctors’ bills. It was then they came to consult me. When I reviewed her medical history, I knew that it was not mainly a medical problem that she has; it has something to do with the fengshui aspect of their house. To cut a long story short, you may refer to my Book “Esoteric Views on Health” in the chapter 14 ‘Strange Illness caused by the Unknown”. Yes, I managed to solve her health problems without a tablet or injection and neither did she need to be hospitalised.
I should also warn that just like medicine is not able to solve all cases of illnesses, neither can the use of medical fengshui. All have their limitations. Many chronic diseases, especially cancers, are karmic- linked and thus almost impossible to cure. But sometimes we can use fengshui to help enhance the recuperation of the patient.
The husband was at his wit’s end because his wife had an almost never ending stream of health issues one after another. Their financial resources were almost depleted because of the constant hospital and doctors’ bills. It was then they came to consult me. When I reviewed her medical history, I knew that it was not mainly a medical problem that she has; it has something to do with the fengshui aspect of their house. To cut a long story short, you may refer to my Book “Esoteric Views on Health” in the chapter 14 ‘Strange Illness caused by the Unknown”. Yes, I managed to solve her health problems without a tablet or injection and neither did she need to be hospitalised.
I should also warn that just like medicine is not able to solve all cases of illnesses, neither can the use of medical fengshui. All have their limitations. Many chronic diseases, especially cancers, are karmic- linked and thus almost impossible to cure. But sometimes we can use fengshui to help enhance the recuperation of the patient.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Let me now digress from serious talks to some Art for the relaxation of our Minds. Of course I relax by doing meditation, paida or lajin exercises but I don’t expect every one to follow me. Viewing art pieces is one good way of relaxation of the mind but some modern art makes us feel very uncomfortable with its very abstract drawings and play of colours. I introduce the very elegant and pleasing works by Loretta H. Yang, who restored the lost art of the western Han Liuli crystal art to its rightful place in the international arena. She founded the LIULIGONGFANG in 1987 in Taiwan. Since then it is a world known brand for the Liuli Chinese Crystal Art.
When I viewed the works, I felt so much at peace and tranquillity.Enjoy!!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
For this July, it is a very important month as the Solar Eclipse in the beginning of the month starts the new Saros Cycle of Creation. July had always been an important month for the ancient Egyptians as it leads to the next level of consciousness. It is a time when spirit and matter comes together to release the energy of creation. If we etch our dreams into the matrix of creation, by the help of Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, it will certainly come to life.
I wish to introduce a special prayer called “The Great Invocation” that was made popular by Torkum Saraydarian that is appropriate for this July. It is a very old prayer and had its origins from a Tibetan master. Just reciting it yourself will bring immense benefits, and if you can form a triangle with 2 others and recite it simultaneously, the effect is multiplied. The other 2 persons can be anywhere in the world. The Christ mentioned in the stanza is for all religious Teachers. Now do it!
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the Minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ return to Earth
From the Centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve
From the Centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
I wish to introduce a special prayer called “The Great Invocation” that was made popular by Torkum Saraydarian that is appropriate for this July. It is a very old prayer and had its origins from a Tibetan master. Just reciting it yourself will bring immense benefits, and if you can form a triangle with 2 others and recite it simultaneously, the effect is multiplied. The other 2 persons can be anywhere in the world. The Christ mentioned in the stanza is for all religious Teachers. Now do it!
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the Minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ return to Earth
From the Centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve
From the Centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth
Friday, 8 July 2011
Right now, Police had arrested about more than 540 people. KL in showdown right now.
Things are getting dizzy in Kuala Lumpur- I hope my prediction will not materialise but trouble is brewing up.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
I had received fengshui training both formal and informal, from several fengshui masters and one grandmaster. Many were from Hong Kong and if China mainland is excluded, these masters are among the best. Early this year I met a fengshui master from Beijing and he blew all of us apart with his abilities. His knowledge when compared to many of us, is like a PhD to a Primary school level student! He can do very complicated calculations within a few minutes and comes up with a detailed analysis of past, present and future events.
