
Tuesday, 29 March 2016


This is an urgent message about an upcoming event that is going to have global implications on the side of massive paradigm shifts. There are some important things to know. We’d like to start off by saying that it is only Ego that would resist or condemn this message and we know we have nothing to defend. This message will reach and be received by all who are meant to receive it and the rest will experience what is to come, regardless. A massive energetic shift is coming and we are here to make you aware that as of April 9, 2016 at 11:00 pm PDT and for the following 3 hours, a massive energetic message is being remotely communicated and shown to an innumerable amount of people on Earth. This message is one of love, peace, surrender, forgiveness, healing and powerful vibrations being sent through directly to individuals through their energetic field. This means that large amounts of energy will be moving through you during this time. It will come through you as an amplification system. All individuals in your field of awareness, without realizing how or why, will be receiving this through you. There’s nothing to fear. They won’t know who it’s coming from. If you are surrendered enough, and awake while it’s happening, all you will feel is blissful love, peace, an urge to celebrate. While there are some things we are choosing to keep close to the vest, please be aware that this will be the first of these blasts that will be going out. Certain points in this process have to be very specific and particular but, all those who have already been able to tap into the collective are invited to send your energy also. This is important. Just your emotion, no message attached, no sender needs to be named. Getting yourself into the fullest trance like, meditative and/or psychedelic state possible is important for this to be as effective as possible. Adding powerful music (free of lyrics) is helpful to the process. Once you are in this state, bring yourself to the highest vibrations of positive emotions possible. Forgiveness, peace, love, bliss, laughter, whatever comes up. Laugh, cry, release. Whatever positive emotion comes up must be expressed to the masses. Blast out those feelings and send all that goodness to whomever you can envision. Allow your mind to move swiftly through faces you are directing it to whether you know who they are or not. Please be sure to send it to those who need it the most and remember that this means FORGIVENESS without fear or judgment. Again… FORGIVENESS WITHOUT FEAR OR JUDGMENT. For everyone reading this that understands, resonates and remembers that this was the time we chose for a reason, between now and April 9, 2016 at 11:00 pm PDT, RELEASE ALL FEARS. RELEASE ALL JUDGMENT. FORGIVE EVERYONE. LOVE EVERYONE. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ONE. This is so important. We cannot stress to you enough the importance of doing this NOW. You are either working with us or we are healing you. There’s no judgment from us as to which side you stand on but just know that as of that moment in time, you are either one of the healers here completely ready to do this OR you are one of those being healed. It is of no consequence to us. Do not even judge yourself. If you find you are unable to be a part of the healing, you will be able to join us during one of the next waves and we are just as joyful, no matter what. You are already forgiven and loved. Beforehand, this is a great time to express love and forgiveness to everyone in your life that you have not done so yet. Remember, it is only your ego that is resisting this or believes that it is not you that needs to apologize and communicate love. It does not matter how the other responds or how they receive the message. Fear no consequence. Remember, once truth is spoken it continues to work through all. This is it. Go out and fearlessly send your apologies, love, forgiveness and gratitude. Ho'oponopono. The simplest message that can be emailed, texted, messaged to or spoken to anyone on your list of challenging relationships is: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” We can all send that and just leave it at that. Any positive response received, flow with it and any negative response received, surrender and release it. Equally important is your vision. Please spend time truly imagining life with no limitations and what that looks like for you. Speak it with positive verbiage. In other words “we live in a resources based economy” as opposed to “we live in a world without money”… “we live in a peaceful and safe world” as opposed to “we live in a world with no war or crime”, etc. Find the most empowering way to envision this world that you would like to live in. Visualize it and connect with the energy of it now. Imagine your life with zero limitations, zero resistance, zero conflict, zero lack, zero pain. Visualize and feel your life filled with peace, love, abundance, laughter and the perfect experience. Do you want to live in a hut on the beach? See it, feel it, connect with it. Do you want a mansion? See it, feel it, connect with it. Do you want a cabin in the woods or a farmhouse or to live in an intentional community? See it, feel it, connect with it. Some will be in disbelief about what is happening. There’s no need to convince them. Those of you that agreed upon this moment, this timeline and this event, just surrender and trust. It’s happening and we are ready. Humanity, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. Mother Earth, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To the animal kingdom, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To all of the plants and trees, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To all sentient beings we have not mentioned, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. To the benevolent beings of all reaches of the universe, we are sorry. Please forgive us. We love you. Thank you. Please join us Now. We are ready and receive you with peace and gratitude. Brothers and sisters, please share this message far and wide. This is the good news prophesied in many books. It does not matter what religion or path you are on. We are One. All perspectives are True and Correct and now, love and unity is the only law. This is the good news that was said would be shared before the end times would come. The end times are transformative, not destructive. There is nothing to fear. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. Those of us that knew it in our hearts all along are being redeemed. The moment of prophecy has arrived and believers and non-believes alike will see it. We assure you. Brothers and sisters, it is time for this message to be shared, spoken, recorded and spread with no author needing credit. This message is humanity’s message. Love and Unity is all there is now. Everything else is a quickly disintegrating illusion. Surrender and allow the Truth to manifest here on Earth. Amen. Amun. Amin. A’ho. So mote it be. And so it is. Your will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Blessed be. Namaste. Ho'oponopono. Ubuntu. Honor and gratitude to each and every One of you. OR NI TOR FOR.

