
Thursday, 3 March 2016


This is just a short follow up on the Earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia just in case you are wondering what has happened. I am glad to say that official news from Indonesia, although still sketchy, was that the number of casualties were low and few damage to properties were seen. In fact, I had been informed that Mother Earth, in adjusting to the influx of Energy beamed to her, tries to avoid large scale human casualties as far as possible in her cleansing actions. But this depends much upon your vibrational frequencies. If you choose to be in higher 5D frequencies, you will not be affected as much as those who still dwell in 3D frequency of greed, jealousy, anger and fear. Attention must now go back to the West Coast of USA because of the huge release of methane gas. This could be movements of the tectonic plates and may herald The Big One for California. Be alert guys. OR NI TOR FOR.

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