
Thursday 8 September 2016


I came across the symbols about a year ago but at that time didn’t have any information of how to use it. Just recently I was given the instructions via Steve Nobel. Before I teach you how to use it, just a little background lesson. The Energies keep coming non- stop and in ever increasing amounts. They are beamed from the Great Central Sun, our own sun and by millions of Light Beings from the Cosmos to uplift our Consciousness as well as to upgrade our DNA codes. It is also from the deep space where there is a Supernova that turned into a White Hole. Light is information. In our DNA are stored all of our memories of all our lifetimes. Some gifted people can read their DNA to retrieve past life information and not reading their Akashic Records. These very strong living gamma photons beamed to us will also alter our brains, which contains lots more of our DNA. There is a re- wiring of all our circuitry, especially in the brain. This re-structuring of our bodies is the reason why we feel extremely fatigued, even after a good night’s sleep. Our bodies are changing and releasing plenty of toxins, which results in the aches and pains, especially the lower back. We must release what is no longer useful anymore. To assist in the re-wiring process in the brain, meditate on the Bashar’s Symbols. Basher is an off- planet Being whose channel is Dan Akryod. So be relaxed and take a few deep breathes. Then look at the symbols from left to right, starting at the top line. Look/Meditate on each symbol for one minute each, thus in 15 minutes this meditation is over. Do this for the next three days and then once in a while. It will help the neurons to make connections and balance the right and left brains. A word on meditation. Due to the influx of Energies, to lift us from 3D to 5D and our Planet as well, the side effect is also the release of many negative disincarnate entities. Meditation for long hours is not recommended during this recent times is because the possibility of being attacked by the negative forces. I used to meditate for about 45 minutes, especially late at night because it is quiet and at the last hour before I sleep is the only time I have to meditate. But since being warned by my Spiritual Teacher, I never meditate past 9 pm any more. So do this before sundown is best. Drink plenty of water and ground yourself, literally walking barefoot on the field. Eyes open, be safe. Eat avocado. OR NI TOR FOR.

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