
Sunday 2 March 2014


It is time to be told that there is a highly evolved civilization in Inner Earth. All Planets are hollow and most have a thriving community living there when the surface is hostile. In case of our planet, when the great devastation occurred during the thermo-nuclear wars involving Atlantis, both Lemurians and Atlanteans managed to escape into Inner Earth about 12,000 years ago. Only about 250,000 of the 500,000 that was supposed to escape death managed to gain entry into Inner Earth. All the rest perished. In 1947, it was disclosed by Admiral Byrd of USA that he had inadvertently journeyed into Inner Earth and met some Agarthans, the original people of Inner Earth. By today, this of course was forgotten. In fact he led another successful expedition into Inner Earth in 1956 via the Antartica. A photo from NASA had shown a hole at the Pole which is the Portal to Inner Earth. It is of interest to know that the US does not allow any aircraft to fly over the North Pole as they try to cover up this fact.
Then there was another Norwegian, Olaf Jensen’s account published in a book called ‘The Smokey God’ in which he told of a very utopia- like culture there. The Agarthans were very tall people but friendly giants. They developed Inner Earth to be a very beautiful place. They are more intelligent and highly evolved souls. They move in huge transportation vehicles that levitate and use the earth’s magnetic energy and so no need for petrol. These vehicles travel at the speed of sound. And everything they require is free. There is no money being used. Everyone work on the farms to produce the food they require, which is mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. No chemicals are ever used and they eat freshly harvested produce. Meat is never eaten. The quality of their food is such a high quality that the Life Force contained is tremendous. That is one of the reasons why they live for hundreds of years in the same body, have no illnesses and are very tall, growing to their full physical potential. They are in harmony with Earth and Nature. Their rivers and sea have very clear and pure waters that are alive with consciousness and sing a beautiful song as they flow. The Agarthans and others can communicate with the waters, fishes, dolphins and trees even. They know of what is happening on our surface by communication with the trees which have an extensive news network. They have 2 beautiful cities, called Telos and Shambala. The latter is deep under Tibet. The Leader is called Adamos. In the very near future we will be able to meet with our cousins from Inner Earth, strange as it may sound. This is a very short introduction to Inner Erath and more can be found in my forth coming book.

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