
Friday, 11 November 2016


Yes, I ‘m back and the Police didn’t bother me. So USA has a new President Elect in Donald Trump. Now it gets even more interesting, not only in the USA under Trump but the world over. It’s gonna be fireworks I tell you. Actually I had been debating whether to reveal this or not over several months but I hesitated and finally decided not to mention. I ignored all the intel I had gathered and even knockings by my Spirit Guide. Then I decided it is a duty to inform my readers and hence this posting. Even so, while writing this, I still am not sure if I should or that my intel could be wrong, but whoa!!! My Spirit Guide made a strong statement to me just now! I am given the go ahead!!! This had never happened before! Instantaneous answer from my Guide.  Gives me the shivers.
First some background. This year 2016 is a Number 9 year and 9 signifies the end of a cycle. So 2017 is the start of a new Cycle and today is already November, thus what must be finished must end before 2017 starts. So events need to be speeded up pronto. Secondly what the Ancients had prophesied must occur. Then Nibiru (Planet X) is getting closer to us. NASA had previously tried to deny existence of Nibiru but now has changed its tune. Even the Planets are lining up to position themselves for the coming Eclipses and Supermoon phenonmena. Everything is in place, everything is where it should be. The intensity of Light coming in is unprecedented and ever increasing even. This will result in a variety of events. All that needs to be cleared will surface up. Nothing can be hidden any more (plots, scandals, lies, crime, etc). Even emotions will run very high, resulting in complete chaos, civil unrest, suicides, clashes, etc. It is very important for you to be grounded to Mother Earth. This means being near Nature – trees, waterfall, streams and in fact best to stand barefoot in a field. This is very, very important.
Mother Earth too is changing its vibration to match the frequency of 5th Dimension. She can wait no longer for all her children to change, and so those whose frequency is still of 3D Earth, will be left behind for them to fend themselves in another 3D Earth.
The Gods are coming back. These gods are the Anunnaki  that had tempered with our DNA for their own benefits. Our ancestors termed them as “gods” but they are actually Extraterrestrials, ETs. The real God should be called Prime Creator. But Prime Creator did not create worlds. This was the work of other Creator Gods made manifest by Prime Creator. These Creator Gods had a grand Plan/Blueprint for Earth but somehow Earth was hijacked/invaded by Negative ETs and this brought its vibration down to the 3D levels. Only recently the Portals were opened and there are more than a million ships in our skies but they are cloaked. They are here for a specific Mission. Along with these ships are those from malevolent ET Races who are only Service-to-Self types. You see, our Earth is a prized Planet for its biodiversity and thus genetic materials apart from the rich minerals and energy resources. Earth’s location at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy is ideal as it is near Portals and Vortexes that can be used by Malevolent ET Races as a slingshot to other Universes to look for more conquest. It has been that way.
In fact, Space Wars had occurred due to the fact of Light vs Dark  Forces and had resulted in the destruction of Mars civilization by nuclear wars. The survivors had escaped to Earth and settled down. For the Planet Marduke, it was completely annihilated and the remnants now are the asteroids in the Astroid Belt of Space. Such had been the violent history of the Universe. In fact Earth was nearly invaded by the Draco- Orion from Planet Sirius B in or around 2004 when a large armada left to attack Earth but was somewhat averted by another large alliance from Andromedian, Procayonese ,Tau Cetaian Forces and Capellans that formed a blockade. All sides suffered heavy casualties but because of the larger Draco- Orion Fleets, some escaped and continue to Earth. It is now up to Prime Creator and us Humans to stop these invaders.
The minions of the Cabal on Earth have the technology of holographic projections and will use it to ensnare gullible Humans by their projections of Religious figures to mislead the populace. Further, the Malevolent Ones will come to “save Earth” by promising to give advanced technology, even healing some diseases that they, in the first place, caused it. It is history repeating itself because the same occurred when in 1951 the then USA President signed a Treaty with some ETs that gave the ETs permission to do human abductions on a “limited” scale but it went beyond until this day. It was for the exchange of “technology”.
Much now hangs on the outcome of Standing Rock. The ‘Black Snake” must be stopped. Otherwise an outcome that is negative may come onto us. That is why on Monday 14th November’s Supermoon, I will participate energetically with several Lightworkers to stabilize Earth’s Energy Grids and infuse it with Light. All of us carry Light in our DNA but those who are Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Starseeds to carry more Light but not to the extent of damaging our physical self. I belong to the few Biofrequency Lighbeings of Universal Energy and had been participating in stabilizing Earth’s Energy Grid infusion with Light. Wish us Luck. OR NI TOR FOR.    

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