
Saturday 8 September 2012

My Spiritual Teacher

As I had mentioned, this time my Spiritual Teacher called me to come see him as it has been so long that we had a conversation. I am guilty of being absent for more than two years from his Meditation Abode due to the busy life of “daily routines”. It is very embarrassing to be called back by the Teacher. I had strayed away from him for another reason apart from being busy. It was almost impossible to have a conversation with him now that he has a large following ever since he moved in from another place. At first he was unknown in his new Abode when I went to see him, but his reputation grew very fast and within six months, he had a large following. I noticed he had hardly enough time for himself as he obliged each and every visitor, trying to solve their many problems. And those seeking his help was very demanding, they tried to monopolise all the time when with him, not letting him go so easily and the consultation can be an hour of his time. It was because of his busy hours that I decided not to be with him as he needs to have some rest, time for his meals and time for him to meditate and chant. And he knew the reason why I have disappeared too, for we have a sort of telepathic way of communication. The other thing I noticed is that he misses me because I never have anything to ask from him, unlike those who cling to him, always wanting to ask for some favours or have some sinister requests even. Master could see right through them, I mean their real character, yet he refused no one who seeks his help. Many times he had complained to me that the people who come mostly do not deserve his help. During this visit, I had taken some photos but there is a mysterious experience. I went into the second hall where it was full of deities and talisman and snapped a picture. I remembered the flash worked as expected. But today when I wanted to download into my Notebook, it was completely missing! Absolutely no trace, not even a blank shot. I am indeed surprised. I think I have an explanation but it is best I keep it to myself. Well, December is coming and things will heat up, I know. I thank all of my readers (47 countries represented) for their visits to my posting and I will put up something important in due course. Please be patient with me, I have to meditate 5 times a day you know.
My Teacher examining my Talisman

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