
Tuesday, 10 May 2016


The insight I received is that this is the start of calamities and it will shock the world as other situations will/may arise just as monstrous as this one – with Water and Earth related disasters, ie Floods, Earthquakes, Landslides. In fact 2016 is a year to remember, I promise. OR NI TO FOR Dear Family, In case you haven’t heard, there is a massive wildfire that is devastating scores of acres, homes, neighborhoods and entire communities. It is fiercely growing and now spreading to the neighboring province of Saskatchewan. The situation remains uncontrolled and highly dangerous Sources say that it is now so big that it will take months to put out. One of the most powerful things we can do to assist this situation is to call in the divine intervention and consciously merge with the forces of the elements to help bring calm and hopefully lots of rain. Will you join me in this group activity and as soon as possible? Below is an invocation activity to give support to your calls. Please say it with full conviction followed by a brief meditation. Visualize the rains coming immediately and putting out the fires. See the winds coming after the rain to quickly clear the smoke. Give your prayers up for the people already affected and that all people, homes and firefighters are safe. For more information about the fires, please google Alberta wildfire. Let’s go into action now!! Tiara Kumara INVOCATION AND VISUALIZATION TO CALM THE ALBERTA FIRES In the name of God and the Great Presence of all life, we call forth and invoke Divine Intervention from the realms of light to assist in stabilizing the massive outbreak of fires raging across Canada. By and through universal law, we call into immediate dynamic action… * The Spirit of the Earth * The powers of nature and the forces of the elements * The legions of angels assisting Earth’s evolution * and the field of Unity Consciousness Please come and amplify our efforts one thousand fold in accordance with the highest good of all. THY WILL BE DONE! Beloved Creator, send the transforming universal light into ALL of these wild fires to neutralize and calm the destructive effects. May these fires be immediately contained with an impenetrable bubble of pure spiritual energy. THY WILL BE DONE! Assisting angels and elemental family, let the rains pour over the earth in all of the affected regions. Drench, soak and saturate the land with the flow of rain until all fires are safely out. Bring forth cooler weather that supports balance in the realms of nature. THY WILL BE DONE! Please protect all of the brave men and women fighting these fires with an invincible shield of Cosmic Power. Bless them with unlimited energy and every possible means of support. Expand this field of protection to all people, wildlife and nature in the affected areas. THY WILL BE DONE! Assisting angels and elemental family, please clear the air of all toxic smoke and chemicals caused by the fires. Guard the health and safety of all residents along with their homes that may stand in the fires path. Stand vigil at their sides until all fires have ceased. THY WILL BE DONE! Great Presence, may this intervention and its containing matrix be made imperishable, eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding until the Divine Plan is fulfilled for Western Canada and its surrounding areas. We seal this activity in Cosmic Peace. PLEASE NOW MERGE WITH THE ELEMENTS… * Talk to the fire elementals. Lend them your inner peace. See them responding in great calm. * Become one with the water element. Visualize the rains coming immediately dampening the flames. * Breathe with the element of air. See the winds coming after the rain to quickly clear the smoke. * Give your prayers up for the people already affected. * Ask that all people, homes and firefighters are safe. Give support to all volunteers and agencies assisting. It is done. We are so grateful.

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