
Thursday 23 January 2014


Moon Object Detected This is a short round up of events that has occurred in the last few days just in case some of you had not read about it, nevertheless it is important. The news that got the scientific communities excited are about strange objects being seen on the Moon and Mars too. On the Moon, an L- shaped “vehicle” is identified while on Mars, in front of astonished scientists, a ‘rock” appeared out of thin Martian air right before the eyes of the scientists tracking images sent by their probe, “Opportunity”. To me this ‘rock’ looked more like a meditating monk seen from above, or is my imagination too weird?
Martian Rock Actually the US Government had sported two huge objects in space speeding at incredible speeds towards Mars and they vanished suddenly. And in December 2013, both LADEE ( Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer ) and LROC ( Lunar Recognisance Orbital Camera ) found one of the massive objects had landed on the Moon. The Chinese sending their Lunar Module sometime this year is no coincidence and whatever they have found, they kept to themselves mostly. Then there are numerous reports of UFOs being sighted, about the Canadian broadcast that Aliens are for real and the leaked news that President Eisenhower of USA had met up with Aliens and even a Treaty (about abductions of humans and transfer of technology) being signed. I and my family had seen UFOs flying by in the night sky of our locality several times, the latest being last night. It flew with no sound, at incredible speeds and have an erratic, bizarre flight pattern, with several coloured lights flashing. Also and of more concern is that the USA is heading for a meltdown, decided by Wall Street Bankers and then anarchy will reign. So events this year will rock the whole world with Disclosures of ETs, UFOs and even the possibility of a mass landing. OR NI TOR FOR.

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