Anyway, having this knowledge sometimes is a burden. I will tell you a story now. A friend invited me over to his new house and I was more than eager to see his million dollar house, yes, it is at the upper end of the housing market. I was eager because I wanted to see the fengshui of the house as it intrigues me.
This is because of what had happened after he moved in with his family. One of his kids was getting sick most of the time, in and out of hospitals and there was a break in as well, although there are security guards in the small enclave.
There was already a small gathering of his other friends when I arrived and all of us settled down for some food and drinks. Now to do a proper fengshui analysis I will need my luopan, the Chinese fengshui compass but that would be so obvious. Besides, he had not asked my opinion nor does he belief in this “nonsense”. However, now a days I do clandestine fengshui for my own knowledge. I mean I will take the compass directions using a small pocket device and no one will even notice what I was doing. I do this as case histories to understand the fengshui of the place.
However this time it was difficult because of so many people around. I had one chance and whipped out my hand held compass to take a quick reading but this way it suffered from great accuracy. So my calculations will only approximate the real calculations. I noted the reading. As it was already dark, I could not observe the land forms beside the house, and actually this is most important. Thus it will be only a very rough guide as to the fengshui of the premises.
When I got home, I started to calculate out the 2 possible fengshui results from the 2 different readings that I ended up with- house facing either East 3 or SE 1. Even with this limited information, along with poor accuracy, I could see that it sort of confirmed what had occurred thus far- his kid getting sick most of the time and the burglary. The Charts worked out to be as below-
The Flying Star East3 chart-
SE 2,5 S6,1 SW 4,3
E 3,4 1,6 W 8,8
NE 7,9 N 5,2 NW9,7
The Flying Star SE 1 chart –
SE 8,6 S4,2 SW6,4
E 7,5 9,7 W 2,9
NE 3,1 N 5,3 NW 1,8
Now without going into boring details of the Flying Star analysis, the above charts of Mountain and Water star distribution did not show good star distribution in many of the sectors that cover the master bedroom (East sector) and kids’ bedroom ( SW and NW sectors). Moreover their water fountain is placed in the wrong sector (North). The East3 chart could explain the burglary since at the East sector is where the break in occurred. Also East facing house is a Dui House and this year is very inauspicious, as it meets 5 Yellow and Tai Sui(Grand Duke). Very few people can have a house with perfect fengshui but if a master is consulted, then some remedial measures may render the bad effects to be lessened or not occur.
This is a very rough fengshui assessment as I have no opportunity to look at the landforms around the house to trigger the bad Flying Stars. Moreover full assessment may need Advanced Flying Stars or other methods of feng shui like The Eight Mansions (Ba Zhai) or Liu Fa methodology, which I was told is superior to the other two methods.
Now this is the burden that I have to bear- knowing the rough fengshui of their house, in particular it being very bad this year of the Rabbit for them, how can I tell them when they have absolutely no belief in fengshui? We are not allowed to interfere in other’s destiny especially when we are not invited to do so- it is a Law. So I have to keep my mouth tightly shut.
Anyway, having this knowledge sometimes is a burden. I will tell you a story now. A friend invited me over to his new house and I was more than eager to see his million dollar house, yes, it is at the upper end of the housing market. I was eager because I wanted to see the fengshui of the house as it intrigues me.
This is because of what had happened after he moved in with his family. One of his kids was getting sick most of the time, in and out of hospitals and there was a break in as well, although there are security guards in the small enclave.
There was already a small gathering of his other friends when I arrived and all of us settled down for some food and drinks. Now to do a proper fengshui analysis I will need my luopan, the Chinese fengshui compass but that would be so obvious. Besides, he had not asked my opinion nor does he belief in this “nonsense”. However, now a days I do clandestine fengshui for my own knowledge. I mean I will take the compass directions using a small pocket device and no one will even notice what I was doing. I do this as case histories to understand the fengshui of the place.
