
Sunday 24 April 2016


"There are several reasons why we very rarely but sometimes, select one of yours to interbreed hybrids. Most often, it is one of your women who is asked to carry a hybrid that will host a highly evolved soul, who will either live among your people to help them with their psychic gifts in their healing process of recovering their Soul memory, or among my people, as interprets and ambassadors of the continuous connection your Human People and my Sasquatch People have always had, even without the knowledge of the majority of yours. In some other cases, even more rare and less occurring in recent times, one of your men is selected to provide his lineage to my people, in order to keep our different genetics compatible and evolving in parallel development. Having suffered from genocide since ages, the genetic pool of my people has been dramatically depleted and reduced to too much cosanguinity. You must understand that the process of consciously interbreeding hybrids to incarnate highly evolved souls has nothing to do with mating, as your people now defines it. It is a spiritual experience on the interdimensional levels, that does not require physical intercourse nor regular gestation, as in your normal natural pregnancies. The connection is made on the Soul level, beyond your actual knowledge. Your geneticists have discovered with amazement that we normally select Human genetic additions to our own DNA from small tribal and remote populations, very distant from each other. They are right in saying that some Human people live with us, away from the rest of your genetic pool, but their conclusions about our age, based on just a few DNA samples, is a wrong interpretation of my people’s ancient existence, as your Elder Brother. What their studies omit to notice also, is that the Humans we carefully select to interbreed hybrids with, come from populations and regions that have kept honoring my people and the ones found ready to contribute to the evolution of inter-species spiritual relations are the ones gifted with the necessary psychic abilities, often due to Sasquatch ancestry in their lineage. Remember that one generation of my people lasts much longer than many of yours, so we can keep track of our descent in your lineage easier than you can. We care for our descent and watch over its future evolution at least as much as we do for our Younger Brother, on a longer scale than your people. You will find out, as you hear the messages of the ones we have selected to speak for us to your Human people, that they all agree on the same truths. Many of the Humans we selected to bring out our message are in fact carrying our DNA from previous hybridization in their ancestry. Remember that your own great-great-grandfather and his twin brother were found as young orphans in the wilderness of the north-west territories and adopted by Native trappers from further south, chosen to raise them. There is much more we want to share with your people, our beloved Younger Brother, that will require time and space to transmit through our telepathic channels. What we want to emphasize over all is the need for your Human People to reconnect with the wisdom of your Soul and realign with the intelligence of your heart, reactivate your genetic star seeds and Soul memories, recover your psychic abilities, and evolve collectively into a higher spiritual consciousness, a civilization of the Soul. We ask for your help and cooperation in reestablishing the natural Cosmic Order on this home-planet and in bringing a peaceful spiritual civilization of the Soul, respecting the rights of all living creatures. Such a shift of consciousness in the Human Soul is desperately needed, on this dear home-planet your people and mine share with many other life forms, for the well-being of all living souls and for the continuity of this great spiritual evolution process you have been part of, with all life forms on Earth."

Friday 22 April 2016


This music video is dedicated to my siblings in Australia and my friends there who regard Uluru as Sacred.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


There had been a series of Earthquakes in many places with the recent one in Ecuador the most damaging with loss of lives. My condolences to their families. Japan is very unstable and had a fair share of quakes. Many tourists from China, Korea and others had cancelled their holiday trips to Japan. The country may see a splitting up of one of their islands. Yellowstone Park in US had been shaking rather more than usual. In fact, for a whole month, there had been continuous geological activities not seen before. Now instead of thinking of these Cities, think of the geological plates they are in. At once you can see the connection. A quake here shifts the Plate and results in a Quake there. So never think because Japan is so far away from you, it will not affect your country. Already many Californians had moved out. The forces that are building up at the Fault Lines are getting bigger, and the longer nothing happens, the worse and bigger a Quake will be the result. Putin had moved his Forces to another part of Russia in anticipation of a coming Quake. Then you have a volcano in N. Korea, Mt Paektu, dormant for almost 2 centuries, coming active again. In 946AD it gave a mega blast. At least 40 volcanoes are erupting now all over the world and 34 are along the Ring of Fire. Stay alert, be calm and Prayers helps a mighty lot. OR NI TOR FOR.

