
Tuesday 16 October 2012


I had refrained from writing about the Mayan 21st Dec, 2012 prophecy here because after all no one really knows what is in store for Humanity although I had done serious research on the topic and even had been invited to give 2 such Talks from the knowledge I had gained. I am thus the local expert on the topic. Today I can no longer withhold what I know and am doing my small part to explain what is in store for Humanity. I was quite disappointed in that I was not able to reach out more people (although both talks were full houses) and thus I am putting forth some news here to my readers, which is world wide. I shall not bore you with information over load but to inform what I discovered myself. The Mayans never said it is the end of the World. However, it is the end of a Cycle but the New Cycle will be one hell of a new one. Nothing remains static, that is for sure. The new Cycle however will involve the entire Universe. Many changes had even occurred in Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and our Sun itself, so Earth will be no exception. There is just going to be a huge jump in dimension, consciousness and reality as we know it. More Truths will be released that will make many dizzy with what will be revealed. When Truth arrives, Lies retreat. One of the latest salvo is that it had just been discovered that Jesus was mention as ‘married” in a piece of papyrus written in Coptic that mention ‘…Jesus said to them, My wife…” as released by Havard Divinity School. From the sources that I have, I can even add on to say that his wife was the Mary Magdalene. As usual, the “experts” came to discredit the discovery and the best they can say was the document is a fake. I tell you, Science can sometimes be bullshit. Anyway the coming shift in December has a lot of talk on Mother Earth going into 5th Dimension, some say she will be in the 4th Dimension first and so on. My own interpretation is that the shift is inevitable but logic will say that it will be in the 4th Dimension first and then graduate to 5th later. On this account I agree with Drunvalo Melchizedek. When Mother Earth shifts in Dimension (because She too has to evolve) her inhabitants have no choice but to do so. However it is a problem only for us Humans. The Animal and Plant Kingdom have no issues. Many ‘extinct” animal/plant species had actually shifted to the other Dimension already. The beaching of whales and dolphins of recent years are due to their decision to shift, by leaving their physical forms behind. For humans, we have a choice of either to follow Mother Earth or to remain in the 3rd Dimension (which is now). Those who choose to remain and continue to experience duality will be given a new 3D world (somewhere) while those who want to evolve in their Consciousness, will follow Mother Earth to the 4th Dimension, which is of a higher frequency. And for the first time in the History of the entire Cosmos, the shift allows these humans to retain their physical bodies, ie they need not “die”. This method and the mass shift, had never happened before and so we are being keenly watched very carefully by all other Beings of higher Consciousness. To shift, all Karma has to be dissolved, as no such baggage can be allowed in the 4th Dimension. This conforms with the Law of One, which governs the new Golden Age. Therefore all debris, karma needs to be cleared, and this means either one survives the process or succumb to it. Many changes have and will continue to take place in our bodies in anticipation of the shift, like our DNA will be 12 stranded in conformity with all the 12 Dimensions. Very recently, the descendants of the Mayans and their Shamans, together with the 7 Root Races of the World, had conducted ceremonies to help ease the Transition at their sacred sites. They prayed for all of us! And MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of Pleidian and Arcturian origin will be releasing the Codes in appropriate time, for the Transition, activating all the 144,000 Energy grids that cover our Planet. Shamans from the Native American people had advised us to wear clear Quartz crystals for being in sync with the new Energies. The only other extraterrestrial origin Crystal Skull is called Sha-Na-Ra and it shall also play its role. Planet Nebiru, now obscured by our Sun, will fly by at or around 21st Dec, 2012 and our 5th Dimensional allies are working as best as they can, not to allow it to fly by too near us so as to minimise the destructive effects. The old low energy vibration will no longer be supported after 21st Dec, and thus people who still cling on to these negative, low energy behaviours will not be around. These are the last days of Kali Yuga, so enjoy every second! So, my friends what do you think? I know there are plenty of sceptics who have a lot of things to say and I have no interest to argue with them nor try to change their minds. I was as troubled as any of you with the knowledge of impending planetary changes, and quite a sceptic myself until my direct discovery of what will happen. Thus from my research, meditation and esoteric sources, I have this to say – a) I have a long relationship with the I Ching and I do divination by this method. However I was shaken to my bones when I came to know that computer analysis of the I Ching revealed the same end- point as the Mayan Calendar, 21, Dec 2012! The difference only a few days from each other. The I Ching never lies. b) My meditation master, a Ch’an Buddhist, revealed information that is too frightening to mention here. This was only told to her closets disciples. It shook me to my core. Ch’an Buddhism is the Father of Zen Buddhism. c) Tsunami can be caused by volcanic activity in the seabed but this time around there can be another unheard of cause- that Atlantis will rise again. And when this huge land mass rise up, water will be displaced and rush as tsunami of great proportions to nearby areas. So, America- beware! [ If you have issues about the reality of Atlantis, then you are in kindergarten class as far as esoteric science is concerned] d) Don’t be too happy if nothing happens by Dec, 2012. The ‘excitement’ can extend to 2014 and 2016! According to Native American Shamans, there will be 3 waves of great events that will harvest many souls. e) As I mentioned earlier, it is the end of a Cycle, meaning a new one will begin. So it has to happen. When I tell my friends about this, almost 90% say it is nonsense. But like clockwork, this Cycle lasts 5,125 years and so far only 5 Generations in the last 26,000 years had experienced it. This is the 6th Cycle. It all began in 3114 BC, the start of the Mayan Calendar. I am the Tao Hermit and in the not too distant future, I will go back into my Hermitage to Welcome the New Cycle. If I were you, wherever you are on Earth or Gaia as she is known among us esoteric students, I will take some precautions to store up supplies and to help you, this List below can be used as a guide. Modify and adapt it to your own needs. It is for a 2 week supply but best to work out for a 3-4 months emergency supply. Replenish before their expiry dates. Anyway, if nothing occurs and Life goes on as usual, you may still consume it yourself or donate to the poor! 1. Food – canned sardines, tuna, pork – 7 tins per pax Biscuits – 2 kg/pax Instant noodles – 14/pax Dried nuts, fruits Grains, oats – non-GMO only Honey (it keeps for very long periods beyond expiry dates) 2. Water - Drinking - 14 litres/pax Cooking Washing 3. Toilet paper - 4 rolls/pax 4. Stove with gas canisters/ gas cylinders 5. Torchlight – with plenty of batteries/ mechanical type 6. Radio 7. Tents 8. Sleeping bag – 0ne/pax 9. Ropes 10. Towel – 1/pax 11. First Aid Kit 12. Whistle 13. Medicine supply 14. Cling wrap/ plastic bags 15. Candles 16. Matches/ Lighters 17. Swiss Knife, Rambo dagger 18. Back pack – 1 each 19. Water purifying tabs/ system 20. Pet food, if applicable I hope the video below will explain further

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