Friday, 25 March 2016


I have seen several of these footages some time ago but today’s video is more authentic and that is why I am reporting it. As usual, you make your own conclusion. I had been very busy, having late nights for a week now and on a healing spree when friends seek me out. OR NO TOR FOR, we are near the Event.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


Nibiru is again a hot topic among Lightworkers. As usual I am not going to write a long article but just a summary, which is good enough for busy people and which is the aim of my Blog- for busy folks who has no other source of information. Nibiru is also known as Blue Kachina, Planet X or even Hercolubus. The excitement is around the coming of this giant planet is the massive destruction it can cause to our planet, even if it is passing by a few million kilometres away. It can pull in space debris at its tail end that can shower meteors of all sizes to Earth. It can trigger earthquakes, volcanic activities and tsunamis. Actually Nibiru is not one giant celestial body but a cluster of heavenly bodies. It is the abode of the Annunaki. The Annunaki was made known by Sitchin, as the Lords that ruled our Planet, manipulating our DNA to produce hybrid slaves to mine gold for them. They really messed up our DNA and now, the Annunakis are returning to right their wrong. They had since turned to the Light. You might ask how is it that they can redeem themselves by bringing a path of devastation to Earth? Many actually got it wrong. Nibiru can either bring a positive or negative quantum change, depending on our vibration (thinking, beliefs, etc). This quantum jump will leap frog Earth to the 5th Dimension but those who still vibrate at low frequencies (at 3D Level) will not survive. So do not wait for a Saviour but we save ourselves really. Change to a better person, living from your heart centre and following the Law of One. Be gone with greed, jealousy, hatred, racism, narrow mindedness and so on. All are One. If we harm others we really harm ourselves in the end of Days. The Masters are right, the Prophecies will come to pass. I have only a suspicion when Nibiru will fly by and I think it will be “soon”. It is futile to give dates as Timelines can change. An indication that it may be round the corner is when the following occurs – NESARA programme kicked in, Global reset in Currencies and Total Disclosure (of Alien Life). All these are yet to be manifested. OR NI TOR FOR.

Saturday, 19 March 2016


Yes, I received the message loud and clear. I was reading some material and then I came across the following sentence – “. The 12 Archangels beseech healers to stop their disappearing act.” Actually I had lost the inspiration to continue my Blog since my recent blunder of posting, thus far, some untruth. However the message from the 12 Archangels stood out like a sore thumb to me. Point taken, so watch out for my friend Kamooh to appear he again soon. OR NI TOR FOR.