However this time it was difficult because of so many people around. I had one chance and whipped out my hand held compass to take a quick reading but this way it suffered from great accuracy. So my calculations will only approximate the real calculations. I noted the reading. As it was already dark, I could not observe the land forms beside the house, and actually this is most important. Thus it will be only a very rough guide as to the fengshui of the premises.
When I got home, I started to calculate out the 2 possible fengshui results from the 2 different readings that I ended up with- house facing either East 3 or SE 1. Even with this limited information, along with poor accuracy, I could see that it sort of confirmed what had occurred thus far- his kid getting sick most of the time and the burglary. The Charts worked out to be as below-
The Flying Star East3 chart-
SE 2,5 S6,1 SW 4,3
E 3,4 1,6 W 8,8
NE 7,9 N 5,2 NW9,7
The Flying Star SE 1 chart –
SE 8,6 S4,2 SW6,4
E 7,5 9,7 W 2,9
NE 3,1 N 5,3 NW 1,8
Now without going into boring details of the Flying Star analysis, the above charts of Mountain and Water star distribution did not show good star distribution in many of the sectors that cover the master bedroom (East sector) and kids’ bedroom ( SW and NW sectors). Moreover their water fountain is placed in the wrong sector (North). The East3 chart could explain the burglary since at the East sector is where the break in occurred. Also East facing house is a Dui House and this year is very inauspicious, as it meets 5 Yellow and Tai Sui(Grand Duke). Very few people can have a house with perfect fengshui but if a master is consulted, then some remedial measures may render the bad effects to be lessened or not occur.
This is a very rough fengshui assessment as I have no opportunity to look at the landforms around the house to trigger the bad Flying Stars. Moreover full assessment may need Advanced Flying Stars or other methods of feng shui like The Eight Mansions (Ba Zhai) or Liu Fa methodology, which I was told is superior to the other two methods.
Now this is the burden that I have to bear- knowing the rough fengshui of their house, in particular it being very bad this year of the Rabbit for them, how can I tell them when they have absolutely no belief in fengshui? We are not allowed to interfere in other’s destiny especially when we are not invited to do so- it is a Law. So I have to keep my mouth tightly shut.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
For your easy reference, I will list the Year and Chinese Zodiac Animals. This is because I realised that my Blog followers come from diverse countries and background. This is just a guide because those who are born before Chinese New Year belong to the zodiac of the previous year. You may need to know this especially if you are born in January or February. If you can’t locate your Chinese Zodiac here, then either you are too young to read or too ancient!
Rat – 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Ox - 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Tiger – 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Rabbit – 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Dragon – 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Snake - 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Horse – 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Goat – 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Monkey – 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Rooster – 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Dog - 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Pig - 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
Rat – 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Ox - 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Tiger – 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Rabbit – 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Dragon – 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Snake - 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Horse – 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Goat – 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Monkey – 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Rooster – 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Dog - 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Pig - 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935
Friday, 1 July 2011
Back ground information
Some back ground information is needed before I proceed with my prediction, to set the scene, so to speak. Actually this prediction is of importance mainly to my fellow country men and women. You see, there is talk of holding a big rally in most part of the country on that day- July 9th. One group will hold the rally to bring attention to some issues confronting the country, while two larger groups will hold counter rallies to oppose the first group. Many other groups wanted these leaders to call off their rallies for sake of peace. However until today, it looks like the leaders are unable to call off the idea and thus is expected to take place. Tensions are running high and may spark off trouble. And the date they chose, July 9th is such a coincidence with the worst possible energies according to the Chinese Almanac! Actually I can’t believe it!
July 9th is a Day of Wood Ox and a day of ‘Destruction” as well as a ‘Month Breaker’ day. What a combination. A month breaker is the worst energy, more deadly than the ‘Year Breaker’ day.
“Destruction” day is as the word suggests, things are being destroyed, and it can be anything at all. In the tsunami of 2004, it occurred on a ‘Destruction” day. It is not a good day to start a new business too. It is a day of Wood Ox, and Ox clash with Goat. Thus is so much more dangerous for those born in the year of the Goat- 1991,1979,1967,1955,1943 and 1931. Thus Goat people will get the brunt of the destruction. So if the rallies are not called off, then we can expect lots of chaos and disaster. Looks to me that this is destined, unless the rally organizers had consulted feng shui masters to choose a day that will hurt the government most, and thus is more of an artificially created chaos.
