
Thursday 17 November 2011


Many cultures have their own recipe for soups but for the Chinese, they look into the yin yang aspect of food to create their soups. So to the Chinese, soups are not viewed as appetizers but rather as therapeutic and as for nourishment to the body or as an aid to convalescence.
However I have discovered that many modern day households do not cook much these days due to their busy lifestyles and thus many women are actually very poor in cooking skills or even do not know how to cook. Thus it is no surprise why nutritious or cancer- preventing soup formulae are lost to the newer generation. So, in this posting I will give a simple recipe for a very good yin yang soup to boost the immune system and hopefully prevent or check cancer. The ingredients are simple to get, yet it has tremendous effect on the body’s systems. It is best to use a ceramic pot but stainless steel pots will do. After bringing it to boil, let it simmer on low fire for an hour. Using a slow cooker is also a brilliant way to do soups. Cut the carrot, potato, etc to small pieces. I will give 2 soup recipes now
1) –
a) Carrot – 1
b) Big onion – 1
c) Potato – 1
d) Tomato puree – 1 can, small
e) Black pepper corns
f) Chicken drumstick – 1(or pork ribs)
g) Salt – best if sea salt
h) Leek
2) – This is more specific for cancer patients
a) Radish – leaves
b) Radish – 1
c) Carrot – 1
d) Burdock – about 10 cm
e) Shiitake mushrooms – 3 or 4
f) Sea salt or chicken stock – 1 cube
g) Black pepper corns – sprinkle a few
Bona petit!! Yum, yum, slurp!

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