Monday 18 April 2016


A massive, magnitude 7.8 Earthquake struck Ecuador, South America this evening and generated a Tsunami wave. The image above shows the propagation of the wave throughout the Pacific Ocean. READ-BREAKING NEWS-TSUNAMI WARNINGS ISSUED AFTER 7.2 EARTHQUAKE IN PACIFIC OCEAN – EVACUATE TO HIGHER GROUND Folks in its path should prepare to move to higher ground. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did issue a Warning for a Tsunami from 0.3 to 1 meter in height, for Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Panama and Mexico, but says other areas may just see a non-damaging increase in tide level. Since the effect of Tsunamis varies greatly depending upon the ocean floor where they come ashore, we believe it best to advise the public of the propagation of this Tsunami so the public can make its own choice as to whether or not to move to higher ground. To properly calculate the time, be aware that the earthquake took place at 19:58 EASTERN US TIME which is 23:58 UTC. Using these times, you can now Until I have further information this News stands. My internet connection is rather poor, hampering news from my sources. OR NI TOR FOR, never fear.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


I did not put up photo of ‘mischievous boy” for no reason. The answer will actually knock you out. When I meditated on this photo, I had the following feelings. This boy looks like a very smart and mischievous one. But he has something mysterious about him too. Something very deep. He is up to something big, with lots of tricks up his sleeve. At the same time he portrays a pure ‘Being’. I could not detect his aura from the photo and this is a major set back. Well, here is the only “official” answer to who he is. This boy lives in China with the Dragon Family, an ancient family line. He is known as “Grandfather’ among the Dragon family. And it is He who will decide when to give the orders for global currency reset. He is the embodiment of Prime Creator. The Chinese Dragon Family, under His orders had given USA an ultimatum. Follow our advice (orders) or face total financial ruin. That is why the Federal Reserve and President Obama are having an emergency meeting on 11th April. And that is why Grandfather hold his finger up mischievously. The Event is speeding up! OR NI TOR FOR.

Sunday 10 April 2016


In my last post I put up the picture of a mischievous Chinese boy. Did anyone notice something? Why don’t you look at the picture, stare at it, even meditate on it. What messages did you get? Look deep into his eyes. This is one homework you should do. If possible, give us a feedback. I just want to counter check with what info I have on him when I look at him. OR NI TOR FOR

Wednesday 6 April 2016


My wife is the first to experience ‘Ascension” symptoms many years ago. It started with “allergic rashes” for quite some time and has since disappeared. And she still does but it has changed to milder forms but even more weird. She would have clairaudience off and on, lapses of short term memory, aches and pain, etc. After conducting a ceremony to connect with Mother Earth for my family, my wife started to feel almost instantly any earthquake that occurred any where in the world, especially those of magnitude 5.0 and above. And she still does. I compared what she told me with the USGS announcements of earthquake and it tallies, but hers is minutes before USGS issues the announcements. When she felt a big one, I just ask her to give a prayer so that damage to property and life may be reduced to a minimum. As for myself, the Ascension symptoms were minimal, with some aches and pains, vivid dreams in colours, occasionally waking up in middle of night, objects seem to disappear and re-appear days later after searching for it. Also I am able to see a different world with my Third Eye and this does not happen often. We are able to see lots of UFOs in our skies in the nights. Both of us had pain around our neck and shoulders just recently and is due to the growth and change in the vagus nerve. Our whole body is changing from carbon based to crystalline- based structure to accommodate more Light. Dizziness, mild headaches or heaviness are also some of the symptoms we had. And there are so many signs given to me to show that the Angels are close by and giving me some messages. But I was a bit worried for our teenage daughter because she had not complained of any such symptoms Although I know that each person has their own Soul Plans but still is of some concern. But I need not worry because lately she had suddenly developed some symptoms of heaviness of the head, mild fever and even running nose, aches around neck and shoulders which although can be classified as a mild viral infection but deep in me, my Heart tells me it is the Ascension symptoms. At least, should we migrate to the 5th Dimension and leave 3D behind, she will also follow us. But I wish to emphasise that children under age of 15 will follow their parents in Ascension to 5D. 4D had been destroyed, the Battle between Light and Dark had just been completed and since “As above, so below” – our 3D world is going to be the last Battle ground. The Panama Papers is the last ditch effort by the Cabal to especially destabilize Putin and Assad. Things will happen in a grander scale, especially in September- October of 2016.(Just be calm and bless any situation). Never before in Human history were we able to download the great amount of Light Codes factored in when we had the Solar Eclipse on 8th March, then the Equinox on 20th March and followed by a close flyby of 2 Comets on 21st and 22nd March, which were Divinely directed. The great influx of Energy was diluted to prevent us from burning up by the Blue Avians ET. Millions of ETs are assisting us. Another great influx of Energy is by end of year for the 3rd Wavers, and that’s it. Those who had not changed to crystalline structure of their bodies and their SNA/RNAs tweaked, it is Sayonara. Karma is thus Balanced. I also had bouts of lose motion, feelings of de ja vu and very slight chest pains. Chest pains can be worrying if they are due to angina and best is to consult your GP if these pains are persistent. Then others had reported of headaches, heaviness of the head and pressure symptoms at forehead or back of the head because of activation of pituitary and pineal glands. One may give up eat, sugar and alcohol naturally too. Some will gain weight while others may lose weight but drastic changes in weight need to be investigated for sure. There are altogether 12 Levels to experience to complete the Ascension process. But what is this “Ascension”? It is actually a change in Consciousness to Christ Consciousness and be a Being of Light. It also involves full Disclosure of Truth and world history, which had been suppressed for ages. Later will the physical world change. However, Mother Earth has already Ascended, ie her Light Body has ascended. We are about the last to do so because the Animal, Plant and Elemental Kingdoms have done so. We also develop our Merkaba or Light Body in the long process. This is for the first time in the entire history of the Cosmos that we can Ascend without having to die. So we are being watched very closely by the Cosmic Civilization and the positive ones are helping the process by sending Light and Love blessings. You must learn to live in the Now and escape from Space- Time. OR NI TOR FOR.

