
Thursday 12 March 2015


This posting of mine isn’t meant for those countries that already have a separation of doctors doing the diagnosis and prescribing while the pharmacists do the dispensing. But it still might interest you. (Read on). The issue is not really as the title says but the forces at work behind. In one country they have a beautiful system where patients go see a doctor who will examine, do the required tests and diagnose the health issue and prescribe the medication which his/her clinic/surgery will also dispense. It is a one- stop system that had been working beautifully both for the doctors and the patients for scores of years. There is thus no need to look for a Pharmacy which may involve one having to drive, find parking, pay parking fees which definitely increases time wasted and at more cost. But the government of the country in question may change all that by selling the bluff that it will cut costs for the public but in reality the opposite will happen, and even worse outcome as I and many others foresee. For example, the very sick, the elderly with no transport of their own, the middle class – all are bound to suffer under the new system should it be imposed. Apart from the lies being fed into the public that it is for their good, I am talking about the way it is to be done – literary by forcing this down the throats of the citizens. I call this a culture of bullying, like most of the projects being carried out. The man in- the- street had voiced out their objections via letters to their local papers but more need to be done actively if they are to succeed. Pharmacists from their organizations of course came out with plenty of reasons why this separation of function needs to be done, and the sooner the better. Many others have suggested let there be a choice, ie by not abolishing the present system but let the new suggestion and the present system co-exist together. Thus a patient who prefers to have everything done at one go can still have this choice while another who prefers to get the medicine from a pharmacy will also be able to do so. There is no need to abolish one and in favour of the other. If such were to be carried out, the authorities know that the New System will not survive and thus they have to abolish the Present System. I ask those of you living in countries where this separation of function has been practised for years and you are used to it, but what if the system of a one- stop mechanism is implemented, which will you prefer? I dare say you will think why this system of a one- stop concept never thought of before! All over, governments lie, enforce draconian laws, cheat in election to retain power and position, and recent events will tell one who is awakened that the USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, Israel and Australia are the real Dark lluminati forces while the rest of countries, too numerous to mention, are their minions. The recent push for vaccination (against measles, polio, Ebola, cervical cancer) is the new threat to mankind. In the US, the government is about to enforce mandatory adult vaccination while in Australia, moves are being made for mass vaccination via the aerosol route. Tell me people, why this sudden concern about the people’s health? The real reason will astound you. The real reason vaccination these days can be dangerous is not because it will cause autism (the Italian Courts ruled it be a cause but this news was blacked out) but a deeper agenda which is known to awakened Souls. The Illuminati is getting scared as they are on the brink of defeat from measures taken by the Light Forces and The Underground Resistance in a battle that the world knows nothing about, and so they must act fast. The deeper reason for the mass vaccination is not about causing autism, autoimmune disease, or death but to prevent the awakening masses from being able to connect with their Higher Selves and so become more powerful, and thus not falling for the lies, traps, deceit and control by way of fear by the Illuminati and their Minions. When the population is fully awaken, it spells the end of the control by the Iluminati. The opportunity for mass population realisation/DNA upgrade will be coming this 17th March with the last squaring of Uranus and Pluto and then on 20th March with the Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox at the same time. The Energies beamed will be tremendous and world reset will be witnessed and a mass arrest maybe seen worldwide.
Now brace yourself for more shocking news. The lluminati had planned to reduce world population drastically via bio- weapons and the secret Chinese Society of the Green and Red Dragons had now come out of their hiding to warn the Illuminati that if they try, then their members of almost 2 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins will spring into action and target the Illuminati. The names, addresses and other information of the Illuminati are already in the hands of the Green and Red Dragon Society while the Illuminati had no clue at all on these secret Asian Families. The Illuminati has no where to run. OR NI TOR FOR.

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