
Wednesday 30 November 2016


I had my own proof of Planet X or Nibiru ie a photo taken by me. I had wanted to post this proof of mine but my plan was derailed. This is hard to explain but what happened was I had saved my photos into a Folder in my Notebook along with so many irreplaceable photos and articles collected throughout the years. While trying to save some new material, my whole Folder disappeared and I didn’t know about it until a few days later when I had wanted to retrieve it to post here. It was then I discovered my Folder was missing. No problem I thought as it had happened before and it was easy to find it and put it back. However I failed to locate it. Then I stepped up the process by using the Search function but it reported no such Folder. Then I used a recovery software but it was of no help. And it was not in the deleted Bin either. Now it finally hit me real hard- somehow it is lost “forever”. Yes I had saved most of my stuff in another device but it got full and had the “No Time Syndrome’ to buy another. And this Folder was the one I had not saved a thing at all. Of course I am very disappointed, many of the stuff are very difficult to source.
This could mean ” Something” had prevented me to do so.  I had been tracking Nibiru all along. Many reputable sites will deny it, some others talked a lot about it being real. But I needed my own solid proof. I finally got it and now it is lost. However much I talk about Nibiru, it will mean nothing much without my own proof. Anyway I wish to say that I had taken a photo of the sun and Nibiru was seen just behind it. There are lots of sightings of UFOs in many countries, more than the usual. Why the sudden appearance of a great number of UFOs? And earthquakes are also getting into the news. Do you know that some earthquakes are due to HAARP weapon and thus man- made. Something is brewing up for sure. I am also sure that the UFOs comprise of both benevolent and malevolent types. There is in fact a take down of secret underground bases to flush out the fleeing Cabal/Dark ones as reported by the Asian White Dragon society. It seems that just lately the Dracos were defeated by the Light Force. There are a lot of things happening as we go into December and 2017. OR NI TOR FOR.

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