
Thursday 20 June 2019


Urgent Message - This Information I share is known to only a few people. I can’t give you the details as is highly classified. Suffice to know that very Negative entities are heading to our Universe from the Upper Universe to stop Earth’s Ascension by whatever means. They had breached the first Gateway.  Many were destroyed when they were lured to another decoy world, but about 30% are still on the way here. At present our Earth is the safest Planet in our Solar System as she is being fortified.

What you can do to safeguard yourselves is to play the Classical Music as much as possible for the next 3 days as the demons absolutely can’t stand it due to the high vibration Classical Music has. Already they are screaming! OR NI TOR FOR.

What you can do to safeguard yourselves is to play the Classical Music as much as possible for the next 3 days as the demons absolutely can’t stand it due to the high vibration Classical Music has. Already they are screaming! OR NI TOR FOR.

What you can do to safeguard yourselves is to play the Classical Music as much as possible for the next 3 days as the demons absolutely can’t stand it due to the high vibration Classical Music has. Already they are screaming! OR NI TOR FOR.

Saturday 15 June 2019


At first the Government denied there were any deaths in a remote community of Aboriginal tribe, the Bateq, in the jungles of Kelantan in Kuala Koh, Malaysia. Later when up to 14 of these Aborigines died, then did the authorities went into action. Till now, the health experts had ruled out TB and Letospirosis infection as the cause. The deaths started on May 2nd to June 7th where a total of 13 deaths were noted. The authorities were only notified on 4th June. Two cases were confirmed due to lung infection and to date, 4 are in intensive care with 24 being warded and under going treatment after being evacuated from the jungle settlement.
The Bateq tribe is the most primitive among all the aboriginal tribes in the country and they are still hunters and food gatherers in their lifestyle. Many had gone deeper into the jungles after deaths occurred among them. They also number the lowest among all the other groups, only about 2,000 in the whole of the Peninsular.
I had once visited some other Aboriginal Tribes to distribute food and I know how neglected they were and their living conditions very deplorable. So for the Bateqs in Kuala Koh, I sent Healing energy to their village. Using my medical intuition, I get that the mysterious infection is bacterial and not viral or fungi and it is from the polluted waters the Tribe uses. I thus scrambled the pathogens in their water supply remotely and hope the Outbreak will be contained soon. This is the least I can do for these simple and innocent fellow Humans. I appeal to other Healers to do the same for this Tribe.   

Saturday 8 June 2019


I have written about various subjects here, mostly about Energy and Healing but today I am going to touch on Feng Shui, as I am a practising Master. I am going to discuss what I spotted recently that gave me a horrible shock.
There is a famous shop that sells our local food and I happen to take the route one day, passing by the famous shop. I couldn’t believe what I saw in front of the shop. There were 3 Tiger statues!  That day I was just passing by and so I returned a few days later to investigate. Indeed the Tiger statues were large and actual size, one was white and the other two were in bright tiger colours.

As a Feng Shui Master I wondered why did the shop owner employed a terrible FengShui Master to do such horrendous and callous act of putting the ferocious animal statues and not one but three. Or did the shop owner did it himself? Now let me tell you why I felt so bad and disgusted with the way it was done, whether professionally or a DIY. I know the reason by my own investigation but this is not the way it is to be done.  The work of Great Feng Shui Masters are almost impossible to spot, even by another Master. That was the way I was coached by my Grandmaster.
Ferocious Tiger
The Tiger photo, picture or statue is not to be taken lightly nor play with it. I had used a Tiger photo to guard my new Apartment that we seldom stay. I had to remove it after our CCTV captured photos of a smoky and blurred image of stripes within our Apartment and triggering the alert alarm many times (but there more to this). I knew the Tiger photo had to be taken down and got rid off before more supernatural things occur and before it become  uncontrollable even by me.
The next example I know happened some years ago in a school. No one knew the whole story but this was what I gathered. To perhaps beautify the school compound, a Tiger statue was placed in the school garden. Rumours has it that it was also to chase away the earth- bound spirits in the school compound. Later, something must have happened, and some “brilliant” guy recommended toput Deer statues to satisfy the hunger of the Tiger. It worked for some time but they had to break a leg of the Tiger statue to make it lame, in trying to solve an issue that must have happened. It didn’t work, so finally the school had to remove all the statues after learning a hard lesson.
It will be a matter of time before the people living and doing business around the shop with three Tigers start to complain of mysterious happenings around.  In the end they may force the shop owner to remove those Tiger statues. So my warning is never to play around with photos, paintings and statues of  a Tiger. Blood may spill and even untimely Death. If you have such, please remove and throw it away. Immediately. Another warning- do not play with water features like fountain or water wheel as the back lash will be horrendous. The shop in question apart from having the ferocious killer Tigers, also placed the water wheel in the wrong direction. I tell you the owners will suffer a huge disaster they will not recover. The Art of Feng Shui is to understand the Energy, the Qi. OR NI TOR FOR.


Sunday 2 June 2019


Saya mengucapkan “Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Ma’af Zahir dan Batin”  kepada semua musliman dan muslimin. Mari kita semua menyambong hari yang mulia ini dengan kawan2 dan jiran. Menhidup dengan aman damai leih baik dari apa2 kekkacauwan. Apabila di jalanraya, sila berhati- hati dan selamat sampai ke destinasi .