
Sunday 31 July 2011


This 31st July is the start of the Taoist “Ghost Month” and lasts exactly one month and to me is the most dreaded month of the whole year. This is because for the whole month the lost spirits are allowed to roam freely the whole period and to those who are observant, will be noting the many strange things that may occur during this period. In my book ‘Esoteric Views on Health” I had written a whole chapter about my experiences and observation during this period and an extract is given below-

“She was told that she had annoyed a wandering ghost and so was taught a lesson. It was again the ghost month of the Chinese. This was getting too much, but because it involved my own nurse whom I see every day and who was under my care, it made me wonder more about this ghost month thing. The funny part was that she had these funny illnesses almost every ghost month although she was very careful about her health. In her case, I now think that she was quite vulnerable because she has an increased sixth sense and so a very easy prey to spirit influences.

Very recently, just prior to the completion of this book, I had another strange case. A distressed mother brought her 6 year old son to see me with the complaint that he kept vomiting after every attempt of food or water consumed in the last 5 days.

She had taken her son to see two different doctors who gave treatment but there was no response. I had to do something for the child and I used all my experience and knowledge to look for a possible pathology indication but found none. It was puzzling and I noticed also he had a very funny, awkward gait, which the mother denied he had prior to this complaint.

I asked the mother to take the boy to see a temple medium and indeed she took him that very day and the medium achieved what we doctors could not – he was well that very moment after some prayers and holy water. This again happened during the Ghost month and the medium told the woman not to take her son out at night during this time. I had nearly admitted him to hospital a few hours earlier.”

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