
Friday 9 December 2011


I came across an article by Roar Sheppard about his grave concern of impending disaster to Boston and Kyushu(Japan). I reproduce his plea and warning below. I hope the prediction will not come true. However I, the Tao Hermit, will not suppress the information in case it may help so many people to avoid pain and misery.

= It’s with tears in my eyes

that i leave this mes­sage to Boston.

With my whole heart, I have been plead­ing with the people

of Boston, the media and who­ever would lis­ten about the

immi­nent earth­quake and tsunami to hit Boston right away.

It’s like my whole body is a com­pass and sen­sor. It comes to

know these things, believe them or not. I have made predictions

before, includ­ing the Wash­ing­ton D.C.(Virginia earth­quake) on the 23th of August, 2011

and the Chile earth­quake last Feb­ru­ary. It’s as if the Uni­verse wishes

to send its mes­sage through me.

thus I have been plead­ing, because I can feel the pain that will happen

and it’s very ter­ri­fy­ing. If the media would report it, at least we could

save a few lives, at least some would start to pre­pare, and at least maybe

some gov­ern­ment offi­cials could arrange preparations.

But not only this, the nuclear power plants are in dan­ger. If a tsunami hits

like in Japan at the same mag­ni­tude, which is what is pre­dicted at this moment,

the nuclear fall out will be severe. Are the power plants secure enough now?

We have gone from media to media, but no of them would take our story — not

even men­tion it as a pos­si­bil­ity. It is with great pain I had to leave Boston

today before get­ting this mes­sage out in the media. We spoke in front of Harvard

Square…at Occupy Boston…to Uni­ver­sity stu­dents and businessmen…(see videos)we came

all the way from S. Africa where I was releas­ing my book (The Uni­verse Speaks),

we came with great love to save one life…

If you hear this mes­sage with your whole heart, please share it with others.

I leave Boston in your hands…



Oct. 30, 2011

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