Friday, 11 March 2016


Although there are undercurrents in US politics which may lead to a Republic formation, the video I posted turns out to be an untruth so far. In my haste to post it, I failed to counter check with my sources. I therefore apologise to all my readers and to President Obama and House Speaker Paul Ryan. I am very much affected by my blunder and so I shall have to censor myself. The Tao Hermit will cease to post temporarily until he has come to terms with his folly. OR NI TOR FOR.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


You may recall that some months ago I made some hints of something happening in March, 2016 and also hinted it involves USA and that Obama may resign. Well, video below just released. As usual we will still wait and see the official News. OR NI TOR FOR

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


Conversations with Sasquatch (part 11) The story of my people has not only been connected to the history of your people, but also to the destiny of our home-planet. When the genetically modified Atlantean race you call Homo Sapiens took over our home-planet and chased our people and your Lemurian ancestry into the deepest wilderness, the ancient knowledge of our Star Elders and of my people was erased gradually from your memories. In the sacred books of your most ancient surviving civilization, dating from before the ice ages in a country you call India, the important contribution of my people, known as the ‘Ape-People’ and our leader Hanuman were highly honored, in our common efforts to fight the lower lords and reestablish the Cosmic Order on Earth. The stone bridge my people built to the island of Lanka can still be seen today, as a reminder of this close bond your ancestors and mine had back then. Over millenias, India became the highest concentration in density of Human populations, and following the Dravidians, with later invasions of Aryan cultures unfamiliar with us, my people took refuge in the northern wilderness. In Europe, the pre-Indo-European cultures, whom we helped build the megalithic monuments, were familiar with us and called us the ‘Bear-People’; until the Celtic and Germanic invasions, that made my people appear as evil ogres and threats. The extermination of the last of my people in that continent ended with the troll hunters in the Middle-Age. It is quite significant that the Indo-European lineage, being more closely related genetically to the Atlantean race, has been the main culprit of our genocide. And this genocide of my people goes along with that of your tribal peoples, just as with the ongoing ecocide or omnicide, being perpetrated intentionally by the lower powers enslaving our home-planet. In what you call North America, my people could live along with your tribal peoples, until the European invasions started. Along with the tribes of your Indigenous peoples, just like with your Lemurian ancestry previously, my people was pushed ever further into the western and northern wilderness. The huge fires that caused terrible devastation in these areas this last season, are part of a greater secret plan to speed up the extermination of your tribal peoples, and of my people, your Elder. This ultimate aggression is intended to cut definitely your spiritual connection with our Star Elders. The story of my people and of your tribal peoples in the land you call Australia is not much different. My people known as Yowie there, just like your tribal peoples, have kept moving deeper into the wilderness to escape from the genocide of the European conquest, until becoming a mere legend. In the land you know as Siberia, my people there who are called Almas, could live in peace with your tribal peoples familiar with us, as long as the tsars of Russia were afraid of facing us. It changed a century ago, when the Soviets, determined to conquer the lands we shared with your tribal peoples, decided to capture some of my people to conduct secret experiments with the means they then had, starting with artificial insemination. Many hybrids were created from these secret programs, some of which walk on our Earth today, but without the necessary spiritual knowledge and dharmic intentions. These secret experiments have always been commanded by the lower lords and backed by their technological powers, introducing some ever more sophisticated techniques for genetic manipulation. As Siberia was being conquered, some of my people fled to the land called Tibet, where we still could live in peace with the local populations and communicate with some of their shamans and monks, until the empire you call China conquered our last stronghold on the lands across the oceans. The same tragic fate that met my people and your tribal cultures in other lands, also hit tragically and painfully with genocide and torture, those in Tibet who had kept their spiritual connection with our Star Elders.

