
Tuesday 28 June 2011


I am quite sad that after taking so much time and trouble, not to mention about paying hard cash to guides that gave wrong information on her whereabouts, I was told that the lady Taoist master had rejected me completely. She sent this message via her assistant. She regard it as a waste of her time to meet me and that she rather spend the precious time helping many other people who are in trouble.
Actually I don’t blame her at all. She had been challenged by other feng shui masters and even Taoist shamans that she trusts no one now. Her secret temple had been broken into and ransacked by jealous people who want to sabotage her. The press had been hounding her and I feel that she is very reluctant of the publicity that she gets after solving a famous case that all others in her type of trade could not.
I now let the Tao just flow, if somehow we get to meet each other, it will be good because then my ability to help my patients will be COMPLETE and Holistic. You see I use my medical training to solve health issues and for certain appropriate cases, my medical feng shui know-how or energy healing methods. I suspect, in some cases, all these methods will fail and what these patients need is to be exorcised. This ability is what I am lacking and I need to refer such patients to this lady with a great good reputation. There is no hanky panky or scams and my patients will be safe in her hands. This is utmost important to me.
I had refrained from sending such patients to my other contact because the medium had to give up his mediumship due to some very complicated reasons. That is why I am looking for another. Looks like I will need to keep on searching for the time being. Excuse me, I need to meditate now.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. 3 years ago, I tried call her. The handphone was pick up by her assistant. I am in real need for her to help me but to my disbelieve, her assistant told me that they only help those who are in serious condition. How can she really know the seriousness of my case before seeing me? I think this Master Ong Q L is just looking for high profile cases to gain popularity, or else why is all her news appeared on newspaper?
