
Sunday 20 October 2013


In this November, 2013, the World better pay attention to Fukushima Reactor 4 again because the Japanese will attempt to remove 1,300 fuel rods, weighing a total of 400 tons, in a most delicate and dangerous operation by Humans. Usually, in an undamaged Plant, this is done by precision computer – controlled robots where the rods are straight. Now the whole Reactor is structurally unstable and is the main reason to remove the fuel rods and manual removal is the only option. Any slight mistake in precision will result in a nuclear chain reaction that will be spewing radiation 15,000 times more than what happened in Hiroshima. It will also mean releasing radioactive Cesium- 137 into the air at 85 times more than in Chernobyl (1986). This will put Tokyo and Yokohama plus neighboring countries at severe risk. It is of Apocalyptic proportions. Yet no mainstream papers are reporting it and TEPCO is attempting it alone with no International help requested and also none offered yet to my mind. Even now, everyday Iodine-131, Cesium- 137 and Strontium- 90 ( with half- life of 29 years) are being released daily into the sea and about 3 gigabecqueral of Cesium-137 flows daily into the sea every day along with 300 tons of radioactive water being discharged. Due to the gravity of the matter, a brave team of meditators are getting near the Fukushima facility to conduct special prayers/meditations to create a bubble of Light Energy to cover over Fukushima in preparation for the brave Souls who will manually remove the rods in the most dangerous operation and the lives of millions will depend on their work. Those who know how to meditate and send Light energy please do so ( as I had just done myself) or just prayers will do if you are not into meditation. Every help is needed for the successful operation, never attempted ever before. Since I am talking about this clear and present danger with a nuclear holocaust potential, let me update you with another piece of information. Recently President Obama had fired some very top military Chiefs and more are soon to follow. The disturbing news is that Obama has turned to the Dark side as an attempt was made to declare WW3 or martial Law in US with some very dark moves, involving detonating a nuclear device. Those ousted by Obama were the two top US Military Nuclear Commanders US Navy Vice Admiral Giardina and US Air Force Major General Michael Carey and another two top US Marine Officers, Major General Charles Gurganus and Major General Gregg Sturdevant. We just escaped from WW3, did you know that? We are all living in both dangerous and exciting times. And the truth about 911 will be out too. My advice- get some povidon iodine solution 10% w/v and lightly spread a few streaks over your skin for the body to build up a stork of iodine to thwart the radiation fall- our from Fukushima. Spread a few streaks over different parts of the body. OR NI TOR FOR …………….

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