
Sunday 19 June 2011


I was anxious to start my journey to try tract down the lady Taoist Master who has gone into hiding after being very famous with her ghost busting abilities and hordes of press reporters too were looking for her. In my first attempt on my own, I failed miserably although I spent some hours looking for the so- called landmarks at the jungle fringes. It was a bad luck day too as far as the Chinese Tung Shu goes and of which I had forgotten to refer.

This time, it was different – I chose a good luck day plus I have a guide with me. In fact he was the only one who agreed to take me there from the so many I had contacted. However he will not venture into the jungle because he was scared the hell out of his wits the last time he went with some other persons. He could feel the presence of spirits in broad daylight around the path that leads to her hide out. So my guide, Mr Yeap took me as close as possible for my jeep to go and then told me to stop and go by a certain path on foot. He left immediately, wasted no time at all and I was left all alone.

I walked along the path and discovered it leads to a slope that was almost vertical and I had to slowly go down the slippery rocky out crops. Then I saw her small temple way below. It was a perfect hide out. My guide was right. I made my way carefully and said some prayers for protection. I was already perspiring so much from the hot, humid atmosphere. No sunlight could penetrate the thick jungle canopy though. Finally I got to the small temple but found no one there. It was deserted and very unkempt. Dead leaves were everywhere and thick on the floor. There were few furniture and all were so old and rickety. The walls of the temple had moss growing on certain parts. Inside the temple were 3 Taoist Deities and rather fierce-looking too. I paid respects to them. I found out that the temple was an abandoned one and thus the jungle had grown and covered it up almost and she used it as her hide out at times. I wrote a note for her and left it on the alter, hoping that she will respond and call me up. I now leave it to karma. If we are to meet, then we will. I can’t keep coming here to look for her as it is quite remote and I too felt the creeps and decided to make a quick exit.

Mission accomplished, but only 50%

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