Friday 1 April 2016


And recently, your people have seen like mine the intensified fastening destruction of our last habitat and stronghold, as well as for many of your tribal peoples: the western mountainous regions and the northern forested regions of this continent you call North America. But my people is seeing the devastation with our own eyes and feeling the trail of death deep in our Soul, with sadness and the understanding of the deeper meaning and significance of the tragic crisis in this ongoing omnicide. This is part of a bigger agenda to control this whole planet, as on other continents; the conquest of my people by the lower lords means the control of every other being living on this home-planet and usually coincide with the control of your last tribal peoples in any given region. Secret experiments forced on some of my people and some of your people have also been done on this continent since decades, at an ever increasing rate, to such a large scale that deep underground military bases were built for them. As you have noticed, the tribal peoples of the northern and western regions of this continent are still familiar with my people and some interact sometimes, as they still honor us in their ancient cultures. This last of our strongholds and natural habitats, where we can roam free, relatively safe, while keeping contact with some of your people, to keep sharing our ancient wisdom, is now under severe threat. This threat of a planetary scale is loudly denounced by the warnings of your tribal peoples living there. There are also among the last of your tribal peoples who have maintained sovereignty over their lands, because the invading powers of the uncivilization of the lower lords have just reached those remote wilderness areas a few of your generations ago. So the ancient wisdom has survived there strongly. Many of your tribal peoples there also know that we have shared genetics and ancestry over the aeons. We must now tell you about our own practice of hybridization that has happened on several occasions over the course of aeons, but distant apart in space and time. We naturally reproduce in a similar way as your people do, except that we have kept the consciousness of interdimensional soul evolution by communicating with the souls we invite to incarnate, to insure that they are the best karmic candidates. We also reproduce much more sparsely and rarely, even less in these hostile times for our people, compared proportionally with your own fast reproduction rate and much shorter lifespan than ours. In our time scale, a few offspring cover many of your generations. As we have learned from our Star Elders, assisting in the conception of your specie as our younger relative, alien DNA can be introduced or adapted to a planet when combined with indigenous DNA, and if this hybridization is done in a higher intention for soul and consciousness evolution, highly evolved souls can incarnate in hybrids. But my people, although we understand the process for having taken part in it, has not maintained nor possessed any technological means to intervene artificially in the course of the incarnation of souls, as it was not our mission nor destiny to conceive new creatures, but the work of the selected Star Elders. But we know, as some of your geneticists have discovered, that your DNA and ours are 95% the same, being the star seeds of our Star Elders, and making us Elder and Younger Brothers, close relatives, to the point where my people and your people can reproduce naturally together and bear fertile offspring. If the concept of inter-species hybridization is still too overwhelming for your modern uncivilization to accept it, the ancient stories of your tribal peoples are filled with accounts of interbreeding between my people and yours, and many lineages have been proud to count us among their ancestral memories.