
Saturday 29 October 2011


I had been bombarded with information and it is hard not to share some. Although, on the surface it seems to have nothing to do with the Tao, but it certainly does on a deeper level, since, if it is true, it will affect everyone of us globally.

The Taoist Teaching is that everything has a soul, and so our Earth is no exception. Earth’s Soul has decided to change its vibration to a higher frequency in correspondence with the Love energy and according to others, it had happened at the end of 2010- from the old 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimensional matrix and Time- Line. I had already written about the significance of the dates 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 and now I further state that for 9 days from 12/12/12 to 21/12/12, the Codes for Earth are being re-set/ rebooted for the Grand Cycle of Evolution to Peace, Harmony and Love.

This means that the energies no longer support the Dark ones and their evil plans to continue to lie, dominate, mislead us. Thus we see, or will be seeing the change in leaderships, governments and establishments. People are waking up, no more asleep. People are more aware, and this is one of the great Buddhist teaching- ‘Be Aware”. Those who seek to exploit the masses will no longer succeed as the energies will not allow these to happen, as Earth connects with its Cosmic Destiny.

There will be a huge increase in UFO activities and hard for governments to hide the facts. It is time for Disclosure of the Truth. The Mind had been used wrongly mostly, and it is time to use the Heart, where real Power lives.

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