Truly, I hope my prediction will not come true because if it does, then lots of people are going to suffer in one way or another. I am not proud to make this prediction. It however showed me that it is the Heavens that have a hand in the chosen date to execute a happening. But the final word whether this will occur will be if I do the I Ching divination. This is absolutely accurate.
Date selection is not only practised by the Chinese but also by the Jewish Kabbalists. In the famous 1492 year, which was on the 9th of Av, Christopher Columbus was scheduled to set sail for the New World. But he made his crew sit on the ship all day long, waiting for the day to pass. He then launched his journey on the 10th of Av because like all learned Kabbalists, he knew the 9th of Av is the darkest day of the year. For 24 hours, Tisha B’Av – 9th of Av(Leo) the forces of chaos is given full reign over the Universe. And this year it will be on 8th August. In the Chinese Almanac, it is also the baddest day! It is called “Closed” – where no good qi is available, as Heaven’s doors are closed. Thus two of the oldest civilizations, the Jews and the Chinese, have the same thinking. But the Chinese way is a bit weird- dealing with dragons, phoenix, tiger, black tortoise, the magic Lo Shu square and so on.
Some back ground information is needed before I proceed with my prediction, to set the scene, so to speak. Actually this prediction is of importance mainly to my fellow country men and women. You see, there is talk of holding a big rally in most part of the country on that day- July 9th. One group will hold the rally to bring attention to some issues confronting the country, while two larger groups will hold counter rallies to oppose the first group. Many other groups wanted these leaders to call off their rallies for sake of peace. However until today, it looks like the leaders are unable to call off the idea and thus is expected to take place. Tensions are running high and may spark off trouble. And the date they chose, July 9th is such a coincidence with the worst possible energies according to the Chinese Almanac! Actually I can’t believe it!
July 9th is a Day of Wood Ox and a day of ‘Destruction” as well as a ‘Month Breaker’ day. What a combination. A month breaker is the worst energy, more deadly than the ‘Year Breaker’ day.
“Destruction” day is as the word suggests, things are being destroyed, and it can be anything at all. In the tsunami of 2004, it occurred on a ‘Destruction” day. It is not a good day to start a new business too. It is a day of Wood Ox, and Ox clash with Goat. Thus is so much more dangerous for those born in the year of the Goat- 1991,1979,1967,1955,1943 and 1931. Thus Goat people will get the brunt of the destruction. So if the rallies are not called off, then we can expect lots of chaos and disaster. Looks to me that this is destined, unless the rally organizers had consulted feng shui masters to choose a day that will hurt the government most, and thus is more of an artificially created chaos.
Truly, I hope my prediction will not come true because if it does, then lots of people are going to suffer in one way or another. I am not proud to make this prediction. It however showed me that it is the Heavens that have a hand in the chosen date to execute a happening. But the final word whether this will occur will be if I do the I Ching divination. This is absolutely accurate.
Date selection is not only practised by the Chinese but also by the Jewish Kabbalists. In the famous 1492 year, which was on the 9th of Av, Christopher Columbus was scheduled to set sail for the New World. But he made his crew sit on the ship all day long, waiting for the day to pass. He then launched his journey on the 10th of Av because like all learned Kabbalists, he knew the 9th of Av is the darkest day of the year. For 24 hours, Tisha B’Av – 9th of Av(Leo) the forces of chaos is given full reign over the Universe. And this year it will be on 8th August. In the Chinese Almanac, it is also the baddest day! It is called “Closed” – where no good qi is available, as Heaven’s doors are closed. Thus two of the oldest civilizations, the Jews and the Chinese, have the same thinking. But the Chinese way is a bit weird- dealing with dragons, phoenix, tiger, black tortoise, the magic Lo Shu square and so on.
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