
Friday, 15 March 2019


File Picture of Boeing 737 - 8 Max

Black out in Venezuela

Both occurrences in New Zealand (where 49 had died)  and the Ethiopian Boeing 737 Max Air crash which killed all on board (157) are indeed great tragedies and my condolences to the families who suffered when their loved ones perished. The Venezuala grid breakdown had also resulted in chaos, lootings, and general lawlessness.
A few days ago I posted somewhere about asking Light Warriors to be on guard. Of course I had no idea what will happen but have a feeling of great changes and Energy influx that can cause negative people to go berserk, increase suicides , political unrests and severe weather unleashed.  Before the old Matrix breaks down and being dismantled, there is a fight back for their survival. We can expect three more years of chaos before things are being settled down. There is also wars in the Heavens being fought fiercely ( As Above, so Below) and the Galactics have arrived since the Portal has just opened recently. The Fleet had gathered near our Sun now.  We are at a critical tipping point and many things are happening behind the scene. Things are being speeded up and we may have contact with the ETs by mid of next year so my source told me.
As for the massacre in New Zealand, it is a hate based crime that only escalates the hate energy. The information I get on the Ethiopian Air crash is that it was remotely taken over and put into a nose dive to crash it deliberately. That is why the USA is the last country to ground this type of plane when Trump got the information how vulnerable these planes can be hijacked remotely. The Venezuela Power outage is suspected to be an EMF attack by the US to topple the present government of Maduro. It has caused lots of protests and hardship, even deaths of critical patients in ICU when their life support machines can’t function. It will take weeks even months to get all electricity working as their top experts had migrated and  are dependant  on expertise from Russia and China. It was not really the corruption that caused the Dam that supplied 80% of electrical power to fail

The mysterious release of toxic methane gas in Malaysia  forced schools to be closed and had many victims but luckily so far there are no deaths. About 2,775 were affected( with 8 in critical care) and received emergency treatment and all 111 schools and 92 kindergartens were closed.
So why am I talking of these ? It is because these world events are important indications to be more vigilant in the months and years to come.  Light Workers must do more meditation to calm the Energies down and hold the Light in the Grids and ground them. By healing yourselves, you heal the world really. And the Healing I am talking about is very deep healing of which I offer. Please go to my FB Page ‘Esoteric Fifth Dimension” to get a booking. OR NI TOR FOR.

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