Sunday, 6 March 2016


This will be the toughest post – writing about myself. I had avoided this for so long as I hate talking about myself, as my close friends know. However I had to come out of my hideout if what I am trained for is to benefit others. I had been giving esoteric talks to a group of my inner circle and one of them surprised me by saying I am a Lightworker. This was the first acknowledgement by others. If I had called myself a Lightworker, it would mean nothing as it is of no value. Then along the way, a message from the Heavens indirectly reached me asking me to reveal myself. I had to take note on this, hence this posting today as I have delayed it far too long. I graduated as a medical doctor and then worked hard till I obtained several further post- grad degrees and Diplomas, but I discovered I could still not solve many of my patients’ health problems. It was frustrating to see them suffering still. I then turned to increase my knowledge in Fengshui and used it to treat certain cases where every medication seemed to fail. I had spectacular results for some of them. I still do it as and when the need arises. However not many will take up the offer due to their wrong religious belief system. Next, I managed to get some incredible Traditional Chinese Medical herb formulae but just too sad, it was very difficult to source the herbs from Chinese medical shops because the herbs were in short supply and the final blow was when the Government introduced the GST, these old traditional shops could not adapt to the tax requirements and many had since closed down. I was so disappointed because I had managed to get these herbal formulae from the top TCM practitioner of China. To give further options to my patients, I went into Energy Healing, starting with Reiki first and another set of patients could be helped. Sometimes I used Reiki energy for diagnosis and it further helped in my patient management. Later, I had been given some powerful Reiki Codes to enhance my healing ability and indeed it gave me a much deeper method to heal. The Codes are powerful. Most recently I was attuned to give, I believe an even more powerful form of Energy Healing. So to cut a long story short, the master appeared in my life and I received the initiation and training into Biofrequency Lightbeings of Universal Energy(BLUE). Actually, even before I had the initiation, I had a dream. In the dream, I met an old man with flowing white robes. He told me he will give me some BLUE Energy and then he proceeded to zap me with an intense white light. It was dazzling and I could not move at all. I was under the intense beam for what seemed like 5 minutes. Then the Old Man disappeared and I awoke from my dream. I now know my Life’s mission – to be a Healer. The advantage as a Healer using Reiki or other forms of Energy healing is that we can give healing over distance. One of my recent case in healing was a Canadian friend who asked me to heal her mother who is suffering from various complains and the appointment with a medical Consultant is like almost a year and still no news about the date. I did for her the distance healing and for 3 weeks it seemed there was not much difference in her condition. I intensified the distance healing to the next Level. Then a miracle happened. My friend Karen K. emailed me to say that out of the blue, her mother was asked to see the Consultant and they scheduled her for a procedure and she is now recovering from the operation and her condition improved greatly! You see, the Energy knew that she needed a medical procedure and must have worked for her to get an urgent appointment to solve the issue. Sometimes healing is needed at a very deep level. The person may find several blockages in his life. I will then investigate into his ancestry energy to see where the blocks originated. Let’s say from his maternal side, his great-grandfather had a bad trauma to his life spiritually speaking. This negative energy needs to released and when done, both the great- grandfather’s soul and all generations down will be released from this negativity. Then only will healing proceed. So, I now am available to help solve your medical issues via distance healing methods. The way to reach me is via this website - Log in the site and then write my name Dr Yeoh Hock Chye in the search your doctor bar and you will get me. You may download the free App to your phone. Charges apply. To your good health. I AM a Healer, I AM Truth and I AM Light. OR NI TOR FOR.

Thursday, 3 March 2016


This is just a short follow up on the Earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia just in case you are wondering what has happened. I am glad to say that official news from Indonesia, although still sketchy, was that the number of casualties were low and few damage to properties were seen. In fact, I had been informed that Mother Earth, in adjusting to the influx of Energy beamed to her, tries to avoid large scale human casualties as far as possible in her cleansing actions. But this depends much upon your vibrational frequencies. If you choose to be in higher 5D frequencies, you will not be affected as much as those who still dwell in 3D frequency of greed, jealousy, anger and fear. Attention must now go back to the West Coast of USA because of the huge release of methane gas. This could be movements of the tectonic plates and may herald The Big One for California. Be alert guys. OR NI TOR FOR.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Gempa Bumi Kuat Di Sumatera, Tiada Ancaman Tsunami Buat Malaysia March 2, 2016 - Gempa bumi kuat berukuran 7.9 pada skala Richter berlaku di barat daya Sumatera pada Rabu malam. Bagaimanapun, tiada ancaman tsunami terhadap Malaysia setakat ini, menurut Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia. Menurut jabatan itu dalam satu kenyataan di sini malam ini, gempa bumi itu berpusat kira-kira 649 km Barat Daya dari Siberut, Indonesia, iaitu 1,163 km Barat Daya dari Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan pada 8.49 malam ini. Tsunami alert was withdrawn but stay vigilant, as another huge onee may strike on Thursday 3rd March, Day of Destruction and bad Month Breaker in Chinese Fengshui. OR NI TOR FOR.