
Sunday 22 March 2020


I hope you can help tell your family and friends about my video in these trying Times. Please those in USA and Europe need this. My contacts are limited, I hope many will benefit from it. Thanks.

Saturday 7 March 2020


By now most of you would have lots of news of the current situation and both official and unofficial news via your own chat groups. My input here is from Heaven. When I say I will “investigate” I usually mean via psychic ability and connection to Universal Mind/Source. I don’t depend on intel from others like Corey Goode or Ben Fulford and others. Many Light Warriors also discuss with me my views and theirs via private communication. I had been busy!. This article is specifically for my Readers here. I owe it to you all.
It is indeed a wake up call for Humanity but the Cabal is taking the opportunity to maximise their efforts to further reduce world population and control by introducing vaccine for the virus and set up a World Government via the New World Order. The Zionists are deeply involved as well by releasing it in Wuhan. It is a biological weapon to stop China being in the world stage.
I was to travel during the Chinese New Year but I was told by my intuition to cancel my trip. At that moment I was truly puzzled and disturbed as well. Never had the Divine stopped me from travelling before. It was loud and clear I must not travel and so I cancelled my trip, still wondering Why? Then China had to alert the world about the virus. In early January I shifted my focus to dealing with the Australian fires energetically but we had to abandon our project after a few of us were warned “to let it burn.” We were stopped by Heaven.
I then focused on dealing with the ravaging epidemic of the virus in Wuhan, along with other Light Warriors. However, we were again stopped by Heaven as we had no permission! It was then told to us that the virus spread and epidemic is under the green light by Heaven to cleanse the world of those stopping Gaia in her Ascension to 5D. Mother Earth could wait no longer. It shifted from a Natural disaster Timeline to that of an Epidemic Timeline.  As our hands are tied with no permission to intervene, Etienne discussed with me in an urgent meeting what to do. We decided to change it back to a Natural Disaster Timeline without interfering in the way we had tried before. But God didn’t allow that and continued the Epidemic Timeline. So we had to sit back and observe only.
Recently I had to opportunity to connect with the Entity Coronavirus with the help of Kosol and I was asked if I wanted to Negotiate for Humanity by the Entity Coronavirus. I was shaking, shell- shocked.. I said I do not represent Humanity as I but a nobody, there are other more capable Light Warriors around. The Entity consulted higher Powers and came back to say I was given permission to represent Humanity. I had to grab this one and only chance, thus  I agreed. In the negotiation Entity Coronavirus agreed to seek out only those with Karmic connections plus Entity will not seek out those with no Fear. Without this Agreement, it would have wiped out 90% of Humanity I was informed. Now after this negotiation and immediately effective, those with No Fear will be spared, and in my investigations, this will bring down to 59% of World population. For a whole week I was recovering from this negotiation, emotionally and physically drained.
The other info I have is the virus will suddenly stop but to re- appear again when everyone keep their guard down. It has mutated several times and is now different from that of Wuhan. Those who had recovered from an attack is not immune. It is really not a virus as we know it, it is a proto- molecule with consciousness. Vaccines are useless, and so are anti-virals. But basic precautions can be effective to a certain extent and so don’t neglect it.
At the time of writing, USA reported 444 cases and 19 deaths. But I detect 4,911 with 69 deaths. They all play the same game, under reporting.