
Saturday 2 May 2015


The Buddha: "Serenity is KNOWING Peace!" Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - April 28, 2015 "I greet you in the Light of the Radiant Ones We All Are, for I am, indeed, the one you know as The Buddha. And I am known for my radiance. And the radiance comes from my own Heart, from the Light therein. And I invite the Light of Love constantly to come into my being, so as to fill me beyond fullness! "I have many, many portals - at least I am depicted as such, if you look at the spirals upon my head. They are portals of energy and they are open. I keep them so, so I can bring in even more Light and transmit it. It is not at all a one-way transmission or reception. It is both. I am constantly receiving and sending! "When I lived my life, I began as what you might call an ordinary human or mortal, but I became en-LIGHT-ened. I sought a Higher Path, and I found it! And now, I invite all of you to continue with me along the Path of Light. I bring to the Valley,* not only myself, but an entire legion of Light Bearers, Masters, even humans who know they are more than just a body. They know that they are vessels with Hearts fully capable of receiving and expanding even more in the Light of Love! And they share this Love willingly, because that is their mission. And it is a holy mission, and a sacred and divine one. "And it is a mission whose time has come in your World to be embraced, and acted upon, and expressed in every possible way, by all who live upon Planet Earth! And those below join in and those above join in. We are a Grand Company indeed!!!And we honor and thank you for choosing - yes, choosing - to be in this Company. And that is, most assuredly, cause for celebration! "Now I ask you to reflect upon what you feel when you bring yourselves onto this Path of Light, when you allow yourselves to open fully to receive the Love and to feel it in your beings. I am known for quiet and reflective contemplation, for meditation that goes into nothing, nowhere. And yet it is everything and everywhere! We’re connecting into that which you call Heaven. And I exult, I rejoice, I dance in my Heart with Love, even though my demeanor may seem to be more calm, serene. "Serenity is a state of being that is based in Love. Serenity is a celebration and it can be celebrated with music and other forms of enjoyment. But it is the serenity which comes from knowing that all is well everywhere in your Kingdom. It is the Peace that Passeth All Understanding, as Ashtar has said. It is a joyful feeling. And yet, it is still, because you know that when you are feeling serene - peaceful and calm - you know that you have reached a place where there is not only no fear, but there is absolute Peace throughout the entirety of your beings. And you know that nothing of this World or beyond can disturb you out of your Peace!!! "So dance - if you will - and celebrate, and bring yourselves then into the state of serenity, knowing that you have moved farther on the Path of Light, that nothing can ever be taken away from you, that nothing can harm you, that indeed all is well in your Divine Kingdoms, for you most assuredly are Divine! You are radiant, and you are beautiful beyond words in your radiance.You are sacred, as all life is sacred, and you are honored. The honor that is given to me on the occasion of my birthday is what I reflect back to you, for I honor you for choosing the Path of Light, just as I am honored for so doing. In this we share! "And so it is to celebrate by bringing in even more Love, even more Light.It is to contemplate your own Peace, your own serenity.It is to reach beyond where you have been and to invite others to do the same, for they, too, are Radiant Ones.They may not know it; they may not feel it yet.Show them the way with your Light.Reach out to them with your Love and offer to them the true Peace, the serenity, the assurance that all is well in their Kingdoms, just as it is in yours. "Thank you, most Beloved and Beautifully Radiant, Divine Ones!We Are Truly One in the Light of Love!!! And I thank you for joining in this Celebration, the Wesak Festival of Lights. And so I say unto you, from my Heart unto yours, Namaste!" *The Wesak Valley Transcription by Marta.

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