
Sunday 24 April 2016


"There are several reasons why we very rarely but sometimes, select one of yours to interbreed hybrids. Most often, it is one of your women who is asked to carry a hybrid that will host a highly evolved soul, who will either live among your people to help them with their psychic gifts in their healing process of recovering their Soul memory, or among my people, as interprets and ambassadors of the continuous connection your Human People and my Sasquatch People have always had, even without the knowledge of the majority of yours. In some other cases, even more rare and less occurring in recent times, one of your men is selected to provide his lineage to my people, in order to keep our different genetics compatible and evolving in parallel development. Having suffered from genocide since ages, the genetic pool of my people has been dramatically depleted and reduced to too much cosanguinity. You must understand that the process of consciously interbreeding hybrids to incarnate highly evolved souls has nothing to do with mating, as your people now defines it. It is a spiritual experience on the interdimensional levels, that does not require physical intercourse nor regular gestation, as in your normal natural pregnancies. The connection is made on the Soul level, beyond your actual knowledge. Your geneticists have discovered with amazement that we normally select Human genetic additions to our own DNA from small tribal and remote populations, very distant from each other. They are right in saying that some Human people live with us, away from the rest of your genetic pool, but their conclusions about our age, based on just a few DNA samples, is a wrong interpretation of my people’s ancient existence, as your Elder Brother. What their studies omit to notice also, is that the Humans we carefully select to interbreed hybrids with, come from populations and regions that have kept honoring my people and the ones found ready to contribute to the evolution of inter-species spiritual relations are the ones gifted with the necessary psychic abilities, often due to Sasquatch ancestry in their lineage. Remember that one generation of my people lasts much longer than many of yours, so we can keep track of our descent in your lineage easier than you can. We care for our descent and watch over its future evolution at least as much as we do for our Younger Brother, on a longer scale than your people. You will find out, as you hear the messages of the ones we have selected to speak for us to your Human people, that they all agree on the same truths. Many of the Humans we selected to bring out our message are in fact carrying our DNA from previous hybridization in their ancestry. Remember that your own great-great-grandfather and his twin brother were found as young orphans in the wilderness of the north-west territories and adopted by Native trappers from further south, chosen to raise them. There is much more we want to share with your people, our beloved Younger Brother, that will require time and space to transmit through our telepathic channels. What we want to emphasize over all is the need for your Human People to reconnect with the wisdom of your Soul and realign with the intelligence of your heart, reactivate your genetic star seeds and Soul memories, recover your psychic abilities, and evolve collectively into a higher spiritual consciousness, a civilization of the Soul. We ask for your help and cooperation in reestablishing the natural Cosmic Order on this home-planet and in bringing a peaceful spiritual civilization of the Soul, respecting the rights of all living creatures. Such a shift of consciousness in the Human Soul is desperately needed, on this dear home-planet your people and mine share with many other life forms, for the well-being of all living souls and for the continuity of this great spiritual evolution process you have been part of, with all life forms on Earth."

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