
Saturday 24 September 2016


I have decided to bring to the next Level in my Postings here. It is time to introduce more esoteric subjects once in a while. I had been talking about the Energies coming to Earth. In fact, much more intense flow of Energies will be arriving and is said to be the highest, most powerful since the our Planet was formed. Time is also affected. It is being accelerated as far as our elevation to the 5th Dimension is concerned (Ascension). Time is also sometimes seemed to be slowing down (contracted) too. This leaves many like me confused in that moment. Many times lately I have no idea what day it is and thus missed doing some errands that needed to be done on a specific day. On several occasions, while driving on very familiar routes, I will suddenly not recognized where I am and had to bring myself back to “reality”. For me, I recognize that these are the shifts in moments to either 4th or 5th Dimensional Time Line. More on this in my coming Postings. Today I wish to write about Physical symptoms many are suffering and don’t know why the doctors are unable to help them. The Light Codes that are coming to us are changing our DNA structures and our carbon- based bodies to crystalline type. We have a double helical strand of DNA but this will be changed up to 12 strands ( corresponding to the 12 Dimensions) in the years to come. Already medical science has reportied to have discovered kids with 3 strands of DNA for the first time. A few adult Lightworkers are told by their Guides that they now have 8 strands. I know of a lawyer who is suffering from severe back pain and was hospitalized several times but never could solve her problem. All types of painkillers are now not helping her. And she was thoroughly investigated and finally was asked to go see a Psychiatrist. Oh, if only she knew what is actually going on (and the medical specialist too). So I shall list the symptoms that can be attributed to your body’s response to the coded energies coming, especially if your doctor can’t find anything wrong with you! They include – headache, ringing in the ears, giddiness, body aches and pains, especially the lower back, broken sleep, feeling very tired even with adequate sleep, craving for certain food, aversion for food that was a favorite, chest pain, putting on weight, losing weight, giving up on addictions, dreams become lucid, memory lapses and hormonal changes. OR NI TOR FOR. …………………………………………………

Friday 16 September 2016


On 15th September, the Chinese celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival of the Mooncake. However, this Year, it is very special, unknown to many. Our Moon is now the reflector of intense Energy beamed by Higher Dimensional Beings. It is now the Vibrational Representation of Earth’s Oversoul to shift our energies to a new higher level. It will hold the 12 sets of Consciousness of the Star Gate. This is preparation for us to face the Fall of 2016 and the coming 2017. In line with this new role, a friend in London had constructed a new Grid system to balance the Energies to Earth an asked for a few of us that he knows to help stabilize the Grid and Balance the Energies coming. Thus I went into the energy mode and did my part. II was very surprised at the strong amount of Energy I felt that my body went into a strange dance. The next day my friend reported our huge success in activating this Grid and putting it in place firmly. We were all elated ( there is just a handful of us in this Project) OR NI TOR FOR.

Thursday 8 September 2016


I came across the symbols about a year ago but at that time didn’t have any information of how to use it. Just recently I was given the instructions via Steve Nobel. Before I teach you how to use it, just a little background lesson. The Energies keep coming non- stop and in ever increasing amounts. They are beamed from the Great Central Sun, our own sun and by millions of Light Beings from the Cosmos to uplift our Consciousness as well as to upgrade our DNA codes. It is also from the deep space where there is a Supernova that turned into a White Hole. Light is information. In our DNA are stored all of our memories of all our lifetimes. Some gifted people can read their DNA to retrieve past life information and not reading their Akashic Records. These very strong living gamma photons beamed to us will also alter our brains, which contains lots more of our DNA. There is a re- wiring of all our circuitry, especially in the brain. This re-structuring of our bodies is the reason why we feel extremely fatigued, even after a good night’s sleep. Our bodies are changing and releasing plenty of toxins, which results in the aches and pains, especially the lower back. We must release what is no longer useful anymore. To assist in the re-wiring process in the brain, meditate on the Bashar’s Symbols. Basher is an off- planet Being whose channel is Dan Akryod. So be relaxed and take a few deep breathes. Then look at the symbols from left to right, starting at the top line. Look/Meditate on each symbol for one minute each, thus in 15 minutes this meditation is over. Do this for the next three days and then once in a while. It will help the neurons to make connections and balance the right and left brains. A word on meditation. Due to the influx of Energies, to lift us from 3D to 5D and our Planet as well, the side effect is also the release of many negative disincarnate entities. Meditation for long hours is not recommended during this recent times is because the possibility of being attacked by the negative forces. I used to meditate for about 45 minutes, especially late at night because it is quiet and at the last hour before I sleep is the only time I have to meditate. But since being warned by my Spiritual Teacher, I never meditate past 9 pm any more. So do this before sundown is best. Drink plenty of water and ground yourself, literally walking barefoot on the field. Eyes open, be safe. Eat avocado. OR NI TOR FOR.