
Tuesday 14 March 2017


I had been busy, like everyone else. Many things are happening now and more are to come. Huge changes. The Old system can no longer be sustained by the in- coming Energies. You may have noticed several arrests being made in many countries but much more were never reported. Antarctica has gained a lot of attention and only very few information had leaked out. Eventually more insider news will explode out and the world will be astounded by its hidden history. It will be about an ancient civilization that are far more advanced than us.  However today is time to talk about what is going to happen on 20th March, 2017. Or plus minus 1 or 2 days.  Scientists had already noted a magnetic Pole shift, and the Schumann Resonance is an all time high. On that day, the Darkness(eg archons)  will be escorted out of our world. Humans will also be separated into only two Timelines as all other possible Timelines had collapsed. Just a few days ago, Sun Wukong, the Monkey God, had a serious battle with a very strong Dark one, with Sun Wukong rather quite bruised. You are either one of the Light or going along with the Darkness. No in betweens. Make up your minds fast. Last call, last chance. Things are happening at warp speed. Wake up to the New Matrix, the Old will be gone. It is the awakening of Consciousness and an Event maybe needed to bring this about. I Bless you All. OR NI TOR FOR.

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